Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Help a soldier

Sgt. Michael Monn, stationed at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, could use a good word placed into the right pair of ears. He seriously injured his foot in a training accident. Despite the injury, his superiors plan to ship him to Iraq. There's a quota to be met, you know...

I like the way his sister pleads on his behalf:
Michael is my only brother and means more than almost anything to me. I ask each and every one of you that are reading this to take less than 5 minutes out of your day tomorrow (Monday) and please call a congress person. You can call in your own state or in Arizona. I know that John McCain is one of my Senators and he should be sympathetic to the pleas for local soldiers, but who knows. He is kind of a douche.
If you do call McCain, ixnay on the ouche-day.

Of course, the best way we can help these soldiers is to end this stupid war.

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