Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The most depressing domestic story of the year (Update)

Read it and weep. Half the U.S. populace (up from 36%) believes that Saddam had WMDS. I guess the recent Fox-led propaganda campaign has worked.
Seventy-two percent of respondents said the Iraqi people are better off now than under Saddam Hussein's regime -- a figure similar to that of 2004, when it stood at 76 percent. In addition, 64 percent say Saddam had "strong links" with al Qaeda, up from 62 percent in October 2004. Fifty-five percent said that "history will give the U.S. credit for bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq."
There are days when I think someone must be dumping stupidity powder into the water supply.

Update: You want more depression? Check out this AOL online poll...


Anonymous said...

finally, a wave of common sense sweeping the country. oh no, what will all you retards piss and moan about now. get a job.

Anonymous said...

Pretty depressing, but some quotes in the article -- evidently statements that respondees were asked to agree or disagree with -- are highly loaded. For example, "history will give the U.S. credit for bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq.", to which a "yes" or "no" was solicited.

Phrase the question in that way, which presupposes "we" *did* bring F&D to Iraq, and most people will say "yes". If the pollsters had asked "Did the U.S. bring freedom and democracy to Iraq" the answer might have been different. At least, let's hope so.

As for the astonishing level of misinformation believed by the American public -- what do you expect, when 90% of us reportedly believe in the corporeal presence of angels on earth? We're a nation of fools, knaves and morons.

Anonymous said...

Saddam has over fifty underground palaces, tunels, bunkers, control rooms with the latest electronic gizmos, ..hardened against even nuclear attack..designed and built by German engineers, to withstand all atomic bunker busters  There is no mention of this fact in the media only the chant No WMD's.. no WMD's..No WMD's.. as if we know one way or the other where he stored them for a reigny (no typo here he will return to power soon) day. As Iraq slides into anarchy and bloody chaos (as preplanned since Saddam and G Bush Sr. and Jr. are in the same camp, ie International Fascista), and as America is bled dry financially, morally and spiritually.. as "preplanned"), then the screams for Saddam to rescue the country will spring him. He has almost reached the hallowed state of perception where even the wild eyed left is sympathetic to him now,(Gee he even has Ramsey Clark as one of his many attorneys so he must be an OK Joe.). Perception management is now a high science and is working better and better each and every day.
You all don't really belive that story about his capture in that "rat hole" do you? Think twice or thrice if necessary. Think outside the box whether it is your computer or your TV cause that is where the true story resides..outside what you are being told.. This is pure theatre as Orwell envisioned..pure slapstick like the wrestling matches on the telly..but a bit more bloody.
You don't rteally believe that 911 was engineered by the cranky arab extremist do you?


Anonymous said...

I would not automatically give anything appearing in the Washington Times much credence unless there is substantiation elsewhere. Assume it is untrue until proven otherwise would be my rule of thumb for WT.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for throwing a post about this our way, Joseph. This news has been bringing me down all day. How can anyone believe that WMDs exist in Iraq or have ever existed there? If I drank, I'd be hitting the bottle right now. Why do we bother to try and enlighten the ignorant, fearful masses when after years of trying to counter the propaganda, this is what they respond with? Whyyyyyy?

Okay, the truth is, part of me knows that the reason this information is being distributed now isn't so much so the right can once again try to bolster its failed war policies, but to discourage the left, or at least, the anti-war. Still--Joe's right that it's extremely depressing, even if the findings of this particular survey are a little skewed. America: turn the power on.

Anonymous said...

Oh, crap. Listen, the American public is sick of the President, the Congress, the War in Iraq, the price of gas, the corruption, and all the rest of the BS.

The only real problem is holding fair elections. Because if they are fair, the Republicans will get creamed.

Take the rag away from your face. Now's not the time for your tears.

Anonymous said...

There are days when I think someone must be dumping stupidity powder into the water supply

It is called flouride!

Anonymous said...

You're missing the big picture. WMDs were found, but they were "old and degraded". Useless. But think, remember at the start of the war when theyx called those wads of duct tape drones capable of attacking the US? The Admin hyperbolizes every little thing to trump up its case, but these old WMDs are ignored. Well it turns out that those useless chemical munitions are THE Wmds because they were the very ones sold to Iraq by rumsfeld and cheney back in 88. Saddam even saved the english reciepts. So ya, there were WMDs in Iraq but just the ones our current admin sold him way back when.

Anonymous said...

What's going on here, I think maybe, is that the public is ignorant, but refuses to say 'I don't know. So they say they believe what they think they ought to believe. They are at least aware there's a war in Iraq, wherever that is, so there must be a reason for it. WMDs? I guess they wouldn't be asking if it weren't true.

Anonymous said...

Another poll, from NBC:

WASHINGTON - With congressional midterm elections less than four months away, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that candidates will be facing a public that has grown increasingly pessimistic, as nearly two-thirds don't believe life for their children's generation will be better than it has been for them, and nearly 60 percent are doubtful the Iraq war will come to a successful conclusion.

And there's more pessimism: Among those who believe the nation is headed on the wrong track, more than 80 percent say it's part of a longer-term decline.

"This is just a horrendous set of numbers," says Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican Bill McInturff. The mood is "as dank and depressing as I have seen."

Anonymous said...

"What's going on here, I think maybe, is that the public is ignorant, but refuses to say 'I don't know.' So they say they believe what they think they ought to believe."

Nice observation, Caradoc. I forgot about how ingrained the militaristic "any answer, even a wrong one, is better than uncertainty or 'indecisiveness'" ideal is in American culture, even though it's one of my pet peeves about this place. Everyone wants to be a pretend General.