Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Damn RIGHT I blame Bush!

The Lone Star Times of Texas begins its latest pile of tripe with the following words:

You know the Left is cracking up when natural disasters bring out the politics in them instead of concern for their fellow man.
That's what those right-wing bastards want, isn't it? Now that their Fearless Leader has well and truly loused up, they want the left to play it nice. They want us not to politicize this disaster, even though W politicized 9/11 shamelessly.

Well, screw that.

Bush is at fault, and we must remind the world of this fact relentlessly.

If the conservative pundits take offense at that message, good. That just means they're worried that our words will have an impact.

As noted two posts below, Bush ignored global warming, which caused the temperature of the sea's surface in the Gulf of Mexico to rise. The Lone Star Times responds to this undeniable fact of history thus:

What about the great Galveston hurricane of 1900, which killed about 6,000 people out of the population of 37,000 and devastated the city? Were we emitting tons of carbon dioxide back then...?
Well, actually, yeah, though not nearly to the current degree. But that is not the issue.

The issue is this: Scientists agree that the global warming made the Gulf of Mexico measurably hotter this past year than it otherwise would have been. This is a fact which even the most Jesus-addled red state fantasy-prone dunderhead cannot ignore.

And that rise in temperature transformed what should have been a manageable hurricane into an ultra-catastrophe that makes the tragedy of Galveston look pleasant by comparison.

(Yes, I've seen pictures of what occurred in that town way back when. The current disaster hit much harder and wider.)

Global warming is real. Yet our brethren in the scarlet zones refused to acknowledge that fact. They voted for a president who preferred fantasy to fact.

Now they come, hands outstretched, to their more prosperous blue state cousins. Not only do they dare to ask us for further handouts, they actually have the audacity to lecture us about our politics.

We Californians and New Yorkers already pay far more to the federal government than we receive -- unlike the folks in Texas and Alabama and Louisiana, who take and take and TAKE. And then they take some more -- even as they lecture us about spending. What sheer gall!

Now those mother- (and sister- and brother-) fucking red state LEECHES want Californians to open their wallets even wider. Those Bush-loving Darwin-hating quasi-retarded brutishly-primitive hillbillies want us to fork over more of our hard-earned money in order to get them out of a deadly fix they brought upon themselves.

Newsflash, y'all: If you want money from us blue-staters, you're also going to have to listen to our words. That's the price.

No, we will not listen to anything you have to say in response. You are leeches. Leeches do not have the right to a response.

You want us to give you a hand-out? Fine, we'll give it to you -- but ONLY if you sit still, hold your bloody tongues (bite 'em until they bleed, if you have to) and let a much-deserved lecture sink in.

No lecture, no hand-out. It's that simple. You have to pay the price; otherwise, get the money from Jesus.

The lecture comes down to this: BUSH CAUSED THIS DISASTER.

And YOU caused this disaster, you southern soft-heads, because you voted for that ape.

Bush caused this disaster by ignoring global warming. He caused it by listening to quack pseudoscientists instead of real scientists.

Bush caused this disaster by un-funding SELA, a program designed to keep levees at proper strength in New Orleans. A simple fact of history: New Orleans -- the one major city in the south with culture and style -- was obliterated by Bush's refusal to fund hurricane and flood protection measures. Unforgivable!

Bush caused this disaster by squashing FEMA. Money was diverted from that agency to Iraq, leaving our emergency services impotent.

Bush caused this disaster by transferring the National Guard to Iraq, where they serve only one purpose: THEFT. Instead of protecting American citizens, our troops now protect Haliburton and other companies, who are carrying out their evil plan to buy up everything worth buying in that country. The money is being siphoned out of Iraq and into the pockets of Cheney, Bush and their greedy cronies.

Bush caused this easily-forecast disaster by not having troops on hand to evacuate citizens.

Bush caused this catastrophe by fiddling -- or GIT-tarring -- while New Orleans drowned.

That's the message you need to hear, you barbaric, Jesus-addled, Limbaugh-tomized red-state hicks.

And you will sit there and listen to it and say NOTHING in response. We blue-staters are sick to death of your arrogant lies and smears and fake science and supernaturalistic yawpings and ludicrous self-deceits.

You literally cannot continue to exist unless we blue-staters give you money. The situation is that simple. You have been leeching off of us for years, and now you depend on our charity for your very lives.

So if you Jesusmaniac simpletons really want that cash, you will just sit there and SHUT UP and not say ONE DAMN WORD in your defense.


You don't like that message? Then don't take our money!

If I read ONE MORE article in which a science-hating red state pundit attacks progressives, I'm going to take the money I was going to donate to disaster relief and spend it on a nice Thai meal. And I'm going to suggest that all other progressives do likewise.


As Shakespeare said, you did make love to this employment. You inflicted your fate on yourselves -- by inflicting Bush upon the world.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Joseph! That's pretty wild - BUT I love the call to not let ourselves be shut up by any criticism by know-nothings. To that I say NEVER AGAIN!

As for the relief effort. I don't have the stats, but I'll bet the poor folks left behind in New Orleans didn't actually vote for Bush even if Louisiana did. There we have to have compassion.

But never, ever give know-nothing criticism any response ever again. Hoorah for that!!!!!

Barry Schwartz said...

Some have been calling this a slow-motion version of the worst-case scenario for New Orleans. That just shows how out of touch people are -- and it is part of the business of government to ensure that people are in touch. New Orleans got hit by the weaker side of a weakened storm. If the worst part of a strong Category 5 storm had hit New Orleans, we might now be discussing toppled skyscrapers. The homes that are flooded now would instead have been made non-existent and then flooded. There would not be more than a few survivors -- except maybe those in the Superdome, I don't know about that.

And this is just the beginning. The Global Warming is going to accelerate much more quickly than had been expected, now that the Siberian tundra is thawing and will release gases that are much more heat-trapping than carbon dioxide. Most likely we are near the beginning of a run-away Global Warming. This storm is just the beginning -- it will get much worse.

I am glad I was born long enough ago to perhaps live a full life before it gets too awful on this planet.

This is the most important story of our time.

Anonymous said...

hey, folks, we all know this is a global warming scenario.

but check it out; other stuff, other predicted and predictable stuff is going to get really REALLY bad really REALLY fast, like NOW.

evidently the entire american gulf oil industry is in ruins:

gas is disappearing, the carolinas are running out, west virginia has no gas for its police forces, and what there is available is being gouged as prices go through the roof, $6 a gallon in atlanta. several airports, including atlanta, are considering closing because there is no jet fuel.

consider what this means. our largest homeland source for oil is utterly destroyed. it will likely take years for it to recover. meanwhile, no oil, no gas. no gas, no trucks. no trucks, no food. no plastic bags. no cd's. no nikes. no heat. no toilet paper, for chrissake!

no heat, no toilet paper, no jobs, no stock market, no economy. china - who has just entered into a financial pact with russia - can now just move in.

oh. and no oil, not much ability to move all those tanks and fighter jets and humvees, even if they are in iraq where the 'insurgents' seem to be in control of oil destruction.

my friends, i do believe we may well have witnessed the proverbial tipping point.

and - we can only hope, dare i say pray - that the best part of it all will be watching bush and his mafia placed on a chain gang. at an oil rig, preferrably.

masters of disasters. indeed. a tragedy most definitely worthy of shakespeare.

or would he find it just too stupid to be tragic?

an aside to joe: i agree with every single word you are ranting, but i beg of you to calm down and focus. first of all, what a total waste of perfectly good energy. you are too valuable to be getting yourself all in knots over these idiots. plus, the more angry you get at them, the more resistant they'll be to hearing what needs to be said.

that being said, i have to admit that in all my efforts to reason with some of these folks (and being from the south, i know far to many), i have yet to land on the magic trick that gets their attention.

but this situation may well be 'it'. they don't have a clue what is about to hit them. and it will hit them where they will really hurt, in their precious pockets.

this could be, tragic and pathetic as it is, the perfect 2X4 upside they haids.

sad thing is, though they might get some parts of that message, like bush set this all up for you, they won't get the one that really matters, which is that there is a very important way to be in this world that allows folks to live and supports others, and yourself. being selfish ultimately serves no one.

but hey, one lesson at a time.

sorry this is so long, but geez, could there be more stuff going on? i fear the answer is yes.

Anonymous said...

Goddammit, Joseph, get a motherfucking grip: the people who are drowning and dying are the POOR, not the Bushies who hopped into their luxury vehicles and skedaddled, for fuck's fucking sake.

Apology accepted in advance.

Anonymous said...

Well, you're about 90% right. I'm a blue guy in a very blue area of a red state. I like everything except the red - blue stuff. After all, you guys elected a neo-Nazi wannabe who loves steroids and talks too much about oral sex. CA also chose to blame Davis instead of ENRON. It was just a bunch of cry-baby crap resulting in the defeat of a real governor and the election of a clown. The saviors of California are the Nurses, Teachers, and Public Safety personnel.

We are a limited, arrogant, flabby nation of functionial (barely) narcissists. It will always be the minority who carry the majority.

I say blame Bush, blame those who voted for him, but don't blame georgraphic entities...It's like a war on a word, not sensible.


Anonymous said...

worth reading

Anonymous said...

Joe, that was superb.

The Red States have brought much of this grief on themselves and while I sympathize with them, my sympathy can only go so far. I'm glad I'm not the only one who can regret the passing of another human being who died by misadventure and still have contempt for their stupidity.

Louisiana shot itself in the foot and hit the rest of the country with the ricochet. Now, after installing the criminally-negligent GOP in power, its people expect to be bailed out. Okay, but the bail-out should require re-location to other states and the abandonment of Louisiana. Other ports can pick up the import-export slack from now on.

Anonymous said...

I'm cross-posting the item below from the comments to your previous Katrina item. Seems like the Right for once has it right: this is bringing out the worst in some of us lefties. That's just letting them play us as subs in their little game of ball, instead of us playing our own reality-based game.


Hey, I'm not one to sermonize, but they're still people. Human beings -- bringing out the humanist and humanitarian in each of us, no?
Reacting with inhumane feelings just puts us on a par with the right. Being blackhearted ourselves doesn't help. Naive of me, maybe, but I feel compassion and, just now, not inclined to blame the victims -- that old rightist trick.
I agree, however, with everything you say about the causes of disaster, the economics involved, and especially about Bushboy.
I could NOT BELIEVE the Bush soundbites; he was so obviously struggling not to grin, thoroughly enjoying himself. The dirty little bastard is a sociopath through and through, and has not ONE genuine human feeling.
(Well yes, I could believe them, actually; I've known what kind of lab rat this guy was from day one. Still it's appalling to see it played out afresh on top of a great human tragedy.)
That's the kind of culture war we're in. But we don't win it by becoming unfeeling ourselves.
I just wish this disaster would make the people of the Gulf Coast begin to feel some gratitude for the government assistance they profess to despise.
Too much, though, I guess, to wish it would make the Christian righties among them question their conception of God.

Anonymous said...

Dear Arrogant Leftist:

Hello, I am an Arrogant Leftist, too! I find myself in agreement with part of what you said, however, I don't let my heart's most errant feelings control of my head, and that's why I'm going to end up making a difference instead of digging a hole.

First off, they're human. They can hate abortion, Muslims, and gays and it doesn't bother me, because they're drowning and I love them regardless. They can say whatever they want, and at this point I'll still give them what they need, its what humans do. We don't attach petty statements to our gifts.

Second, by ranting about how the USA's current administration brougth this onto us via global warming is just going to get your entire article thrown aside as so much crap. If you want to make a valid point, then tell us about how the current admin funnelled money and support from this area to Iraq. That's tangible and understandable, adn even the most resolute rightwinger can wrap their head aroudn that. By telling them that their hubris for making pollution is causing this problem will only make them angry and ignore you.
I know, sometimes its hard to be in the right (as in answer), but here we are, sitting here on teh Left (as in wing) with so many available pieces of evidence to use.

Let's use them wisely.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's a philosophical point of view?!

Texas Republicans don't even MENTION the hurricane horror!

Judy Down Maine

Anonymous said...

That was a fine rant, but it's based on a media fiction: the red/blue divide. Even in the darkest of these backwater states the margin between Republican and Democrat is relatively small. Much the same, in reverse, can be said of "liberal" areas of the Northeast.

The real trouble is our winner-take-all vote system, which (when a Republican "wins") tells 48% or 49% of the voting population to go screw itself every four years. Add that to an almost entirely gerrymandered House of Representatives, and the power enjoyed by sparsely populated Western states in the U.S. Senate, and you're left with what we've got: a handful of religious fanatics, sociopaths and rapacious mercantile types, straight out of William Faulkner, controlling the country.

But don't blame some poor, pre-literate Louisiana red-neck.

Anonymous said...

The E&P article you link to is really just the proverbial tip on the proverbial iceberg, billmon puts the Federal Government & Dubyas culpability in much broader terms:

Anonymous said...


OK, a hurricane is an Act of God. Therefore, Bush is God.

That's what you mean, right?

You pathetic, hateful, soulless, disgusting, oxygen wasting excuse for a human being. I hope you die of cholera.


Anonymous said...

What paranoid thinking... Bush caused Katrina. Did he also cause Andrew. And if Katrina had occurred in 1998 with the same results, whose fault would that have been?

Anonymous said...

What a truly disgusting, heartless rant. The Left has become so unhinged; it is pathetic.

I hope someday you look back on these idiotic, hateful words you wrote here and realize what a callous jackass you are.

Unfortunately, your view represents that of a very sizable portion of democrats in this country today. Which is why this life-long Democrat from NYC became so repulsed by my fellow Democrats that I stopped voting Dem in 2002.

Keep it up; your insane hatred for your fellow Americans is driving all the remaining sane Democrats away for good.

Anonymous said...

Oh for goodness sake! You are calling this one wrong. What proportion of the black unprivileged majority in New Orleans voted for Bush? What proportion are even registered to vote?

I'm sure you wouldn't call these people 'leeches' or 'hillbillies'.

And even if everyone in Louisiana voted Democrat, what would they get that was better than say Richard Daley in Chicago?

I don't know what the figures are in Louisiana, but in 'red' Florida in 2000, 31% of black males were permanently disenfranchised - and I mean literally disenfranchised.

As for did say California??? Put a Nazi with big muscles in front of a microphone saying he's running for governor, get him to proclaim that no girlie men are going to stop him, and you get a Republican landslide.

Enough of this red/blue stuff, puh-leeze!

Leeches? There must be loads more surplus value produced in California than in Louisiana. The more of it that gets taken out of the hands of the rich and directed towards the poor, both in California and Louisiana, and for that matter anywhere else in the world, the better. It's the rich who are the leeches.

I don't know what you are trying to do. But to call everyone who lives in these places 'leeches' sounds like what right wing Republicans in the 'red' states really think, even as they appeal to 'blue America' as their main market. (An analogy of some kind could be drawn with Likud, and the hypocritical face their Ashkenazi kibbutz-reared leaders present towards the oriental Jews).

Anonymous said...

Being from the gulf region which produces, imports, refines, and pipes most of you bastard’s oil and natural gas I personally think you can keep you damn money and we should just keep the energy infrastructure to ourselves. See what happens when you can't fill up your car or turn on your lights or any of those other things you take for granted. But then again because most of you are elitist snobs it wouldn’t be much punishment for you because high energy prices don't clobber the rich they hurt the people you say you want to help. I am appalled at how callous and cold hearted you people can be. You are so caught up in your own little fantasy that you don't care what is happening on the rest of this tiny ball so long as it doesn’t affect you. If I recall during the aftermath of 9/11 hundreds of Southern US corporations donated millions to what you label as a blue state. This event is still unfolding, people are still dying, and you don't have the decency to wait to start politicking until everyone is at least safe. If you were out to convince people that you are right and they are wrong, you haven’t picked a very good method. You may have even solidified your defeat because a decent person doesn’t see a republican suffering, or a democrat suffering, a Jew, a Muslim, or a Catholic they see a person, a human being in need of help and nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Would you morons hurry up and start that civil war you keep threatening?

The sooner we rid ourselves of assholes like you the better.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cannon,
I'd like to say that your post is the most vile, hateful piece of crap I have ever read.
I am from Alabama. I have friends who are democrats, republicans, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, atheist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, gay, AND even some who are rednecks or as you put it, "HILLBILLY SOUTHERN-FRIED LEECHES." Let me tell you, those people who you want to drown are better people than you will EVER be. Even the worst redneck I have ever met would not think of doing or saying what you have if the situation was reversed. I would like to remind you that states like Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi have frequently sent rescue crews, money, and other assistance to blue states like California and New York, when they have been victims of disasters. Let's face it. California would be a smoking pile of ruins if all the red states did the same thing you are proposing every time there was a major forest fire or earthquake.
I VOTE DEMOCRAT, but after reading your piece of shit blog I am seriously considering never voting for a democrat again if even a small percentage of their supporters are like you. There is only about a 10-15% difference in the number of people who vote democrat in red and blue states. A lot of people from New Orleans, rich and poor, are currently staying in my town as welcome guests until they can go home. I DARE YOU to come down here and tell them what you posted on your blog to their faces. I am sure as soon as you show them what a thoughtful, cultured liberal you are they will automatically become democrats and call for Bush's impeachment. It's people like you who get republicans elected.
Assholes like you in both parties, who are so partisan that they don't know how to relate to people who don't share their point of view, are why we have so many problems in this country.
You are being ever bit the uncultured, ignorant bigot you imagine people in the South to be. Southerners have given just as much to this country in blood, money, and sweat as any one from a blue state. They deserve to be treated just the same as someone from any other part of the country.
Hundreds have died, people's lives have been destroyed, and you want to make a political issue out if it. You should be ashamed of yourself. Of course, you are better than Southerners in one aspect, not everyone can be self-righteous, a bigot, and an idiot at the same time. It's quite an accomplishment. My advice to you, if you really believe you are a better person than Bush and other republicans, is prove it. Do something to help. Give money to the Red Cross or some other relief agency. Other bloggers on the left are doing it, why don't you? Of course, if all you care about is putting down republicans to make you feel better about yourself and the principles and causes you claim to hold so dear mean nothing to you then just keep running your mouth off while you sit in your nice, dry, safe home like the political hack you are.

Anonymous said...

Blaming Bush is just the natural act of a totally unprepared Democrat Governor and Mayor, Left Wingers, as usual looking to avoid any responsibility for failing the citizens they pretend to care about. Then the Republicans, the doers, come in and bail their sorry asses out again. When will the voters recognize that they continue to be let down by the DNC? The local and state government failed. The Feds came in to pick up the peices.

Anonymous said...

Your are ignorant at best.

You are actually blaming Bush for a hurricane and you take yourself serious as a political speaker.

Bush caused this because he ignored global warming ? What should he have done in the past 5 years to prevent this global warming that has been in effect for the last 20 something years (that I can recall)

Oh and how come the 8 years that Clinton was in office couldn't fix the problem ? let me guess.. Clinton (in between blow jobs) did stop global warming, but Bush fucked it up again.

You know nothing about science or politics. What you have done is found a platform that is fair because Bush has done a number of things wrong, and like Michael Moore ; Blown the story way out of proportion. Then when the ever changing opinion having, trader of his own military, dullard you nominated for president lost... you reach. You try for anything to make a complaint and you lose.

If you were on the other side of this argument and could see how desperate you accusation is... you would know how retarded you really are.

on a lighter note... California gets more aid and support than any state for various weather problems... should the red states say "fuck you" when your buried under rock and mud ?
and New York... I'm from NY and love my state but they have problems too. 9/11 for an example, would it have been right for red states to say "fuck NY"? other than cute Yankees quibs... NO

If you are this heartless because you are upset over the leader of our nation... you sir should be shot. And if a federal mandate made it so (given the so called evil of Bush... maybe it will) I would be proud to pull the trigger... in the name of thousands who lost their lives and you obviously couldn't give a shit about.

hey have you ever considered moving out of my fucking country ?

if not maybe you could do everyone a favor and take a warm bath with some razor blades.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Kool-Aid drinkers came out to play. When you're attacked by right-wing extremists, you're obviously doing something right.

Anonymous said...


In your ridiculous series of rants you said, "Newsflash, y'all: If you want money from us blue-staters, you're also going to have to listen to our words. That's the price." While Katrina had nothing to do with tax policy (although I'm sure you can use that vivid imagination of yours to develop a link), what exactly do you think progressive taxation is? I haven't read much of your work, but I assume that you think the rich in this country don't pay their fair share of taxes. If it's okay (and I assume even preferable in your view) for rich people to transfer wealth to poor people via the government, why is it wrong when aggregated at a state level? A natural product of progressive taxation is that the rich people (who live in blue states) transfer wealth to poor people (who live in red states). The only way to avoid this is to have an egalitarian tax system where every individual in this country pays taxes according to that person's share of pre-tax income. So, adjusting your words puts a slightly different spin on things : "Newsflash, [to the 40% of people who don't pay federal income tax]: If you want money from us [rich people who pay all the taxes], you're also going to have to listen to our words. That's the price." Sound good to you?

Anonymous said...

I noticed that the critics accused the author of blaming Bush for the hurricane, when it was quite clear from the article he said it was the lack of SELA funding and so on that Bush was repsonsible for, the same old poor get screwed story , how about a new one?, What kind of irrational blather reaction to someone else, go within my sons, the answer is there, nothing is out there except your own delusions

Anonymous said...

hey the weren't the democrats screaming the iraq war was for oil?

i guess this proves that false....

and of course nevermind that when we were in kuwait the same thing was being said by the same people & kuwait has larger oil reserves and well it went the same way....

Anonymous said...

Those Bush-loving Darwin-hating quasi-retarded brutishly-primitive hillbillies want us to fork over more of our hard-earned money in order to get them out of a deadly fix they brought upon themselves.

wait a min here why are you screaming about your hard earned money and thats ok but when someone on the other side says something about holding on to their hard earned money it's horrbile & those people are greedy...

hello pot this is kettle....

but it's so nice to see you telling people basically they can die just because you don't agree with their politics, it's truely disgusting....and nevermind that louisana is pretty much a democrat state (former resident of the state)....

i'm going to make sure to point out your sick screamings to all my friends that are refugees...

Anonymous said...

psst hey guess what red states out give blue states for charitable donations

Anonymous said...

I see a few of those screaming, frothing, right-wanker lunatics showed up here, too. And while I certainly can't agree entirely with Joseph's "take", Bush is nevertheless *quite* responsible for the gross negligence that resulted in this catastrophe. More on the same: Why New Orleans Is in Deep Water, by Molly Ivins. So DAMN STRAIGHT, I blame Bush too!! Since the penny-pinching little "Fuehrer" has ample blood on his hands, WHY NOT?? (Sorry, I don't "do" political correctness, especially when confronted with two-faced, right-wing hypocrites. If a similar catastrophe had occurred in Iraq, many of these aggrieved "humanitarians" would themselves be blaming Saddam and chanting, "Let God sort 'em out!", with the rest of the Brownshirts.)

Anonymous said...

Wow!! What a bunch of tripe! I made my donation, just to let you know, and I will be praying for you! I hope you realize that if CA were ever hit, it would be the Jesus lovers doing a lot of the clean up and volunteering, as they are now.

Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Lance - you missed something: Bush 'won' by cheating.

Joseph - you missed something too: Kerry kept quiet about Bush cheating.

Anonymous said...

Shut the hell up you soulless bastard. Maybe we can send you down to Nawlins and meet a looter or two.

Anonymous said...

And still they continue "nodding" -- the mindless "bobblehead" Brownshirts of the "Bush league". "Yay, Worthless!"

Zoe Brain said...

OK, Bush is to blame.
For single-handedly causing Global Warming, Global Cooling, Global Climate Instability, AIDS, and the Black Death. Katrina was just a fiendish plot to kill all the blacks in the USA, and to make oil for his greedy multinational buddies from the rotting corpses.

I freely confess to being a mindless dupe who has sold my soul to Karl Rove, and take complete responsibility for using my Evil Jewish Kabbalistic powers to steal the election for my NeoCon Zionazi masters. And I did it all the way from Australia too.

I am a leech, a Neocon, and not fit to live.

Now that's out of the way, where's your money? And I want the US Red Cross Receipt Number too, not that I don't trust you or anything. Far from it, I know that as a Liberal and Progressive you have far more common humanity than my own miserable and unworthy worthless Neocon self.

My own receipt number is 1555-1161-1-253162-252544

Australians have already donated $7.6 million to the USRC, but of course, that doesn't count as we are but tools of the Republican party, wholly owned and controlled by Halliburton and the International Zionist Conspiracy.

Again though, I want to see your receipt number.

Anonymous said...

People...people....many of you is missing the point. Some of you even twisted on how joseph blamed BUSH. He is not comparing BUSH to God for the disister! He was blaming BUSH for his policies . The disaster was naturally from God. It was how we are supposed to be prepared for it.

Anonymous said...

to Lance Kates:

Gore and Kerry didn't lose, Bush cheated his way into the Whitehouse using fraudulent votecounting schemes in Florida 2000 and then again in 2004 in Florida, Ohio, New Mexico, Nevada.

Supreme Court Justice Scalia appointed Bush to become President in 2000 since he had been appointed by Bush Sr for his excellent work on throwing out a previous vote fraud case. If you really want an eye opener, pick up a copy of "Vote Scam" written by the late Ken and James Collier. YOu can read the first 5 chapters online at:

Also, read how
"One million black votes didn't count in the 2000 presidential election"

The extremist Republicans have decided that the ends justify the means in order to win at any cost. Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell threw out a million registered voters without proper notification months before the Nov 2004 election. Blackwell directed that counties with heavily democratic/minority precincts get "shorted" such that they didn't have enough voting machines and some folks were left having to wait 8 hours to vote at 3AM in the morning!

How dare you say that the 2004 election wasn't tampered with. And that you are so close minded that you won't consider for a second that the results were tampered with especially in Florida and in Ohio.

International observers weren't even allowed to observe the voting at polling places in Ohio.

We live in a country run by folks like yourself--you bring upon yourself your arrogance and meanness and utter disdain for your fellow man.

You think you know everything about the 2000 and 2004 elections and yet you know absolutely nothing. I pity you Lance, and even say a prayer for you and your like minded friends/relatives because you're the folks who will end suffering the most under the current Bush regime in the long run.

I beg you dear Lance and others like Lance to PlEASE educate yourself and learn more about what is really going on with these fraudulent elections because they are fraudulent.

Please be nicer to people around you, you strike me as the kind of person who probably cuts off women drivers and doesn't use your turn signals when you make a turn, just to piss off everyone else. what a miserable life you lead.

Anonymous said...


Blaming Bush is just the natural act of a totally unprepared Democrat Governor and Mayor, Left Wingers, as usual looking to avoid any responsibility for failing the citizens they pretend to care about. Then the Republicans, the doers, come in and bail their sorry asses

out again. When will the voters recognize that they continue to be let down by the DNC? The local and state government failed. The Feds came in to pick up the peices.
# posted by TrueLiberal : 4:42 PM

Anonymous said...

Calling the President an ape.Cutting down on southerners. The hate is coming from the left and you cannot see it. Such strong intellectual debate is seen in this blog(sarcasm)

DO YOU Lefties even listen to yourselves?---the "bush mafia", Bush lost both elections,neo-Nazi wannabe,"HILLBILLY SOUTHERN-FRIED LEECHES." --YOU HAVE GONE INSANE.

Keep it up....the American center sees you for what you are and keep voting against you.

Anonymous said...

Republican trolls take notice of the following article and understand that BushCo is running this country into the ground such that he and his good old boys backing Bush profit handsomely. All they care about is how much money they are getting--who cares about the black riff-raff who supported Kerry in the last election anyway. Actions always speak louder than words.

Bush showed pathological lying habits in Harvard Business school:

"The dunce"
His former Harvard Business School professor recalls
George W. Bush not just as a terrible student but as
spoiled, loutish and a pathological liar.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Mary Jacoby

Sept. 16, 2004 | For 25 years, Yoshi Tsurumi, one of
George W. Bush's professors at Harvard Business
School, was content with his green-card status as a
permanent legal resident of the United States. But
Bush's ascension to the presidency in 2001 prompted
the Japanese native to secure his American
citizenship. The reason: to be able to speak out with
the full authority of citizenship about why he
believes Bush lacks the character and intellect to
lead the world's oldest and most powerful democracy.

"I don't remember all the students in detail unless
I'm prompted by something," Tsurumi said in a
telephone interview Wednesday. "But I always remember
two types of students. One is the very excellent
student, the type as a professor you feel honored to
be working with. Someone with strong social values,
compassion and intellect -- the very rare person you
never forget. And then you remember students like
George Bush, those who are totally the opposite."

The future president was one of 85 first-year MBA
students in Tsurumi's macroeconomic policies and
international business class in the fall of 1973 and
spring of 1974. Tsurumi was a visiting associate
professor at Harvard Business School from January 1972
to August 1976; today, he is a professor of
international business at Baruch College in New York.

Trading as usual on his father's connections, Bush
entered Harvard in 1973 for a two-year program. He'd
just come off what George H.W. Bush had once called
his eldest son's "nomadic years" -- partying, drifting
from job to job, working on political campaigns in
Florida and Alabama and, most famously, apparently not
showing up for duty in the Alabama National Guard.

Harvard Business School's rigorous teaching methods,
in which the professor interacts aggressively with
students, and students are encouraged to challenge
each other sharply, offered important insights into
Bush, Tsurumi said. In observing students' in-class
performances, "you develop pretty good ideas about
what are their weaknesses and strengths in terms of
thinking, analysis, their prejudices, their
backgrounds and other things that students reveal," he

One of Tsurumi's standout students was Rep. Chris Cox,
R-Calif., now the seventh-ranking member of the House
Republican leadership. "I typed him as a conservative
Republican with a conscience," Tsurumi said. "He never
confused his own ideology with economics, and he
didn't try to hide his ignorance of a subject in mumbo
jumbo. He was what I call a principled conservative."
(Though clearly a partisan one. On Wednesday, Cox
called for a congressional investigation of the
validity of documents that CBS News obtained for a
story questioning Bush's attendance at Guard duty in

Bush, by contrast, "was totally the opposite of Chris
Cox," Tsurumi said. "He showed pathological lying
habits and was in denial when challenged on his
prejudices and biases. He would even deny saying
something he just said 30 seconds ago. He was famous
for that. Students jumped on him; I challenged him."
When asked to explain a particular comment, said
Tsurumi, Bush would respond, "Oh, I never said that."
A White House spokeswoman did not return a phone call
seeking comment.

In 1973, as the oil and energy crisis raged, Tsurumi
led a discussion on whether government should assist
retirees and other people on fixed incomes with
heating costs. Bush, he recalled, "made this
ridiculous statement and when I asked him to explain,
he said, 'The government doesn't have to help poor
people -- because they are lazy.' I said, 'Well, could
you explain that assumption?' Not only could he not
explain it, he started backtracking on it, saying,
'No, I didn't say that.'"

If Cox had been in the same class, Tsurumi said, "I
could have asked him to challenge that and he would
have demolished it. Not personally or emotionally, but

Bush once sneered at Tsurumi for showing the film "The
Grapes of Wrath," based on John Steinbeck's novel of
the Depression. "We were in a discussion of the New
Deal, and he called Franklin Roosevelt's policies
'socialism.' He denounced labor unions, the Securities
and Exchange Commission, Medicare, Social Security,
you name it. He denounced the civil rights movement as
socialism. To him, socialism and communism were the
same thing. And when challenged to explain his
prejudice, he could not defend his argument, either
ideologically, polemically or academically."

Students who challenged and embarrassed Bush in class
would then become the subject of a whispering campaign
by him, Tsurumi said. "In class, he couldn't challenge
them. But after class, he sometimes came up to me in
the hallway and started bad-mouthing those students
who had challenged him. He would complain that someone
was drinking too much. It was innuendo and lies. So
that's how I knew, behind his smile and his smirk,
that he was a very insecure, cunning and vengeful

Many of Tsurumi's students came from well-connected or
wealthy families, but good manners prevented them from
boasting about it, the professor said. But Bush seemed
unabashed about the connections that had brought him
to Harvard. "The other children of the rich and famous
were at least well bred to the point of realizing
universal values and standards of behavior," Tsurumi
said. But Bush sometimes came late to class and often
sat in the back row of the theater-like classroom,
wearing a bomber jacket from the Texas Air National
Guard and spitting chewing tobacco into a cup.

"At first, I wondered, 'Who is this George Bush?' It's
a very common name and I didn't know his background.
And he was such a bad student that I asked him once
how he got in. He said, 'My dad has good friends.'"
Bush scored in the lowest 10 percent of the class.

The Vietnam War was still roiling campuses and Harvard
was no exception. Bush expressed strong support for
the war but admitted to Tsurumi that he'd gotten a
coveted spot in the Texas Air National Guard through
his father's connections.

"I used to chat up a number of students when we were
walking back to class," Tsurumi said. "Here was Bush,
wearing a Texas Guard bomber jacket, and the draft was
the No. 1 topic in those days. And I said, 'George,
what did you do with the draft?' He said, 'Well, I got
into the Texas Air National Guard.' And I said, 'Lucky
you. I understand there is a long waiting list for it.
How'd you get in?' When he told me, he didn't seem
ashamed or embarrassed. He thought he was entitled to
all kinds of privileges and special deals. He was not
the only one trying to twist all their connections to
avoid Vietnam. But then, he was fanatically for the

Tsurumi told Bush that someone who avoided a draft
while supporting a war in which others were dying was
a hypocrite. "He realized he was caught, showed his
famous smirk and huffed off."

Tsurumi's conclusion: Bush is not as dumb as his
detractors allege. "He was just badly brought up, with
no discipline, and no compassion," he said.

In recent days, Tsurumi has told his story to various
print and television outlets and appears in Kitty
Kelley's exposé "The Family: The Real Story of the
Bush Dynasty." He said other professors and students
at the business school from that time share his
recollections but are afraid to come forward, fearing
ostracism or retribution. And why is Tsurumi speaking
up now? Because with the ongoing bloodshed in Iraq and
Osama bin Laden still on the loose -- not to mention a
federal deficit ballooning out of control -- the
stakes are too high to remain silent. "Obviously, I
don't think he is the best person" to be running the
country, he said. "I wanted to explain why."

Anonymous said...

Dang, what a freak! If this is the viewpoint and attitude of the cutting edge of the democratic party then cool because we republicans can look forward to years and years of election wins to come.

Rock on!

Anonymous said...

I love how the "reality" based community doesn't wait for an engineering report on the levee failures before assigning blame to George W. Bush. Don't let anything like facts get in your way.

Anonymous said...

First, the number of typhoons in the Indian Ocean hasn't increased from its historical norm. If global warming were causing this huge increase in hurricane activity, how do you explain that? Second, we're on track to have fewer hurricans hit the U.S. this decade than in some previous decades. Check the National Hurricane Center's ( own statistics. Third, even if George Bush could have snapped his fingers and stopped all greenhouse gas emissions from the United States, which is, of course, not possible, there would still be way more greenhouse gases in the air than there were, say, 200 years ago. This is a centuries-long issue, not something that the President can snap his fingers and fix in 5 years. Lastly, if this is really to be blamed on global warming, then previous Presidents, including Democrats, are just as much to blame as George Bush. You might have noticed that American greenhouse gas emissions increased a hell of a lot under Bill Clinton, even after he signed the Kyoto Protocol, but maybe it's just us idiotic soft-heads who live in red states and who voted for George Bush who see things like this. By the way, you ultraliberals' idea of red state people being mindless, Bible-thumping, ultaconservative hicks doesn't really hold when you realize that Nevada, the state where I live, voted for Bush. Bush won in rural Nevada overwhelmingly. In one of those rural Nevada counties, there was a ballot question last year asking whether to get rid of legalized prostitution in that county. It was voted down 2-1, meaning that by a 2-1 margin, these mindless, ultraconservative, Bible-thumping soft-heads wanted legalized prostitution in their county. As a side note, in case you haven't noticed, there are way more Californians moving to Nevada than there are Nevadans moving to California. If us hick red-states are so horrible, why are so many blue-staters moving here? You know, shooting down your arguments might be more enjoyable if there were the slightest bit of difficulty to it. Oh, wait, I forgot that you're the intelligent one and I'm the soft-head. At least you gave me a good laugh.

Mike said...

Are you merely venting or are you attempting something useful? Do you hope to win over people with invective, or simply to make the same mistakes as the opposition.

Name calling may feel good, but do you think it helps your own cause?

Honest people of good will can disagree.

Anger calls forth anger, violence in rhetoric spawns physical violence. Nothing useful happens in a room full of screaming, enraged people, or a nation too divided to carry on a civil discourse.

You appear to have chosen the same path of angry self-rightousness as the political right.

I urge you to consider and reconsider the effect of your words. I urge you to have faith in the basic goodness of man and your fellow Americans. I urge you to place your trust in the truth, that can be seen without verbal vitriol.

Lucy Stern said...

If you live in a city below sea level, you might expect a Hurricane to take you out. The levees were built to sustain only a cat. 3 hurricane. The Mayor of New Orleans didn't even follow his own evacuation plans. He didn't order a mandatory evacuation until it was almost too late to evacute.
The people in Galveston had NO warning that a storm was coming. They didn't have our modern weather forecasting and satalite radars to tell them to get out. Mother Nature took them out all by herself. After the storm they raised the level of the island by 10/12 feet and built a sea wall. To this day they have been able to survive the hurricanes. I know because I lived thru Hurricane Carla.

With all our modern technolegy, why didn't people heed the warnings to "GET OUT". I know that there were many that didn't have cars or were disabled. These are the ones who really needed help. Why weren't those school buses, less than a mile from the Superdome, not used to help evacuate them? There were also people who just decided that they would "ride out the storm" and many of those were rescured from their roof tops. No telling how many they will find dead inside their attics.
There were failures on all levels of government. There were failures of people who just didn't take heed. I know that there was alot of suffering amoung the survivors. Thank God that the Nation has rallied to help those people. It would really be a castrophe if they had not.
Let's help people now, there's plenty of time to point fingers later.

Anonymous said...

"We Californians and New Yorkers already pay far more to the federal government than we receive -- unlike the folks in Texas and Alabama and Louisiana, who take and take and TAKE. And then they take some more -- even as they lecture us about spending. What sheer gall!"

Pardon me? I am a Texan. I have never taken from the government and am against such hand-outs. In fact, Conservatives routinely campaign against government hand-outs while Liberals argue for a more socialist state. Get your facts straight.

You are a disgrace for even writing such a contrite piece of garbage.

Anonymous said...

The National Guards of the surrounding states werent mobilized because the useless govenor of louisiana didnt ask for them. The president has no control over the national guard of each state unless given approval.

FEMA and other government agencys say that each state should have enough food and water for its citizens for a period of 72-96 hours after a disaster. The two states hit just as hard overall in AL and MS were able to take care of its citizens. But I guess we dont want to put the blame on the mayor of new orleans or the governor. I read and heard for several days before katrina that New Orleans and Louisiana had been planning for the big one since 1965. Where was the plan???? How could the city not have satellite communications available?? How could any federal people forsee the near total collapse of law and order in just hours after katrina hit???

There is more than enough blame to go around from city, parrish, state and federal. But why not wait until all the victims are taken care of and the dead laid in the ground?

Anonymous said...

I just linked this entire site to 3 normal, non-political sites, in the hopes that the normal Democrats in this country can see where their party is headed.

The 2 party system in this country is too important for the Democratic party to fall victem to the likes of this type of thinking. Should they gain a foothold in the party at the highest levels, (even giving Dean a benefit of the doubt here, against my better judgement.)the country will be ruled by a one party system, and we don't need that.

Are you radicals (and that IS what you are, there is nothing even remotely mainstream about your rhetoric) ready to take your share of the blame for the demise of the Democratic party??

Anonymous said...

dude, your an idiot. Local and state government casued the problem and guess what they are democrats.

Anonymous said...

Greatest rant of all time. I'll get a kick out of this one for years.

Anyway, thanks for the money. I live in FL, so Jeb and I are enjoying speading your money. But since you lefties started the welfare state you shouldn't resent paying off us poor jesus freaks. We've come to expect sucking on the teet of government.

Hey, wait a second. Doesn't that make Katrina your falut?

zzzzzzz said...

Hey, Joseph. Let me be the first to say, you can shove that money up your ass.

Anonymous said...

Americans pull together and help Americans in times of trouble.

What does this make you? Self centered? Uncaring? Unfeeling? Unworthy - to be an American!

Please leave this country now and don't look back. Americans will stay and clean it up and take care of each other.

What have you done for your community lately? Helped the police or fire department? Volunteered your time to the elderly?


Anonymous said...

I laughed when I read this.

Some of those on the left say that conservatives shout about this b/c you think your words frighten us.

Nope. We shout about this to show others who are unaware what your words are, and they get frightened.

Please never stop - keep shouting, while we keep winning elections. Until you can contain your hatred, you'll never see power again

Anonymous said...


Do us all a favor and get a haircut and take a shower. Quit waiting for the Dead and Fish to come back on tour so you can follow them around and sit on your lazy ass and blame others for why you don't have a job.

Anonymous said...

The Republican GOD is stronger then the liberal god!
You god is that fat asswipe mikey moore.
Louisiana has been a DEM stronghold ever since THE REPUBLICANS ended slavery.

Don't mess with Texas pal, we have the power to control the weather (you said Bush caused this disaster , right?)

Anonymous said...

I hope your compulsive masterbation habit has left you unable to father children.

BeeJiggity said...

Oh, well, maybe the 9/11 commission can rename themselves the Katrina Kommission. Back in the real world, America's enemies will draw many useful lessons from the events of this last week. Will America?
Goodness me,
I must contend that your rant proves you to be among the most witty, and insightful blocks of wood ever to bless a cobbler's studio.

Clinton never tried to ratify Kyoto, and even if he had, the reduction of greenhouse gasses would probably not have changed by now.

The people stranded in New Orleans desreve their fate because of their support of Bush? Well I know that Black support in Ohio got up to about 16%, but elsewhere it hoovers in the 5%-9% range. These people didn't want him! They wanted Kerry.

Oh and who was it who aproved disaster funds BEFORE the hurricane hit?

And who was it who offered to take over the evacuation of the city?

And who was it who left his "vacation" early?

And who was it who pushed the hand of the authorities to institute a manditory, not volunteer, evacuation?

Yeah. Block of wood. Probably balsa. It floats.

Anonymous said...

What I think is funny is that all the pieces of trash down there complaining about not getting enough of "your money" are your fellow Democrats and liberals. Take a poll of all the people who were sitting in the Super Dome and I'll bet more than 95% of them said they voted against Bush - if they voted at all.

That's what happens when you take money from people who earn their own and give it to those who do not. That is what your liberal ideas and Democratic welfare programs have created. I think it would be great if you stopped giving them your money. After they all died off the Democrat voting block would be greatly reduced.

Do it!

Anonymous said...

"So if you Jesusmaniac simpletons really want that cash, you will just sit there and SHUT UP and not say ONE DAMN WORD in your defense."

...said the elitist white liberal to the urban blacks. Yeah, doesn't make sense to me either. More or less by definition, poor Bush voters don't need your help aside from your cut of the FEMA check. You see, most of them spend their days gainfully employed.

And incidentally, we blue states do not produce great economic numbers because we're swell and smart and well hung. We produce because the basic units of our civilization- food and energy- are produced out in "Jebusland" and sold to us at good rates.

bheagle said...

Wow Joseph, were you neglected as a child? You sure are crying out for attention.

You're a lost cause, so there's no point in arguing with you. You really make the left look bad.

I don't think people would want money from a smug elitist idiot anyway.

Anonymous said...

Moronic, simply and plainly moronic.
Even professional help will do you no good.
God Bless, you need all the help you can get!

kender said...

I wish the red states would stop taking the blue states money...and that the red states would stop selling food to blue fact, let us wall off the infected blue cities and lay siege to them until the blue staters starve and die off.....after all, it is the red staters with the guns, and the blue staters with the drool bibs.

Anonymous said...

We all know who really is to blame for Katrina...

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Such hate. Does your mother approve of what you do?
Or did she teach you everything you know?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Keep your 5 bucks, get your nice Thai meal, and while you're at it, find an article or two about the Galveston Hurricane of 1900. Surely that was global warming too.
You can blame Bush, God, Jesus, or whomever you want. Keep up your rant. Most of America doesn't agree with you, but it shows us who you really are. The result of your whining and bitching will be evident at the next election.
The compassion of the left is really beginning to show.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Bill Clinton feels your pain. LOLOL You're funny!

Lokki said...

OH, IF ONLY Al Gore had been made president back in 2000, none of this would have happened!

No Global Warming !

No poor Blacks!

No hurricanes!

Haliburton out of business!~

OH, IF ONLY John Kerry had been made president in 2004 none of this would have happened!

No Global Warming !

No poor Blacks!

No hurricanes!

Haliburton out of business!~

Anonymous said...

To the last 20 posters:

why can't you use what brain cells you still have left and see that W. Bush is a huge loser who is driving this country straight into the ground for the benefit of his buddies, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and the other assorted conservative extremist rightwingers.

Joseph may get hot under the collar but don't EVER FORGET that 9/11 happened on Bush's dime after having spent nearly 4 weeks on vacation at his ranch. It is rumored that Bush's backers wanted 9/11 to happen and were in touch with the Saudis who carried off the plane hijackings.

Anonymous said...

And what is the difference in the Democrats putting their buddies in office (Let us not forget Bill shall we!).

I said it before, I'll say it again. Americans pull together to help Americans. If you can't, you may need to re-examine what you are doing in this country. I don't care who's watch a disaster happened under - its all our responsibility to help.

I read in an article several years ago how one of the first Navy SEALS was called to JFK's office. He was asked by the President, did you vote for me?" He replied, "No sir, I did not vote for you - but I would die for you."

Put the common good before yourself, else you serve nothing.


Anonymous said...

Not only did Every Single Democrat in the Senate vote against Kyoto in 1997, Clinton never pushed for it.

Three years it sat, gathering Dust. And that is Bush's fault?

Anonymous said...

If Cheney was on board at Haliburton during the Clinton years, then Clinton made Cheney many of his millions, during the 8 times Clinton used Haliburton.

Anonymous said...

Is it really true that Joe's sister is divorcing him? Just asking.

Anonymous said...

You can't possibly believe the insanity you've spewed here, can you?

By the way, if your donation to the hurricane relief was only to be large enough to cover a Thai meal, it probably wouldn't do any good anyway. So much for the "arrogant hillbilly southern- fried leeches" needing your money.

Anonymous said...


Boy, you are a jackass. I don't think I saw very many people that were wading through the slop that could be referred to as a "hillbilly". But, alas, there is a liberal tard for you. The party that espouses the "African-American cause" sure goes nuts when those people are from the south. You, sir, are an arrogant jerk. Get off your high-horse.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever notice, Clinton never called for Kyoto to be ratified by the Senate, for three whole years?

Wonder why that is... oh right!

He knew it would wipe out the economy if the US closely followed the recommendations. For a potential half a degree difference in temps in 100 years (and THAT is from the UN papers on this!)

And yet, somehow, this is all Bush's fault...

Anonymous said...

Great Post, you jacktard. We stupid hillbillies TRIED to leave awhile back. It was called the Civil War. You asshats would not let us. Remember? We do. Oh, and we still hate you too. Ass-munch.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of hearing of Red States versus Blue States. The election was one of the closest ever in our nation's hisotry, and many states were very nearly evenly divided in who voted for Kerry and who voted for Bush. It's the most simplistic argument to say that the South voted Bush in all on their own - nearly half of your state voted for him, too.

Anonymous said...

Did you complain when donations were given to the victims in 9/11?

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for writing this. When I've tried to explain to my liberal friends why the Democrats keep losing elections, they just don't seem to get it. They know I'm not a Republican, and constantly wonder why I don't support the Democratic Party.

But since I've sent them the link to your blog their response has been a horrified "is that the way you think people view us?!!!" And when I provide links to the lunatic ravings of other socalled "liberals" they begin to understand why they, as moderate Democrats, have completely lost touch with the people they erroneously thought were representing their views.

Thanks again for this public service you are doing. It's far better to be able to watch a jackass bray, then to have to explain what's wrong with the sound it makes.

Anonymous said...

Take that money you were going to donate to the Red Cross and spend it on a good therapist. You sir, need professional help.

Anonymous said...

I am in agreement! No more money for rednecks and niggers down in LA!

I want to spend money on my weddng to my boyfriend. That's where things should be spent on.

Robert Morton

Anonymous said...

Your hatred is disturbing, your lack of compassion chilling, your ignorance stunning. You, of course, are what you purport to be most against; a fascist. You've even got your own "god," a mindless devotion to liberal convention that refuses to even countenance the possibility of an alternative to your addled worldview. I hope you're proud of yourself; I feel sorry for you, as I would for anyone who is rotting away from the inside with the hatred that you displayed in this post.

Anonymous said...

please kill yourself

Anonymous said...

I think we should find the asshole who wrote this crap and shove a rusty meathook up his ass.

Wait - he might like that.

Anonymous said...

I recommend you keep your money. We don't need help from an asshole like you.

Bartleby said...

Dear Hoople Head,

Let's be clear on a few things here.

1. Global warming is NOT science. It has not been and cannot be reproduced, so it is not science. The scientific method requires that results be able to be recreated.

2. Global warming is not fact. It is a best. Calling it a theory is's really a hypothesis.

3. The majority of scientists who disagree with global warming are pseudo-scientists, but the few who agree are the real ones? That's interesting.

4. Since when is it federal responsibility to defend individual cities? It is in fact a state and local government function to do this. Anything from the feds is extra.

5. Why don't you blame the corrupt LOCAL government officials who wasted what money WAS available for the levees?

6. Why do you assume that the presence of a problem indicates the need for a government solution to it?

7. When are the states liable for the protection of the cities? It is in the jurisdiction of the federal government to protect every individual city in the nation? To what level? Where does it stop?

8. When is the city government responsible? At what point does their jurisdiction kick in?

9. When are the people responsible for their own situation(s)? How far does daddy government go? Where does it stop?

Let's discuss a legal term known as posse comitatus. What it says is that the federal government needs an explicit request for assistance from the state before moving in with federal troops. Every time the DEMOCRAT governor from Louisiana delayed, it further delayed the deployment of said troops.

So...I'd say the state and local governments are FIRMLY to blame for the fiasco that is New Orleans. The state government should have redirected resources to upgrade the levee system (ESPECIALLY when it turned out the federal funds for such were not available). The local government should have had a better fleshed out evacuation plan and then followed it.

Instead, what you had were empty buses, the Red Cross trucks carrying supplies being turned away from the Superdome BEFORE the hurricane hit, NO effective evacuation plan, NO state money directed to the correction of the weak levees, and yet ALL of the blame seems to be pointed at Bush.

Let me educate you, son. Bush does not have federal jurisdiction to protect individual cities. The states do, and when there is a failure in that regard, the states are to blame.

Bartleby said...

Hi again Hoople,

Oh yeah - it's interesting to see who the REAL elitists are. Leading up to every election, you Democrats parrot and chirp about how you represent the 'common man'. Interestingly, when you lose - in particular due to the votes of the common man, you then lambast them and call them leeches. Well, well...the Democrats show their true colors.

They represent the wealthy elite, and their words and actions prove it.


Anonymous said...

Now those mother- (and sister- and brother-) fucking red state LEECHES

Those Bush-loving Darwin-hating quasi-retarded brutishly-primitive hillbillies

you southern soft-heads

you barbaric, Jesus-addled, Limbaugh-tomized red-state hicks

your arrogant lies and smears and fake science and supernaturalistic yawpings and ludicrous self-deceits

you Jesusmaniac simpletons


Wow. I am truly and deeply sorry for ever thinking, I'm sorry for thinking PERIOD, since you're so much better at it than me. I'm so glad I have you compassionate left-wing progressives to shine the light of reason on my bigoted views.

No, we will not listen to anything you have to say in response. You are leeches. Leeches do not have the right to a response.

Also, thank you for reminding me that it's only the people who agree with you who get that little first amendment right of free speech. How vacuous, witless and feeble-minded I've been to think that all men are created equal.

You literally cannot continue to exist unless we blue-staters give you money.

Try us. As Sam Houston said, "Texas could get along without the United States, but the United States cannot, except at great hazard, exist without Texas."

It's people like you who make me agree with Davy Crockett when he said that you may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.

Anonymous said...

Worthless drivel. Don't even bring California into the "Liberal Camp." It is truly unfortunate that so many transplanted liberals now reside there that the moderate-conservative natives have to fight for every political inch.

Anonymous said...

Its a new low for the neo-low-libs.
Let me try to explain something to you.
You can help by digging way down deep and trying to find at least two functioning brain cells that can team up and attempt to grasp it.
NOBODY, but NOBODY wants your tainted money that you have to go forth blowing a trumpet so all can see that you are pretending to give.
The difference is...the so-called "red staters" dont need to announce to all that they are charitable and patriotic. They simply and quietly give what they can with no press coference or blog site to brag it up to all who will listen.
This example of the dem/lib base is a new low even for liberals, if thats possible.

Anonymous said...

To whomever started this rant,

Methane is a greenhouse gas so maybe you should stop spewing it... better yet stop breathing, you are wasting oxygen.

Anonymous said...

Those Bush-loving Darwin-hating quasi-retarded brutishly-primitive hillbillies

you southern soft-heads

you barbaric, Jesus-addled, Limbaugh-tomized red-state hicks

your arrogant lies and smears and fake science and supernaturalistic yawpings and ludicrous self-deceits

you Jesusmaniac simpletons

Taking the first step to This, are we?

'Nazi policies were initiated as early as 1933 to take steps to assure that persons who were "undesirables" were unable to dilute the Aryan race by reproduction. The first step was the forced sterilization of persons considered "mentally deficient." A July 14, 1933 law legalized sterilization for persons with certain hereditary diseases, and empowered the Hereditary Health Courts to enforce this policy. The intent of the program was to eliminate the possibility that these people and their potential offspring would continue to be a burden to society.

Once sterilization became accepted, it was only a matter of time until the Nazis went one step further in approving a program of euthanasia. Intentionally masked by the onset of war, mentally and physically handicapped persons were rounded up and sent to special facilities for "treatment." Most were never heard from again. The families of the victims would often receive telegrams informing them that their loved one had died of a heart attack or pneumonia. In this way, the Nazis hoped to eliminate defective genes from the population, which would have the effect of strengthening future generations of the "master race." Early victims of this program were given fatal injections. These facilities were soon equipped with gas chambers.'

I've seen elsewhere, where your type refer to those who believe in a Higher authority, as 'mentally deficient.'

You can see what we did to your kind 60 years ago.

Anonymous said...

The foil goes shiny side out, nutsack.

Anonymous said...

Dear Liberal Trust Fund Asshole, I am glad to see that reality has nothing to do with your wiew of the world.
People of the south sent what ever they had to help New York during 911. This included money, personnel,emergency equipment, and blood. Despite what you may think are great political differences we stood with you. We did not blame anyone but the terrorist. Now you're telling me to drown because the affected states voted for President Bush. While I scramble for shelter, water and food, I am also helping pull people from the wreckage and sharing the little I have left without asking who they voted for. I think that you are filled with way too much hate and should reconsider your letter. In fact, it would be a good idea for you to come down here and get a firsthand look at the people you are villifying, you might learn
that they are good people working hard to survive, just like you.
if this post does not get your attention please know that we do not mind coming up there and whipping your ass, you elitist, ignorant snob.

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