Tuesday, October 12, 2004


They're starting to fire back regarding the "mystery bulge" allegations. The one response I consider truly disturbing came from Byron York, of The Hill. Why is this piece unsettling? Because, instead of attempting to counter the aural and visual evidence, York goes after David Lindorff, who wrote the Salon piece. (Isn't that typical right-wing behavior?) York also lends credence to the Swift Boat liars -- and to insinuations that Kerry is a commie.

Yeesh...and some folks think I'm over the top!

Less unsettling was Richard Roeper's piece in the Chicago Sun-Times. He pretends to take the rationalist stance. But then he goes on to summarize a few key pieces of evidence without offering any kind of genuine rebuttal. Mild scoffing, yes -- but no real counter-argument. The weird "D-Day" audio (to cite just one example) hangs out there in the open, lacking any rebuttal -- just the snide presumption that it can't be what it seems to be.

Now that's the kind of "opposition" I like, Richard! Keep it up!

If real life allows me to get online later tonight, I'll have a goodie for you...

ADDITIONAL THOUGHT: Roeper's "attack" is so half-hearted, I've begun to wonder: Did he intentionally concoct a lame argument? In Britain, where libel laws are more formidable, certain writers have perfected the art of denying an accusation in order to get it into ink. As in: "My readers should understand that I have never, ever believed the unverified assertion that Lord Bobblehead had carnal knowledge of a roast goose on Christmas Eve in front of eight guests." Roeper may have been up to similar hijinx...


Anonymous said...

The vote starts here:

Alan Mann said...

I saw a posting somewhere, can't seem to find it now, that suggested that the D-Day incident could be explained thusly: that someone, for some reason, could have been repeating was Bush was saying, but due to the kind of audio delay one often sees on overseas telecasts, it was picked up on this feed preceding rather than following the Prez. Sounds about as convincing as Bush proclaiming himself as an environmentalist, but I suppose it's a possible explanation.

icone said...

I don't buy the delay arguement at all. First, I watched the Chirac/Bush conference live and taped... same "ghost". Second, you can see Chirac react to the voice. Third, there have been other reports of this ghosting/prompting from domestic coverage.

In my opinion, theres nothing wrong with prompting... but not at a DEBATE! Thats dirty and cheating!

more info, pics, links, updates... http://bushwired.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

Another counter campaign

Make a blacklist or somekind like they do.