Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Frist, do no harm (UPDATED)

In my earlier post about Bill Frist's outrageous response to Reid's tactic, I didn't mention his most bizarre statement. After Frist spent a few minutes sputtering like an enraged Porky Pig, a journalist responded: "I don't remember you being so exercised over something before."

Dr. Frist's response: "You've never seen me in heart surgery."

A source tells me that Frist once scrawled the words "The Jewes are the men who will not be blamed for nothing" on an operating room wall. I have not confirmed that report.


Milo Johnson said...

Dear Boss,

My knife's so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away if I get a chance. Good Luck.

Bill "CatRipper" Frist

Effwit said...

Frist's comment was simply his reflexive "I am a heart surgeon" (i.e. better than you) statement he comes out with in any tight situation. I have seen him do it many a time.
He is so full of himself that he doesn't realize how inappropriate it was in this instance.