Monday, February 13, 2006


Well, it does look like Dick Cheney's stars are just a tad outa line about now. Not only has he put an old (in both senses of the term) friend in the ICU (what can it mean to shoot a pal in the FACE??), but it now appears that Valerie Plame's beat was not just WMDs, but IRAN!

Such timing, eh? Here they are, trying so hard to get this new pre-emptive war off the ground (so to speak), and he pulls an Elmer Fudd.

As an old friend of mine opined, "Isn't there something painfully ironic about Dick "Dick" Cheney shooting from the hip, hitting the wrong target, resulting in the spilling of innocent American blood?"

To make matters even worse - maybe even worse than blaming poor old Whittington! - (NOT better, Dick, NOT better), the VP has evidently refused to cooperate with the local sheriff in the shooting's investigation.

Of course, this imperious "above the law" attitude is just so Dick! But one cannot help but wonder just how all those federal and Supreme Court judges (scroll to end) he touted as the "greatest accomplishments" of this administration will help him in that podunk little Texas town.

oh, woops, forgot; he owns Texas, too.

Well, anyway. it will nevertheless be quite entertaining to watch him slime out of this one. meanwhile, it's pretty entertaining to watch Scottie sweat his way through a surprisingly aggressive WH press corps!

Folks, if the stakes weren't so damn high, this would be more fun than the Keystone Cops. I often have my own private little fun by imagining how history will write these bozos, Shakespeare style. Just my way of enjoying their inevitable demise, schadenfreude style.

dr. elsewhere


Peter of Lone Tree said...

The "Funeralgate" aspect of the incident is discussed over at Rigorous Intuition

Anonymous said...

ah, peter, thanks for that link! Bush being forced to testify in that case - and likely several others! - is pretty intriguing.

but that article is from january 01, so whatever happened to that case? does anyone know?

what we do know is that sci, that company in funeralgate, was given the body bagging contract after katrina, even when a national foundation had rounded up ample numbers of volunteers to do the work.

this is such a bizarre event....

Anonymous said...

Elmer Fudd. More like Aaron Burr.

Seriously? This is bizarre. And I should be happier about it, 'cause, the schaden and all, but unfortunately, I think this is just one more piece of insanity that will get swept under the rug.

Anonymous said...

The Lonely Hunter or from now on the VP hunts alone...
In the midst of all the good natured and well deserved heat that our beloved Veep is being subjected to this week, this report actually seems to have some serious things to say about the Cheney hunting mishap on Saturday last:
This story appears credible and evidences Cheney's apparent culpability for, at the very least, a serious lapse in judgment. It is also unfortunate that the local sheriff was, according to some unconfirmed reports, not allowed to make an assessment of Cheney’s blood/alcohol level - probably in the interests of national security. Assuming the validity of this critique, I really wonder if there is even the tiniest aspect of the lives of our benighted rulers that is above reproach. It would seem that these guys not only have a total disregard for the letter of the law, but also possess a pathological inability to allow any glimmer of good sense or human decency to penetrate into even the smallest acts of their daily lives.
I'm sure glad I don't have to live or work near these clowns!
Bob Boldt

Anonymous said...

heck, THIS is betteer than Laura Bush killing her ex boyfriend by running him over....and of course, never being charged.