Friday, August 05, 2005

Rove-gate: Did Shedd spread?

David Corn has found what may be an interesting new wrinkle in the case against Rove. Corn has had contact with (and once made oblique reference to) one David Shedd, a one-time CIA officer who did a stint at the National Security Council. Shedd, muses Corn, might well have been the fellow who breathed the words "Plame" and "CIA" in the same sentence, within earshot of Karl Rove. Or within earshot of someone who was later within earshot of Rove.

The concernancy (as Hamlet might have put it) is this: Proving that the info came from Shedd would also give the lie to the line that will almost certainly be used in Rove's defense: That he did not know Plame/Wilson was an undercover officer.

By the way, didja ever notice the dichotomy? On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Republicans try to claim that everyone knew Mrs. Wilson was CIA. Hey, it was no big secret! But on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, Republicans try to tell us that Karl had no idea -- none at all -- that Plame worked undercover.

You can't have it both ways...


Barry Schwartz said...

Right, of course, that's why they have it either way on alternate days.

Barry Schwartz said...
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