Thursday, April 20, 2006

Malkin revisited

Yesterday's post on Malkin caused quite a storm, and I suppose a follow-up is in order.

Contact information on letterheads and organizational materials used to be considered private. It was legal but not ethical for political opponents to publish that data. At one time, when conservativism was an honorable stance and not a cause for rabid zealotry, all sides knew not to cross that line.

That was then. Things have changed -- and the change was initiated by the right.

Toward the beginning of the current administration, Freepers published private contact information for a restaurant employee who had dared to "card" the Holy and Unassailable Bush Daughters, then underaged. The clear implication was that this individual deserved harrassment and death threats simply because she had dared to inconvenience members of the ruling dynasty.

There were similar incidents -- all from right-wing sites.

(To read the rest, click "Permalink" below)

Not long ago, the despicable Ann Coulter revealed the telephone number of Lydia Cornell, a very nice lady with young children. Lydia's household received many death threats from the Freeper Freikorps. Coulter excused her actions in now-familiar terms: Lydia Cornell had revealed her contact info in the body of a letter. In the pre-net days, that practice was considered a standard courtesy, even when political opposites corresponded. Coulter argued that Lydia's willingness to reveal her phone number was tantamount to an invitation to receive calls from any brownshirt who wished to pay the toll charges.

Coulter's message to her mob was clear: Go get 'er! Angry Ann, who considers herself a Christian, has made no secret of the fact that she wants to see a wave of physical intimidation directed against anyone who disagrees with her political stances.

Then Malkin did pretty much the same thing, and offered similar excuses. She did not remove the students' information from her site even when asked to do so.

The pattern is obvious. Coulter was not kidding when she spoke of physical intimidation. Today, it is telephonic death threats. Tomorrow, fires will be set and tires slashed. The next day -- corpses.

There's only one way to stop this pattern from asserting itself again: Fight back. We all remember Sean Connery's words of advice to Kevin Costner in The Untouchables.

After the Lydia Cornell incident, I did not publish Coulter's personal phone number (although I had it), but the Malkin offense was simply infuriating. Those students she targeted for intimidation DID recieve death threats. (By the way, those students are not "anti-troops." Malkin is the one who cares so little for the lives of our soldiers that she would have them placed in harm's way in a war of aggression.)

Furthermore, it is clear that intimidation was Malkin's sole purpose in making those phone numbers available to her reactionary readers. The fact that Malkin found the contact information on organizational materials is irrelevant; her intent is the only factor that matters.

We all know -- and Malkin surely knew -- that rightists make a habit of issuing threats of death and violence. Left-wing writers receive such messages often; right-wing writers rarely do. Why? Because people on the right are sad, sick little creatures attracted to puerile dreams of power and vengeance -- dreams which compensate for being trapped in anonymous lives in which intelligence, creativity or accomplishment play no role.

Threats give way to actual acts. Look and see: Oklahoma City, the Amtrack derailment of 1995, the killing of Matthew Shephard, the murders of Brandon Teena and Gwen Araujo, attacks on abortion clinics, the violent dictatorship planned by the Dominionists. Within an Islamic context, Al Qaeda is a right-wing movement. No matter which theory of 9/11 you prefer, nobody on the left perpetrated that ghastly conspiracy. Nobody on the left was responsible for Jenin. Nobody on the left used white phosphorous on women in Fallujah.

Right-wingers are monsters. Monsters.

If we do not fight back, we will return to the situation which prevailed in Germany in 1920s, when right-wing groups called the Freikorps -- no different in rhetorical style from the Freepers and the militia maniacs -- killed with impunity hundreds of liberals. One night, they would chant in the beer hall: "Death to Walter Rathenau, the godforsaken Jewish sow!" The next night, Rathenau -- a true German patriot -- was murdered. On a later date, the anti-Hitler writer Fritz Gerlich went missing. His wife answered a knock on the door late one night, as a brownshirted thug handed over her husband's eyeglasses. Message delivered.

Over 400 murders of that sort took place in the warm-up to Hitler's takeover.

I predict that this history may repeat itself after a new terror incident. We cannot allow the people who have ruined this country to continue to call us traitors, as they do routinely. They are the ones who have spent our national treasury, indebted us to Arabs and the communist Chinese, sullied our name internationally, lurched our society toward theocracy and initiated a war to steal oil. They are the traitors.

We must break the pattern of intimidation now by standing up to these monsters. Remember, bullies are cowards.

Predictably, they will retreat to what I call the "false underdog" position. Malkin has already issued an "I will not be intimidated" statement, even though she clearly was the one who first decided to use intimidation as a tactic. Let her spew. I don't think she will ever repeat this vile trick. As Connery said in that movie: Thus endeth the lesson.

A young independent British film-maker named Kevin Brownlow once produced (in the 1960s) a film called It Happened Here, which posits what the U.K. might have looked like if Germany won the war. At the end, the protagonist joins the underground. He balks at some of the resistance tactics under discussion. "Won't this make us as bad as them?" he asks.

"Of course it does," answers the leader of the underground. "The appalling thing about Fascism is that it forces you to adopt fascist means to combat it."

I despised that sentiment when I first saw the film, more than twenty years ago. Now, I've reluctantly come to agree.


Anonymous said...

Looks like I live within 30 minutes of Malkin. Anyone have any suggestions for feet on the ground?
Legal that is.

Miss P.

Anonymous said...

The flaming bag of dogshit on the doorstep is always nice, Or a sign in their yard that says "Fascist Lives Here!"

Anonymous said...

Excellent post. Malkin, Hannity, Coulter, and their ilk are the direct descendents of Goebbels - they are all evil, fascist tools.

Anonymous said...

actually the information posted about Malkin turned out to be incorrect.

Anonymous said...

Incorrect? Dream on. She posted her own address on her mailing list.

Regarding how this all started, Michelle Malkin went to a cached page, took a screenshot, and posted the image on her site because didn't like the politics of the people. It's not her place to justify the disclosing of this information because she deemed that they were terrorizing people. That's an issue for the Santa Cruz police department to deal with, not her own brand of vigilante justice.

As for her own personal details - Malkin included that on her own e-mail list and that's how it went public. She launched her personal information about herself BY herself.

And the anti-racist One People's Project website promptly released her new details.

Someone took it a step further and used and yahoo maps to do a Graphic.

Payback's a bitch eh' Malkin?

Her refusal to remove these kids contact information was not from conviction, but from revenue. Every journalist in the world knows that contact information on a press release is for journalists to call for more information or interviews, not to be published (or even pointed out) in the publication itself. If she were any kind of ethical person she would have pulled the information when asked.

If she were something resembling a human being with "feelings", she would not have republished the information once the students themselves removed it. Michelle is a vicious, vindictive, venomous egoist with no discernible ethics nor even a shred of human decency. If she wants to be The Minority Woman Who Believes Minorities and Women Suck, that's her right. But she should at least have the integrity to acknowledge that she has done wrong and to stop compounding the wrong. And she should not give us that disingenuous crap about how she doesn't condone death threats and nobody should misuse her posting and reposting of personal information.

Anonymous said...

Hide behind anything you want to hide behind. Relaying public information is completely different than digging up personal contact information with the explicit intention of having that person threatened. You talk about conservatives being trash, but the stunt you pulled is what a real piece of dogshit would do. I know you're not ashamed, that would require a conscience. But I promise you that Michelle Malkin will not dig up your personal info or that of anyone else who just leveled this attack at her, and post it on the internet. If those students at UC Santa Communist didn't want to be held accountable for their disgusting actions then they should not have put their info on the press release in the first place. Also, it was not a "Header" as you describe in your post. It was a PRESS RELEASE. A document specifically drafted to be RELEASED TO THE PRESS. I am a blogger on here but in keeping with the left's desire to hide their identities (and to avoid you posting my real info on here) I will be posting this anonymously.

Anonymous said...

anon 133, you clearly do not grasp the concept here. IF malkin were a real journalist, she would know better than to share private contact info from a press release with the public. as has been stated here and copious other places, this is journalistic ethics 101. again, that is CONTACT info intended only for the journalist, NOT for the public. what has transpired since malkin did just that is the main reason why it is an ethical rule.

but as joe and dr. elsewhere have expressed here, people who feel they have the right to invade privacies such as this, condemn folks to mass death threats by judging others, vigilante style, is increasingly the monopolized domain of the far rightwingnuts.

and then these nuts have the audacity and ignorance to call themselves christian when they don't even deserve to call themselves religious, or even decent.

the bottom line is that you wish others harm, and you don't care to protect others from harm if they don't agree with you. in fact, you expressly wish harm upon those who disagree with you.

yeah, that's real christian, and just REAL american.


Anonymous said...

May I suggest that right-wingers use posted phone numbers to deliver death threats and left-wingers use them to call and be annoying? May I suggest that those two tactics are not identical?

When I get very angry about the lives lost due to the Bush administation I initially feel vindictive and want to reconsider my staunch anti-death penalty stance. Then I remember that we could just bring back the stocks in the public square and I feel a lot better.

There are always alternatives.

-Paula Bushkoff

Anonymous said...

hahaha - flaming bag of dogshit - that's funny. but yuck.

Say, does she have kids in school? Wonder how she'd feel if all the other kids in their school knew what she had done. What would their opinions be and would they voice them to her kids?

Miss P.

Anonymous said...

"I am now forced to remove one of my children from school and move my family," Malkin wrote Thursday in an e-mail to the Sentinel.

Anonymous said...

"I am now forced to remove one of my children from school and move my family,"

Honestly, sorry for her kids, but good for her. I hope she learned a lesson.
Although, maybe not, cause she doesn't seem to be very bright. Remember that in her initial response on the outroar she told her readers about all those death threads she receives regularly? And yet, in spite of this experience, she chose to expose those kids to the very same treatment. Despite the fact that those recruitment protesters most probably never send a death thread to her. What kind of ethics is that? And what kind of intelligence, since she had to take into account that there could be a retaliation? She's such a dumb bitch.

Imho it's perfectly ok that Cannonfire posted her address. Retaliation isn't only ok, it's necessary to force the other side to play by some basic rules. This is called "Tit for Tat Strategy" (hehe), just check John von Neumann's game theory.
Good job, Joseph!

Anonymous said...

Paula - If you are trying to say that liberals only call to be annoying and conservatives make death threats than your head is too far up your ass to think past your next turd. Take off the rose-colored glasses and realize that both sides of the politcal aisle have nutjobs associated with them that make death threats. The difference in this particular instance is that Malkin circulated a pre-released document so that people who disagreed with the actors could tell them about it. After these people were threatened liberal activists dug up Malkin's information for the explicit purpose of having her threatened as well. Go ahead deny it. (I do applaud this blog however on keeping posts from both conservative and liberal bloggers up for all to read instead of hiding them)

Anonymous said...

"The difference in this particular instance is that Malkin circulated a pre-released document so that people who disagreed with the actors could tell them about it."

'anyonymous', mean Michelle knew perfectly well what would happen when she published that contact info on her site as part of an article in which she put fuel inot the fire. So she has no standing in complaining that the same thing happend to her in return. "An eye for an eye". I guess you have read that rule somewhere!