Thursday, April 20, 2006


A correspondent suggests that cyber-pundits ought to replace the phrase "the Bush administration" with "BITLER" -- an acronym for "Bush's Imperialist, Totalitarian, Lawless Evil Regime." The same correspondent offers this top ten list:
Q. What are the Top 10 differences between Hitler and GW Bush?

10) Hitler had a snappy brown suit.
9) Hitler could probably pronounce "nuclear."
8) George has had no luck growing 'that little mustache.'
7) Hitler once wrote a book; George has never even read one. (No, "My Pet Goat" does NOT count!)
6) Goering was never known to have personally shot an old guy in the face.
5) Germany didn't have nuclear weapons...the U.S. does. (Uh-Oh!)
4) Hitler said, "Life does not forgive weakness," which isn't quite as pithy as George's "Don't Mess With Texas!"
3) Hitler actually served in his nation's military.
2) Hitler has been described as having had "charisma."

And the #1 difference between Hitler and GW Bush aka "Bitler"...
1). Hitler was elected.
I would add a few points.

In contrast to Bush, Hitler had a genuine southern accent. (I've been told that many Germans view that sort of Austrian accent the way an American yankee might view a upper-class "plantation owner" southern accent. You know the kind: "An honuh tuh make yuh acquaintance, suh!")

Hitler's wore black boots with his beige Corporal's uniform. Not so snappy if you ask me.

Hitler actually had a rather sizable library, which now rests somewhere in the catacombs of the Library of Congress. However, he bragged that he rarely read an entire book, start to finish; he just skimmed for the parts that he considered important.

If Bush had heeded that lesson, he wouldn't have sat there for seven long minutes. He would have flipped the pages until he found out what happened to that goat.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it a bit early for Godwin's Law to rear up its head?

Anonymous said...

Joseph, thanks for describing the tag team similarities between Bush and Hitler. Actually Hitler comes out as a pretty good citizen compared to our current culprit ensconced in the White House, draped and shrouded in black.
Another similarity is that Hitler invented the term New World Order that George Senior parroted and his imbecile son perpetuates ruthlessly..good boy.
Then there is the parallel pretense of muttering and mumbling christian slogans to scratch the "itchy ears" (as Jesus once described them), of those desperate church goers who worship and idolize the rich and powerful priests, pundits,and politicians of this fallen world.
Let's not forget the desire for warm blood that all vampires hunger for as they slash and burn to their black hearts content. One infernal inferno after another..bon fires galore, mounting more and more, until the majestic mushroom cloud at the finale and Babylon slouches towards Jerusalem, as the inscrutable sphinx looks on.

Joseph Cannon said...

ferry fey, as the Republican party and the fundamentalists slide this country inch by inch toward a new version of fascism, we will be forced to describe the situation using appropriate terms. And SCREW Godwin's law.

Jack Steiner said...

This is idiotic. Any comparison to Hitler is completely off base and just stupid.

There is no comparison. All it does is make the person doing so look foolish.

Anonymous said...

Hitler actually served in a war.

Anonymous said...

Hitler actually served in a war...

Anonymous said...

Use Mussolini... its fascism W is practicing... and its even more scary......

Anonymous said...

Hitler once wrote a book; George has never even read one

That's not true. George has read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" which remains his favorite book to this day (frighteningly enough, this is true).

Joseph Cannon said...

Jack's Shack, your comment forces me to bring up a minor point...or maybe NOT so minor. At any rate, it's a little factoid I have to mention every so often.

You CAN compare Bush to Hitler.

You can also compare apples to oranges. You can compare Joan of Arc to a malfunctioning refrigerator. You can compare a can of Dr. Pepper to the Pythogorean theorum.

You can compare anything to anything else, no matter how alike or unalike those two things may be, and you may do so for whatever reason seems good to you.

Would it KILL people to look up the meaning of the word "compare" in the dictionary?