Friday, February 18, 2005

Clinton Curtis update

I know I haven't been reporting much on vote fraud lately, even though a great deal has happened on that front over the past few weeks. I feel as though I screamed as loudly as I could for two whole months, and after a point, one becomes tired of raising one's voice.

I WILL return to the subject, and soon.

In the meantime, check out Bradblog's latest on the Clinton Curtis imbroglio. You recall Curtis, the guys who says he was asked by a company called YEI to come up with some vote-grabbing software for Florida politico Tom Feeney? You recall how, when the story broke, YEI made dark references to an (unseen) threatening and/or libel-filled letter sent by Curtis? You recall how MSNBC's Keith Olbermann reported this "fact" without seeing the actual letter? Brad has the REAL scoop.

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