Saturday, October 16, 2004

Spooked up media

Read this remarkable piece on Mark Hyman, bigwig at Sinclair broadcasting, and his links to the intelligence community. Hyman's only part of the problem. Nearly all the major far-right propaganda-pushers -- Scaife, Moon, and even Murdoch -- have these connections. I'll have more on this soon. (And where has the money come from? Read the books of Sterling Seagrave -- closely.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you do even a cursory search on the Sinclair page, you'll find that their Board of Directors has four guys by the name of Smith, including the CEO, who perhaps are related. Further, 3 of them have background in the manufacturing and installation of "high power transmitters", and the other one is a former oral and maxiofallical(spelling?)surgeon. Again, waiting for the media Powers That Be to make even a febble, half-hearted attempt to connect the dots is turing out to be an exercise in futility. We're turning into a banana republic here, where nobody asks any questions, and the dictatorship doesn't even bother with denials.