Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Pilate asked the question; Rush has the answer

Hear that sizzling sound? No, it's not bacon. It's Rush Limbaugh's brain cells, a-frying away in the Crisco. On the same day that Bush's approval numbers sank to 35% -- a figure startling even to me -- Rush had the audacity to place his latest offering beneath this headline:

"Doomed Democrats Live in Alternative Reality"

That's not just funny. It's Basil-Fawlty-meets-the-Germans funny.

Oh, but it gets better. Here's the opening:
The funniest thing about this yesterday -- and there are a lot of funny things, it's hard to pick -- the funniest thing is the Democrat kook internet reaction. They thought this was going to result in Bush getting impeached. They actually thought that the Democrats, Dingy Harry invoking Rule 21 and shutting down the Senate, going into closed session, was finally what they've been asking for all along. So much is clear; so much is obvious.
Clear? Obvious?

I suppose Rush would classify me as a "Democrat kook." Did you see any hint on these pages that I thought Harry Reid's action would get Bush impeached? Did you see that statement made by any other blogger?

There may be some left-wing writer somewhere who offered a silly response to Reid, but I doubt it. We applauded his move because he showed that a Democrat can have sizable spheroids, and because we want Roberts to spit out the truth. No sensible person expects impeachment until the voters shake up Congress.

Limbaugh heard Democrats saying things that no Democrat actually said. And yet this buffoon accuses us of living in an alternate reality!

Brad Friedman pays special attention to another Rush gem:
LIMBAUGH: He said two things in that press conference that will stand out above anything else that I hear about it. He said, "Despite all of our investigation, we did not find any evidence of the outing of a covert agent," so it means that our investigation turned up nothing, so we decided to turn up a crime as part of our investigation, so they've got this crime of Libby covering up a non-crime.
The statement is a lie, as Brad details at some length. I see no reason to repeat those details; everyone who heard Fitzgerald's press conference knows that he made no such statement. Rush has offered neither an accurate quote nor a reasonable paraphrase.

Apparently this smacked-out sod hears only what he wants to hear. Well, it's nice to know that he can hear something.


Anonymous said...

"[S]izable spheroids" is an awesome euphamism and you may consider it stolen.

Joy Tomme said...

My take on Limbaugh is that he is only out to get reactions.

I'm not sure he believes in anything, but whatever his beliefs may be, they have nothing to do with what we see and hear from him.

His currency is outrage. He will say and do anything to ramp up outrage. He's a junky on many levels, but one of them is his spotlight jones.

Ann Coulter is another one.

That insight (and Lord knows, I may be wrong) does not mean they are not public menaces. It just means they are public menaces because they are psychopaths, not because of their political beliefs.

Joy Tomme