Saturday, December 18, 2004

Bev Harris

This post is not easy to write.

Internecine conflicts have split the community of individuals looking into the vote fraud controversy. In previous posts, I've called for greater cooperation, and I've offered apologies for any occasion on which I lacked generosity of spirit.

Alas, the time has come to reconsider the work of Bev Harris and her organization, Black Box Voting.

Her tiff with Randi Rhodes did not strike me as worthy of discussion -- both women seem to possess the kinds of personalities that make conflict inevitable. Rhodes became angered -- on the air, no less -- because Harris did not answer messages left on her machine. Perhaps Randi should have just interviewed the machine? Considering the way she talks (and talks), her listeners would never have known the difference.

Even so, we must face the fact that Bev Harris has established a pattern. Search the net and you will find many anecdotal reports indicating that this woman simply cannot work with other people.

Is that a sin? No.

Frankly, much the same could be said of yours truly. That's why I now run a blog, having learned (the hard way) to avoid all groups, nonprofits, cliques, subcultures, etc. After reaching a certain age, people should understand how to work within the limits of their personalities.

Bev Harris' dismissive comments directed toward the Democratic Underground boards were puerile and unbecoming. Her "sour grapes" attitude reflected badly on her.

And her recent "blame the victim" stance toward Kerry raises much ire:

I hear the angst in America, from people who know this election was not trustworthy. I do believe that the person most responsible for failure to get an accountable election is John Kerry himself.
Yeah. Right. And Poland invaded Germany.

Kerry, in my view, has played such cards as he holds wisely. His critics are the sort of people who are never happy unless a Democrat commits political suicide.

Now, Bev Harris certainly has every right to express her anger at those who have made evidence-free suggestions that she profits from her work. (And even if she did profit from a movie or a book, so what?) To this degree, she retains my sympathies.

And if Harris uncovers further evidence of vote-rigging in Florida, hosanna and hallelujah.

But I am starting to worry.

She has recently taken to making vague remarks about Democratic wrongdoing. At the same time, she refuses to divulge the evidence she once claimed to possess demonstrating Republican wrongdoing.

We still have not seen copies of the "original" poll tapes which reportedly show conflicts with the copies Florida officials tried to palm off on her. The discrepancies, we were told, showed clear evidence of alteration in Bush's favor.

Why hasn't this evidence showed up on the internet? Harris refuses to offer specifics. She claims that secrecy is necessary because the investigation is ongoing. If it "ongoes" beyond the Bush inauguration, what is the point?

In a Democratic Underground forum, a poster said: "In any case, all she has to do is produce copies of the tapes."

Bev Harris replied:

"OK. Please go ask Greg Palast to produce all his investigative material during the middle of his investigations. See what HE says."

If Greg Palast possessed hard evidence that poll tapes were faked to benefit Bush, and if he refused to reveal this evidence until after the inauguration, I wouldn't care about anything he had to say. Frankly, I'd be tempted to reach for my trusty tire iron, which I would use to make the guy eat his own teeth.

My imagination is as elastic as the next fellow's. For the past half-hour, I've been trying to imagine a scenario in which keeping such important evidence under wraps might actually help the cause of democracy.

Imagination fails. I can't think of any such scenario. Can you?


  1. If the White House (by that, I mean Karl Rove) is good at anything, it is good at dirty tricks. Rove learned from a past-master...Watergate's Donald Segretti. One of the things Rove knows is the wisdom of the ploy to "divide and conguer". If Karl Rove is behind the Bev Harris-Randi Rhodes split, he really is a master. But it is a perfect example that when egos get in the way...integrity goes out the window.

    I am so anti-Rove that I will believe he is capable of even accomplishing a civil war between Harris/Rhodes. How? I have no idea.

    But the point remains...what we have here are a couple egos at loggerheads. Everything they are arguing about is beside the point, except to them.

    Let's get back to what needs to be accomplished here...and stop peeing in the snow. Women ought to know they can't resort to male's awkward.

  2. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Big Sigh. I was totally on board with Bev's site, her efforts, her non-partisan desire to make the election process more transparent. There is good in that. Alas, after some time, I wondered where the information went, things became silent in Florida as Ohio heated up. No news at Black Box. So, while folks were working on Ohio and I knew she was still involved in Florida, I sent her an email asking if it would make sense to get FOIA phone records to see if any of the machines had been dialed into. I don't even know if that's a stupid question! But, I heard nothing from her (wasn't expecting to), though a few days later I saw on her site something about an unrelated, new method of possible malfeasance which also related to Feeney. Well, if you google Feeney and telephone records you'll see he's put up quite a fight in the past about what is considered public record and what is not with regard to his employees using publicly financed phones, etc. But I have to assume there is no relation to the two ideas as I'm sure she would have said, thanks, or something. Heck, I'm just an idea person.

    I think with Brad Blog and with Cannonfire - my personal faves - there is a definite "different feel" (ala audience participation). Sorry, but not all of us "idea people" are the same as the "go getters" at least not me. Getting the word around is critical too. Nonetheless, I still am hoping she is working on something to prevent this inaugeration.

    Diane S.

  3. Anonymous12:06 AM

    The necessity to present results before the coronation is obvious to me, but others do not all have the foresight to see that this is no longer about "clean elections." Black Box Voting says that "clean elections" are their purpose. Alas, it is better for people who don't "get it" to do this work than for no one to do it.

    As for the Randi Rhodes vs. Bev Harris fight, I'd rather listen to more of the delightful quasi-sibling rivalry between Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder. :)

  4. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Sorry, but I don't quite comprehend why you take such offense at the notion that Kerry has betrayed the cause.

    For weeks you have been supplying information on vote fraud. If this evidence is as compelling as you seem to think it is, what possible excuse could Kerry have remaining silent, and failing to contribute financially to the effort?

    The election was not a private business venture of John Kerry's; he was deputed by a Democratic process to run for president, and he made an implicit bargain with his supporters and contributors. He cannot simply walk away, whatever the personal consequences to him of pursuing a fair count. If Kerry had been demanding a revote in Ohio for the last few weeks, and had regularly produced evidence of fraud and obstruction, do you think we'd be in this hopeless position now?

    Of course, if Kerry believes the reports of fraud are all nonsense, then he has every reason to remove himself from the conflict, as he has done.

    But that doesn't seem to be your position.

  5. Being a cynic, I don't often feel comfortable with words like "trust" and "hope." What was it Stalin supposedly said? "I mistrust everyone, even myself." Now THAT'S cynicism!

    But the truth is, I like John Kerry. Always have. Hell, I like the guy so much I want him to be president.

    More than that, I wrote a letter to him suggesting a run for the presidency in 1987.

    More than that: As a youth I caught the Kerry/O'Neill debate on the Dick Cavett show. (What a nerd I was! How many other guys that age watched Dick Cavett?) Kerry made a great impression, as John O'Neill did not.

    Maybe some other Ancient Ones out there can refresh my memory -- but didn't O'Neill speak at the GOP convention in 1976? I have this weird visual recollection of him standing up in the audience and saying a few words...

    Well, I've digressed. The point is, I like Kerry and can understand why he has kept a low-key approach to the vote fraud issue. If he acted as some of his supporters suggest that he act, his career would be over and he would be viewed as a national laughingstock.

    Cobb can quibble from the sidelines -- but he is a Green. Guys like Cobb do not really want power. They want to gripe about power. Nothing wrong with that: So do I, so do you, so does everyone we know. Griping is healthy.

    But the attitude of someone who wants to carp about the way things are must differ from the attitude of someone working for change within the system.

  6. Anonymous9:05 AM

    It’s not wise to place a deadline on an investigation. To expect a pre-inauguration revelation of something Bev Harris thinks should stay under wraps for now is folly.

    It’s naïve to think the mainstream media would air the news. And so what would be accomplished?

    Surely all readers of Cannonfire know the keen ability of certain people in government to destroy anybody who poses a danger to them. Remember the way in which their minion Walter Pincus in the Washington Post sneakily attacked the credibility of Gary Webb. See

    “Pincus wrote a story in which he created allegations Webb had not made and then tore them down. This tactic was to be repeated over and over until the only ones who knew what Webb had actually said were the who had bothered to read his pieces all the way through.”

    Not only would the mainstream media refuse to report Bev Harris’s findings; they would seek to destroy her credibility by twisting her words and airing flat-out lies, as they did to Gary Webb.

  7. Anonymous11:21 AM

    "it is obvious that a low-profile approach to a very nasty issue is the most effective, prudent course of action."

    Yes, it's very obvious, as evidenced by the 2000 Election. Gore did the prudent thing, didn't fight with the same vigor or determination as the Republicans, and graciously conceded an election he in fact won.

    Do disenfranchised Democratic voters in this country have have no rights, because spineless Democrats decline to fight? That's tantamount to saying Ralph Nader was right: a hold-your-nose vote for a Democrat is a wasted vote.

    If Kerry had "won" by similar means, do you think GWB and his surrogates would have retired quietly to Crawford?

    Kerry at least has a megaphone. Nobody else in this effort does. Certainly not John Conyers (who can't give a coherent interview), much less Bev Harris.

    Without a startling revelation (no thanks to John Kerry), or a repudiation of GWB by elements of the ruling class (per Richard Nixon), we're looking at 4 more years of this crap.

    Very prudent indeed. Of course, if Mr. Kerry is looking forward to running another confused, incompetent campaign in 2008, in which he asserts that despite four more horrendous years in Iraq, he still would have voted for the war, then it's probably in his best interests to keep quiet, and lose again.

  8. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Showing the video would achieve nothing, and would risk enormous damage to a carefully constructed case. If the Blackboxvoting aim is to clean up the election process, then it has to be a bipartisan movement, and Bush's inauguration can be no deadline at all. I think the democratic underground and other similar Groups assume that she must be a Democrat, when that need not be the case.

  9. pomeroo misinformed with...

    "With all of the cheating, recounts conducted by two consortia of newsgathering organizations still showed Bush winning."

    Sorry, pomeroo, you're wrong again.

    Keep up the deflections from the truth, however! It has served your side very well so far!

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