So now that Bernard Kerik's ["nanny problem"] ties to organized crime and lack of financial ethics have knocked him for a loop, Chimp is considering Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut for Secretary of Homeland Security. I have two thoughts on this:"Partisan Republican"...yes indeedy.
1) It's not fair to give that job to such a partisan Republican. (insert rim shot here)
2) If Lieberman is stupid enough to take it, not only will Connecticut's governor appoint a Republican to replace him, it would also guarantee that when, not if, there's another successful terrorist attack on U.S. soil, BushCo would be able to blame the Democrats.
In my most cynical moments, I muse that perhaps the only reason we haven't gone to open fascism lies in the fact that keeping a few Democrats around gives the Bushites someone to blame.
A few days ago, my girlfriend became very excited by the idea that the Republicans will have to take the blame for the upcoming economic meltdown, since they control all branches of government. I reminded her that folks said much the same thing in 2000. Even though we've never had a single day of true prosperity since that election, red-staters still blame all our woes on the Great Librul Conspiracy. Rationalization springs eternal in the conservative breast, and Dems are to the Bushies as Jews were to the Nazis.
kolchak got beaten to the punchline on that one: