Monday, May 15, 2006

The Specter of oversight

On Face the Nation, Senator Arlen Specter made an observation that brings to mind our previous discussion of Porter Goss and his "Goss-lings" on the Hill. Regarding the NSA revelations, Specter said:
And there really has to be in our system of law and government, checks and balance, separation of powers, congressional oversight and bob, there has been no meaningful congressional oversight on these programs.
Damn straight, Arlen. In fact, you know what I've heard? I've heard that from time to time, some congressmen have had awfully "spooky" backgrounds. For example, I've heard about this one ambitious young lawyer who, years ago, came to prominence by cooperating with a major covert operation run by a faction of the intelligence community. Seems he made some important friends. Got ahead. Became District Attorney in a major city. Ended up in the Senate. You know anything about that kind of thing, Arlen...?

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