Thursday, December 01, 2005


Sometimes the simplest games are downright addictive. And sometimes they are also downright hilarious. Check out the "Give Bush a Brain" game, and see if you can beat my score of six brains. A perfect score may end the war.

And... Remember our discussion of the fear-mongering Republican kids' book Help! There are Liberals Under My Bed!? Looks like the Dems have an answer: Why Mommy is a Democrat. No paranoia; just niceness.

I believe children should be kept paranoia-free until the age of ten. That's when you should hand 'em a copy of my upcoming book for young readers, Mystery of the Grassy Knoll...

1 comment:

Political Vandal said...

I got a perfect score. Took me four tries though. At the conclusion of the game, all it said was something about Bush having a difficult time describing that performance.

Joseph, I love you.