Saturday, November 12, 2005

Not so intelligent design

Today I ran into this photo of Bush giving a Veteran's Day speech.

Others (including the Washington Post) have done a fine job of pointing out the lies and omissions of W's latest propaganda blitz. Suffice it to say, fewer people are drinking the kool-aide.

But there was something about this photo that caught my attention. Y'see, I've done some package design work in my time, so my eye went directly to that "Strategy for Victory" poster in the background. The graphics looked awfully familiar.

The type style. The very close view of a waving American flag. The muted reds. The blue that leans toward a faded lavender...

Where had I see this before?

Oh yeah. Right. That's where.

George, don't you think it's time for a new look?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha! What new look with an IQ of imbecile?
