Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Until a few years ago, Uganda had achieved great success in the war against AIDS, due to a campaign emphasizing safe sex education and the widespread distribution of condoms. Bush changed all that. Spurred on by his fundamentalist base, the W administration replaced a successful strategy with a billion-dollar "abstinence only" anti-AIDS campaign in Africa. Result: The rate of AIDS infection in Uganda has doubled. Question: Is this simply a case of religiously-motivated bad policy, or did someone out there want to increase the number of dead Africans?


Anonymous said...

Undoubtedly just bad policy. The Republicans, for at least the last few generations, have proved themselves highly-skilled at the nasties kinds of tactics, but hopelessly incompetent when it comes to long-term strategies. Let's not ascribe to malevolence what can be easily explained by stupidity.

Anonymous said...

not just bad policy, but incredibly irresponsible and devastating policy.

simple stupidity?

or a bit of population control? perhaps a little class-manipulation to manage the masses? maintaining pharmaceutical supply and demand?

there are endless think tanks devoted to exactly these sorts of global quandries and how they will impact our economy and global control. their long-term strategies may not be the same as yours. don't underestimate their "stupidity".

Anonymous said...

The Peak Oil people tell me that population reduction is part of the neocon plan. Oil is running out, they say, and only the properly right-wing are going to have the chance to enjoy what's left. Apparently a scientist speaking at the Texas Academy of Science advocated the extermination of 90% of the world's people using the Ebola virus. Reportedly he got a standing ovation.


Peter of Lone Tree said...

"There you go again". With that "Global Cleanse 2000" business.

Joseph Cannon said...

I've looked into the thing concerning the lecture in Texas. Report tomorrow.