Thursday, February 09, 2006


In light of Joe's most recent post, and the odd nerve gas scare from last night, it does seem pertinent to consider just what the evil ones are up to - besides no good - and how they might pull it off.

Though all the deja vu signs are there for pre-Iran from pre-Iraq, it does not seem likely the identical route will be taken, or even could be. The UN will be tricky, and Congress is not as compliant as it was then.

What made Iraq possible was 9/11. Cheney's directive from last year, originally posted by Joe as "The Most Important Story of Our Time," was for the Air Force to have a nuke-dropping plan in place as a response to an attack on the US.

I'm of the humble opinion that the more we speculate, the less they can rely on the surprise element.

Let's speculate wildly here; don't hold back.

dr. elsewhere


Jenius said...

Mmkay...We mount a massive bombing campaign in Iran, with little significant resistance. After we've spread freedom to Tehran and expended a few hundred billion more, China sez, "Hey, quit pickin on our #1 supplier, bitch!" They call in their notes, US interest rates rise 2.5% overnight. Markets crash, dollar becomes dogshit, oil moves over to the Euro standard.

And then China takes Taiwan (with quiet help from Russia). We're tied up in 3 countries on the other side of the planet and we ain't got none moneys.

And thus, WW3 is won by China without firing a shot. It takes a full generation to climb out of the rubble of GOP control.

Anonymous said...

I realize this is off topic and going to annoy people because it has little or nothing to do with Iran, but I haven't seen it addressed on Cannonfire, so:

Anonymous said...

Hey folks, just who do you think is being spied on by Bush? It ain't you and me, it's those who oppose Bush and could potentially affect the success of the next big "BOOM". Blackmail will keep them in their place in the unlikely event of someone trying to mutiny.

Just what the event will be, that is difficult to figure out. It has to have maximum psychic impact,has to be visually stupendous to play well on TV, but blowing up another building, well, that's been done.

Biowarfare doesn't seem to work so well, and even though they have killed off the majority of the top notch microbiologists, I don't see a bio attack happening next.That's for later.

I think you have to go with the small nuke in a populous, yet non-vital city, say, oh, Vegas.
Spectacular, yet doesn't shut the country down entirely.

I'm taking the day off on June 6, just to be safe.

(6/6/6 seems like an ominous date)

Anonymous said...

about that "nerve gas" scare the other night... the one that originated in the attic... late at night. what kind of nerve gas was it? hmmm... haven't heard the details yet, but really it sounds like somebody must've gone upstairs for a little rooftop smoke (the recreational kind)...