Friday, February 18, 2005


God, I wish I had more time to write today! A Daily Kos diarist nicknamed "nephalim" (I wish these guys would use nicks that at least sounded citable) has writtena powerhouse history of John Negroponte, the new intel czar. Of all the must-read pieces published this week, this is the must-read you MUST read.


Joy Tomme said...

It's true...citable names are preferable. But what I find galling is a site that has really important info where the spelling is so bad you have to say...screw it. Recently, I saw a post referring to a Republican stance as being from "morans".

For god's sake...who is moronic? The Republican or the person who says "moran" instead of "moron"?


Barry Schwartz said...

Maybe the person was saying, "What a maroon!" Did he have a carrot?

Joseph Cannon said...

"Moran" is, I believe, an in-joke. About eight months ago, a picture made the rounds depicting a Republican protestor holding up a sign that referred to liberals as "morans."

Joy Tomme said...

That makes sense...thanks for the info. Better an in-joke than dumb.

Joy Tomme