Saturday, March 20, 2004

What's wrong with "Rightsizing"

Gadflyer has an interesting new piece by Ann Lewis called "Rightsizing Rove" which discusses various missteps by the Bush camp: The ill-chosen "manufacturing czar" who had been a monumental outsourcer, the flawed prescription drug benefit, and the widely condemned ads featuring 911 imagery. Lewis' main point: Rove and co. ain't so brilliant. Be afraid, but don't be very afraid.

The poll numbers undercut her argument. In CBS/NYT polling, Kerry led Bush by five points a month ago, but now trails Bush by three points (seven points if Nader stays in the race). In the Investor's Business Daily poll, a Kerry three-point lead has turned into a five-point deficit.

Granted, other polls show conflicting results, but the general trend is in Bush's favor. Face it: The ads worked. I doubt many people paid attention to the brouhaha over the manufacturing czar. The GOP is pulling out all the stops to convince the public that W is saving Medicare. Rush and co. have had amazing success in defining the 911 families and the firefighters as fringe-dwellers.

I don't like the Republican product, but I'm in awe of their ability to sell it.

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