Wednesday, June 02, 2004


Neoconservative Jews tend to get pissed off (not always unreasonably) when compared to fascists. But one neocon who begs such a comparison is Michael Ledeen, the mysterious behind-the-scenes wheeler-dealer who figures so prominently in the in the saga of Ahmad Chalabi.

Ledeen, who became known for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal, is a member of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs and the American Enterprise Institute. No voice has offered a louder cry for America to seek regime change in nearly all Islamic nations. Israel has no more steadfast supporter.

Ah, the 1980s, published reports linked Ledeen with the P2 lodge in Italy, a crypto-fascist cabal run by Licio Gelli, who worked for the SS.

Do bedfellows get any stranger than this?

By the by -- would anyone connected to a left-wing group ever get the kind of high-level access Ledeen sports?

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