Thursday, May 11, 2006


A new Harris poll breaches the 30% barrier. Bush gets a 29 percent approval rating!

Let's not blather about poll methodology. Let's just savor the moment.


DrewL said...

Doin' the Dubya Limbo! How LOW can he GO?!

The frightening thing is that his numbers could get so low that he may try ANYTHING to turn the tide in time for the mid-terms this fall. When you have a leader who has virtually nothing to lose, it's trouble!

Anonymous said...

instead of celebrating, I am really afraid and nervous about Bush's low poll ratings.

Why? because the BushCo regime has no intention of giving up power.

So they would rather nuke Chicago or NYC or SF and then have the entire country focused on the this disaster than on anything remotely related to why the BushCo regime is so bad for this country .

Dear God, dear higher powers, please please please I pray that no such terrible disasters, deliberate or otherwise, happen especially on US soil.

If any military folks are reading, please please please don't allow Rumsfeld/Cheney to carry out another 9/11 disaster on US soil. No more "false flag" military exercises. Thank you for defending this country without going after "liberals" as terrorists.

why do you think Gold has just hit the highest price per ounce since 1980? It is now at $700/ounce, having gone up in price nearly 40% since November. This speaks volume as to how unstable things really are here in the US.
thank you

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous 11:22. A cornered rat is unpredictable and vicious, and Bush is that rat.

At this point, so many Bush voters are finding a "reason" to abandon him. Like, "Oh, he's not being fiscally conservative." And, "He's not enforcing our borders against illegals." And, "He should be doing more about high gas prices."

But the truth is, Bush was ALWAYS like that. What's happening is that the sheeple are suddenly realizing that they are in the tiny minority, so they are just finding a rationalization for changing their allegiance. They are finding some single point on which they can pivot. And, God, there's so many such points.

The Founding Fathers had a good reason for not extending the vote to the great unwashed masses. They don't know how to think.

Anonymous said...

excuse me, unirealist, but did you not just sort of contradict yourself there?

on the one hand, we're finally seeing upwards of 70% of the population AGAINST bush, and yet you assert that folks can't think for themselves?

the founding fathers made the decision for a republic mainly because of pressure from the southern states that made the argument you quote. but they made that argument with even more cynicism than it drips of itself; they knew full well that their states would not be fully represented by population because their slaves could not vote. therefore, they were compelled to create the senate and the electoral college so that they would maintain what they believed to be equitable power.

i agree, most folks don't think, they trust, they follow. but they're not entirely idiots, and even lincoln recognized that you can't fool all of them all the time.

the demons in power now don't even get that much.

Anonymous said...


Unirealist is right, the founding fathers did set the voting system up as they did as a buffer(to prevent the type of thing that happened in Nazi Germany)... the problem isn't that people are stupid... its that they can be easily misled by demagogues that they believe they should trust.

Bring a war along, and that demagogue can push us all over the edge into a nationalistic frenzy.

Things are dangerous right now because 71% of us now know that some of the guys at the top are corrupt... criminals... and they know we now know it.

So there are three groups of people right now... those who knew this all along, those being converted, and the final third that doesn't give a rats ass that we know they are liars and shills.

People are in jail now for far less than what they're doing... by being greedy and powermad they've inadvertantly exposed the whole goddamn thing as a sham

So expect a gestapo crack down soon...

scary times indeed

Anonymous said...

Thanks, anon.

lll, it depends on how you define "think."