Friday, February 10, 2006


Briefly, a reader commented below on Brownie's testimony today, and I thought I'd put in my 2 cents' worth on that issue (more on the speculations of our fate later on; keep 'em coming).

If any of you read any of the emails that went between this dope and his staff, you'll get a pretty good sense of the stunningly clueless shallowness of this guy. The way he got his FEMA job indicates he was not directly in the Bush loop (though so IN that crazy crony loop-de-loop, it's clearly not the least bit funny), just one of the tag-alongs.

But this is where their refusal to take responsibility - both before and after tragedies - comes back to slap them in the butt. Or face, take your pick. The really pathetic aspect here is that Brownie exemplifies this pathology to its logical hilt. Right down to his hoping they'll offer him not only legal protection, but financial coverage.

Hopefully someone with more visibility than I will make this connection. Brownie is Bush run completely amok, without even the politically motivated constraints of Rove, or the evil power agenda of Dick, to control him.

Brownie is Bush had all the real powers that be not swept him up into the TX and US political scene.

Again, compare this notion with the AWOL issues, etc.

For good coverage of today's testimony, visit C-SPAN, rawstory or crooksandliars for direct links to video.

dr. elsewhere

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