Sunday, January 16, 2005

Dubya and the three stooges

While attending an institution of higher learning, you may have encountered a professor who directed your attention to Ivan Stang's theory of the three human archetypes. According to this analysis, each human being is one of the Three Stooges.

(Before proceeding, let me make clear that I always preferred Laurel and Hardy to the trio from Columbia studios. Nevertheless, I can respect the Stooges, and I feel that Stang's thesis has merit.)

Moe is the leader, the idea guy, the one who somehow cajoles the others into following his schemes. Eavesdrop on any group of sixth grade boys and you'll discover that, although any of them may suggest a course of action (e.g., "Let's go to the comic book store"), only one member of the group can always expect everyone else to act according to his plan. He is the Moe of that band.

Larry is amiable, dull, and more-or-less law-abiding (except when a Moe tells him to break the law). Larry is defined by his inability to conjure up an original thought. Stang claims that Larry is so caught up in his own Larry-ness he does not even realize that a heirarchy exists. I would refine this argument: Larry may well be dimly aware of a pecking order, though he would never dream of challenging it. Most people are Larrys, although only the Larriest of the Larrys will admit to being who and what they are.

Curly is the rebel, the artist, the bohemian, the clown, the outsider, the mystic: God's Holy Fool. Curly knows damn well that a heirarchy exists, and he knows that he's not in the top spot. Therefore, he constantly tries to undermine the natural order -- never with success. Rebellion requires numbers, and the masses of Larrys will never (well, almost never: See below) abandon Moe leadership to follow a Curly.

Stang believes that Curly is the always most lovable of the three, but I would dispute him on that point. History books describe more than a few unpleasant Curlys. Rasputin, for one. Lenny Bruce. Buddy Rich. Michaelangelo. Yes, Michaelangelo: A hobbit-sized smelly bohemian who paints gay porn all over the Pope's walls has achieved the very quintessence of Curly-ness.

I question Stang on another point: Mobility between the three classes. Stang seems to believe that such mobility is impossible. I would argue, however, that Adolf Hitler was a man destined for Curlyness.

I mean, just look at the guy: An artist. Ocassionally homeless. A (likely) virgin until his 30s. Cultivated a bizarre appearance. Farted all the damn time. Took every drug he could get his hands on. Prefered bizarre, esoteric reading material to "respectable" literature.

Yes, Adolf was a born Curly. Not a funny Curly, not a lovable Curly, but a Curly nonetheless.

Yet this natural-born-Curly somehow achieved Ultimate Moe Power. How did this insult to the natural order come to pass? This conundrum underlies our continuing fascination with the Nazi era.

Please understand that I do not like admitting that Adolf was a Curly who migrated to Moe status. I too am a Curly, and I do not enjoy confessing that Hitler also belonged to this breed.

There was a time when I longed for Moe-hood, for I considered myself brighter than many of the Moes running our world. (As you may have noticed, there are some rather dim Moes out there.) But, having reached a certain age, I have come to understand that, although a few Larrys have been kind enough to smile at my antics, they will not go to the comic book store when I say "Let's all go to the comic book store." Neither will they invade Poland on my say-so.

Now, I bring all this up because the current world situation forces us to confront another insult to the cosmic order. I refer, of course, to the Bush dynasty.

Does anyone (including the Republicans) doubt that the Bush folk are a clan of Larrys?

Larrys with money, yes. But still Larrys. They have always been and will always be bereft of charisma and leadership ability. No Bush has ever had an orginal thought.

Poppy Bush may be the most Moe-like male ever to slink out of the Bush gene pool. Yet even Nixon (a Moe with pronounced Larry and Curly tendencies) considered GHWB to be something of an amiable non-entity.

Prescott Bush may have done business with Nazis, but only because his mentors told him what to do and how to do it. Otherwise, he was the Larry who played golf with Ike.

Dubya is a fundamentalist Christian Larry of the type exemplified by Ned Flanders. Yes, he's an evil, lying, war-mongering creep. But let's face it -- he carries out the plans concocted by other people. Will W ever come up with an original thought? Hell, he's more likely to grow penises out of his nipples.

(Cheney is a Moe. But you already knew that.)

The Bush twins are the very definition of young female Larryness. Laura is so bloody Larry-like she would probably even cop to her own Larryhood. Neil is a very (very) crooked Larry, but he's still a Larry -- I mean, I can't imagine him coming up with a new and unusual way to bilk people. I don't know enough about Jeb to make a final judgment, but to my nostrils, he still conveys a Larry stench. Barbara, I must admit, has a certain Moe musk, but she's the only creature in the whole bloody family thus perfumed.

So my question to the world is this: How did this bland clan of dull, unimaginative Larrys gain power beyond the dreams of most Moes?

I always assumed that if anyone were to overthrow our democracy, the new overlord would at least be a Moe, goddammit. Or perhaps (I thought) the tyranny would come from some demonic Curly who, having made a pact with Satan, achieved upward Moe-bility. Just like Adolf.

Instead, the Babbits of Bush-dom have gained the throne. Larry is the new divine Julius.

How can such a thing be?


Anonymous said...

Every good Moe knows that it's better to buy a Larry than to be one. I think the Curlys of the world are the jesters on the sidelines trying to distract us from the buying and the selling.

Kim in PA

Anonymous said...

I think the Hitler evaluation shows the limitation of the Stooges analogy. If Hitler was a Curly, he was a damn bad one--not a skilled painter and an ultra-conservative. The real problem lies in that none of the stooges was that messed up. Now, if Shemp had been a genocidal looney who came to power over a disheveled country through a bizarre series of events and initiated the one of bloodiest conflicts in human history, we'd have a dead ringer for Hitler.

As far as the current Reich--er, administration-- goes, you're right that there are very many Larrys at the top, using the Stooges metaphor. Personally, I've always seen them as a Keystone Kops bunch.

Anonymous said...

I think the Hitler evaluation shows the limitation of the Stooges analogy. If Hitler was a Curly, he was a damn bad one--not a skilled painter and an ultra-conservative. The real problem lies in that none of the stooges was that messed up. Now, if Shemp had been a genocidal looney who came to power over a disheveled country through a bizarre series of events and initiated one of bloodiest conflicts in human history, we'd have a dead ringer for Hitler.

As far as the current Reich--er, administration-- goes, you're right that there are very many Larrys at the top, using the Stooges metaphor. Personally, I've always seen them as a Keystone Kops bunch.

Joy Tomme said...

How did the bland Bush's gain power? I will ask another question. But for the bland choices the Democrats put up against Daddy Bush (Michael Dukakis) and Bush Jr. (Al Gore,John Kerry), where would the political career of either Bush be today?

Bland often follows charismatic. The US populace seems to want a Presdent who reflects their ordinariness after having a Star. After FDR came Truman. After Reagan came George Herbert Walker Bush, and after Clinton came W.. We as a nation wanted a president who would not dazzle us in 2000 and 2004. Why did the US voters go for an uninteresting Republican rather than an uninteresting Democrat in 2000? They didn't. They voted for Gore.

But for George W. Bush being appointed President by the Supreme Court, we would not be discussing the Bush clan's rise to power. And we would not have a war in Iraq.

The big question is, why has the US allowed the Republican party to become run by fascists, thugs and gangsters? And when is the nation going to rise up and tell them to GET OUT ?

Anonymous said...

Better theories make distinctions sharp and reproducible. "DNA testing" is a better theory. "Memes" is a worse theory. Where does the Stooges theory go? :)

As for Democratic candidates, they've won four presidential elections in a row. Democrats who blame their candidates for "losing" are, therefore, looking at a fantasy. The problem with Democrats is not that they lose elections; it's that they hand elections over to the Bushist thugs like a wallet to a mugger. Then they express their fondness for torturers and murderers. And then they get beaten up some more, anyway. And so it goes, again and again.

I've quit the Democratic Party, or, as I have begun to call it, the Neville Chamberlain Memorial Party. That's tough to do. Maybe it's like quitting alcohol, where the withdrawal can actually kill you. But I believe it must be done.

-- inane Schwartz

Anonymous said...

How did a bland Bush rise to Moedom? The answer to me seems so obvious. Yes, Dubya is a Larry, but he might as well be a Moe, because by accident of birth and personality (to apply, one need not have a soul) Bush serves as the perfect conduit for the real Moes who really wield the power. It's all a fantastic manipulation. Rove and Co. - master manipulators.

Anonymous said...

Back during Bush Sr.'s term, a humorist whose name I've completely forgotten came on the Letterman show to propose a similar theory based of Three Stooges archetypes. In his theory, a Moe was a smart guy and leader, a Curly was a bumbling follower, and a Larry was a person who thought he was a Moe but was really a Curly. He pronounced Bush Sr. to be a Larry and made the pronouncement, "We need a Moe in the White House!"

Letterman and the audience responded so well to that slogan that they chose it as the official phrase of the year, overturning the rightfully-elected "Who do you think you are, Bjorn Nitmo?"


Anonymous said...


Has Mitofsky proven that a co-relation exists between these above variables and the Republicans willingness to participate in the exit poll? It seems that way.

HOWEVER, the big question is this:

Has Mitofsky proven that these variables account for the significant discrepancy between the exit poll numbers and the actual results of the election?

That answer is a BIG RESOUNDING "NO".

A crude analogy would be to say that a bowl of sh*t tastes bad because one put too much pepper on it. However, I think we would all agree that if we take away the pepper, it still tastes bad.

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