Friday, June 02, 2006

Consistent Cynicism

dr. elsewhere here

No doubt you all know about Chertoff cutting DHS funds to NYC, DC, and NOLA, slashing their funds for reasons they cannot divulge for reasons of our "national security."

All the while, of course, Wyoming communities get the largest per capita protection, not to mention those towns called home by industries (read: big donors) friendly to the administration (can't locate latest data on these, but will post them when I can).

Lest we forget, there is also this very crucial theme running through the story:
These three cities have not only voted overwhelmingly and consistently against this administration since 2000, they are also all home to very high density minority populations.

Related, of course. All of it.

Purely punitive.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, and they used Enron to punk California. Same shit. Different day.

Anonymous said...

I also understand that the list of specific funding allocations per city is being withheld. I honestly don't know what distinguishes the US from any third world Banana Republic at this point.


Anonymous said...

News story that Rep. Peter King from NY-R will investigate the CIA orgies if DHS funds to NY are not restored. Big politics as usual- an earmark allows a scanel to be swept under the rug of invisability.

DrewL said...

No "terrorists" are interested in hitting Wyoming or Kentucky or Kansas. New York and D.C. are where the action is. So why would the government curtail funding to those locales? It makes no sense whatsoever.