Thursday, August 04, 2005

Novak goes nuts!

Looks like the pressure finally got to him. (See also here.) And here, I thought Nixon -- or maybe Robert McFarland -- was the last Republican schemer to demonstrate something other than a superhuman degree of sang froid. Was his bizarre (and arguably illegal) outburst prompted by the lingering ghost of conscience? Or does Novak simply dread his future fate?


Anonymous said...

Novak is nuts! He attacked a Democratic supporter during the New Hampshire primary. This was a fairly large guy he rushed and shoved over...just out of nowhere.

Why is it that Novak's contract is continued after he betrays his country by outing an ultra high level CIA agent, but discontinued when he says "bull shit" and walks off the set, actions of no consequence to just about anyone?

Why does CNN hate America?

autorank of DU

Anonymous said...

the Novak "outburst" was staged to remove him from the limelight, he was the butt of too many, well desrved, scurillous and he fugured out a prank to eliminate the idiot quickly and effortlessly.