Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Devilish "Christians"

A lot of good stories about the religious right -- the zombies supporting Bush -- have appeared recently. But this piece demands attention.


Anonymous said...

Something about worth to mention about the war costs and so.
Isn`t this something worth to know for christians?

Joy Tomme said...

I understand the point Karen Horst Cobb was making in her article about unChristian Christians who are promoting violence and war.

But the thing that most Christians either ignore or forget is that in the days of theocracies, whatever the King's favored prophet said ended up being Gospel (literally, god's tale). And in the days of theocracies, the favored prophet was the political spin-meister of the day.

I don't mean to take away from Christianity. Christ's message is the best religious message around. But religion having an influence on politics goes back to the day that man first decided that god(s) ran things. And as long as men are saying that their particular belief in god is the one endorsed by god (and that really is what the Bible, Torah and Koran say), then we are going to have little wee men saying things about God that are stupid and insane.

Ratfuck DIary (http://ratfuckdiary.blogspot.com)