Monday, February 13, 2006

Clint Curtis to run against Tom Feeney

This is one for the "poetice justice" bin. If you have not followed Brad Friedman's stellar coverage of the Florida election fiascos, '00 & '04, then you may want to take advantage of some of the background info provided by Brad within this post. Bottom line, Curtis - a whistle-blower - is running against Feeney - the criminal Congressman he blew the whistle against. Though a lifelong Republican, Curtis will be running as a "conservative" Democrat.

So, given Curtis' accusations and his passing a lie-detector test AND his exposure of some very weird spying, this should get very intereshtink...

dr. elsewhere

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I sure hope poor Mr. Curtis doesn't get depressed and do himself in like the poor investigator who was looking into Curtis' allegations there in Florida.