Friday, August 12, 2005

Cindy v. W

When Al Gore lost, the commonly-heard observation held that the man did not seem comfortable in his own skin -- as though this alleged failing justified giving the presidency to a dunce.

But has Bush ever looked comfortable to you, especially in recent times? In every public appearance, he seems to be searching his flesh for the zipper.

In a way, the entire stand-off with Cindy Sheehan stems from the man's inability to act like a normal human being. He met with her once, and treated the mournful occasion like a happy confab with some visiting girl scouts. Why won't he meet with her now? Because he lacks the "people skills" to deal with the confrontation; obviously, his handlers fear he will, under pressure, do or say something impossibly dorky. Or worse than dorky. Clinton would have known how to handle a touchy meeting with a Cindy Sheehan.

This current controversy reminds me of the bulge debate. The prez is so lacking in either human empathy or communication skills -- or both -- that he simply does not know what to say.

Jeff Gannon has implied that Cindy is being misled by bolshies. Well, he should know something about free enterprise.


Anonymous said...

If she met with Clinton, Cindy would come away regretting that she had but one son to give for her country. That man was an artist.

TBLJ said...

I totally agree. After the 2000 election I was in denial for 4 years, everytime I heard him speak I could not believe this was supposed to be the president.

Also what's up with him only being able to give speeches to people who already support him.

Thanks for allowing me to rant

Anonymous said...

Best. Post. Ever.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine a more courageous thing that what Cindy Sheehan is doing. Taking the fight to his castle in Crawford is a stroke of genius. She is doing what we can only wish more democratic candidates would do, which is to bravely confront this evil for what it is and demand accountability. It is entirely possible that history will prove this "stand-off" to be an important turning point. Bastille Day comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

In response to your question, Bush loses. I heard Sheehan on Ed Schultz about four months ago. She gave the best description of Bush I've heard yet: he is a socially inappropriate, thougheless man who showed her a dark side (with his famous glare) when she presumed to challenge him ever so slightly. She is both determined, and at ths point, fanatical. She won't leave until they make her. Every day she's there, Bush looks weaker and more petty. And now for the Bush "horror" moms are coming from around the region and country. There is no way out of this for Bush. If he sees her, she wins. If he doesn't see her, he loses and looks like a weakling. Not a good place to be IMHO. autorank, DU

1UP RPG said...

It's absolutely crazy how the Right Wingers on the radio are trying to spin and smear Sheehan. I turned them on today just wondering how they would approach it. "Already met with him once, complimented him at the time, CHANGED HER STORY, tool of the Left, etc."

They just have no shame.

Anonymous said...

Joseph: If you haven't already seen it, Truth Out has continuing coverage of the Crawford siege. Cindy has definitely inspired a national movemment, and proven without a doubt, once and for all, that the Emperor has no ... STONES. Support is pouring in from all over the nation for Cindy and her troops, while any lingering notions about Dumbya's "manhood" have gone in the toilet -- 'AWOL in war, AWOL in peace, and AWOL in the hearts of his countrymen!' Go Cindy, Go! [P.S. Loved the Bastille Day reference above -- extremely fitting!]

Anonymous said...

Don't overlook the continuing coverage in Crawford's own paper

Kinda off the subject -- how does Bush LOOK to you? Manner of speech, facial expressions, body-language? I mean measuring against a few years ago.
Judy Down Maine

Anonymous said...

Note that you have misspelled Cindy Sheehan's first name.

If you go to Raw Story, you can view the powerful video of Cindy Sheehan (

Anonymous said...

Mom and apple pie could -- literally -- be the begining of the end for Bush.

This is the one PR challenge, Motherhood and Heartland, which Rove & Co. can't meet head-on without great peril to themselves. All this woman needs to do is appear on camera, and everyone sees a "normal" American -- the kind who makes sacrifices, voluntary and involuntary, and who supposedly votes Republican because of her "values". The contrast between the Sheenans and the Bushes, which is implicit in this stand-off, is one the Republican leadership can't be enjoying.

In the absence of a genuine opposition party, this is exactly what we need. Now if only 1800 mothers showed up, plus the mothers of the amputees and the permanently shell-shocked.....

As for Bush's intellectual performance, raised somewhere in this thread -- he shows clear evidence of impairment. The whole Bush family is a textbook study of sociopathic dysfunction, but W. looks and sounds as if he's got the added burden of dead tissue. The guy -- about 10 years ago -- was reasonably articulate. That is no longer the case.

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