Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Madness of King Donald. Plus: More "Big Smear" foreshocks

I spoke to Milton William Cooper -- the "conspiracy king" of the 1990s -- a few times; the first occasion occurred before most people ever heard of him. The guy was a total loon. But as dangerous as he was, Cooper was sane compared to Donald J. Trump.

Trump recently yoked himself to the coronavirus theories of one Stella Immanuel. She is described here:
Immanuel, a pediatrician and a religious minister, has a history of making bizarre claims about medical topics and other issues. She has often claimed that gynecological problems like cysts and endometriosis are in fact caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches.

She alleges alien DNA is currently used in medical treatments, and that scientists are cooking up a vaccine to prevent people from being religious. And, despite appearing in Washington, D.C. to lobby Congress on Monday, she has said that the government is run in part not by humans but by “reptilians” and other aliens.
Hey, I've dated a couple of "endo" women. Does that make me a demon?

This blast of concentrated madness reminds me of the time I got a whiff of pure ammonia. (Damn near fainted.) Under the circumstances, I feel silly pointing out the woman's inability to use the possessive apostrophe.

She's a pediatrician? How the hell did this preposterous, wormy-brained nitwit manage to get a degree, or even a high school diploma? I wouldn't let her babysit a kid, let alone treat one.

Update: Immanuel got her degree in Nigeria, where her name was, apparently, Gwandiku-Ambe. Here she is.

She authored this religious tract, which is...memorable.
You spiritual bat and spiritual lizard that have been introduced into my head, receive the fire of God, In the name of Jesus.
The president's favorite doctor appears to have had a bat and a lizard removed from her head.
Any rod of the wicked, rising up against my family line, be rendered impotent for my sake, in the name of Jesus
Mention the organ that you know is not behaving the way it should. When you have done this begin to say: “I withdraw you from every evil altar.” Say this seven hot times
There is truth in this. If a guy places his misbehaving organ in an evil altar, the result can indeed be a hot time.
O Lord, let the blood of any animal shed on my behalf loose its covenant power, in the name of Jesus.
Um...has this problem come up often in her life?

I've decided to embed a nine year-old video of Dr. Immanuel preaching in Nigeria; scroll down. Trust me: This presentation is a must-watch. Try to imagine Donald Trump attending this sermon.

Meanwhile, on the Epstein front: Gullible journalist Julie Brown has excused Virginia Roberts Giuffre's many lies on the grounds that Virginia has experienced so much trauma in her life, she cannot be expected to know the difference between fact and fantasy -- nevertheless, we must believe whatever "truth" Virginia happens to be peddling at any given moment.

Now, Brown reports that there are a hundred new "Virginias" coming forward.
“There's a lot of women right now that are coming forward a lot and they're talking to prosecutors,” she tells Molly Jong-Fast and Rick Wilson. “There's pretty close to a hundred, from what I hear.”
Meanwhile, a judge is close to unsealing a giant pile of documents related to Epstein’s alleged sex trafficking ring. “I hope somebody is standing in Maxwell’s cell when this happens,” Brown says.
Maxwell will probably come out of this thing fine. I believe that Trump will pardon her -- if she "corroborates" any lie about Joe Biden proffered by one of these new "victims."

Infuriatingly, most people will not even consider the possibility that a "victim" might be a money-motivated false witness. Did you know that Sarah Ransome, the proven hoaxer who "corroborated" Virginia's tale, has admitted that she once frequented a website where attractive women hope to meet wealthy "sugar daddies"? Did you know that she ended her suit against Epstein when she received a generous settlement?

Virginia once testified under oath that she was raped by Epstein's partner, billionaire Les Wexner. Later, she completely withdrew that accusation. There is reason to suspect that money exchanged hands.

Look at the Bill Cosby case. Once the smell of lucre began to pervade the air, at least one false claimant came forward with a "Bill raped me" story. Here she is. I strongly suspect that some of the other accusers were equally dubious. Cosby was rich, but not ultra-rich; there's far more money circulating in the world of Epstein and Wexner, and thus far more motivation for deception.

If the previous paragraph led you to believe that I consider Cosby and Epstein innocent, read it again. And consider taking a course in logic.

The genuine crimes committed by Jeffrey Epstein are outlined in Patterson's book Filthy Rich, the bulk of which tells a story differing from the tales related by Virginia and Sarah. Unfortunately, the Epstein case has become engulfed by hysteria. In this superheated atmosphere, few will demand corroborative evidence when one of these new "victims" points the finger at Joe Biden.

And now, as promised, heeeeeeeere's Stella...


Anonymous said...

i grant you Joseph, without question, that Trump is both mentally ill and dangerous. But to parallel-compare him to Bill Cooper requires a bit more context and nuance than you seem willing to consider.

First of all, Cooper's best-selling, heavily-pastiched "book" has been kept in print by its woo-woo New Age publisher for many years because it just keeps selling to the morbidly curious, helplessly gullible and/or easily amused. But it does not represent the much better-informed and (sadly) way farther down the road to terminal paranoia Cooper of the final years of his utterly bizarre life.

Bill Cooper began his public career as a UFO-lore huckster, following the "flying-saucer conventions" circuit from town to town and hotel conference room to rented auditorium, hawking his "book" and spinning wild tales of "secret discoveries" he supposedly made during his grossly inflated and misrepresented prior tour of duty as a (low-level) Naval Intelligence officer.

I once heard a tape of him "talking shop" with another professional "saucer huckster" of the late 20th Century, a guy much more successful than Bill at the time, with a long, long trail of publications. And boy was it revealing!

The pair sounded like a couple of old-school carny men, comparing the well-worn come-on and scam techniques used in those varied and colorful "games of chance and skill" that still populate many carnival side shows and county-fair midways.

But Bill eventually moved on, as the voraciously curious reader and researcher that he became delved deeper and deeper into the much broader (and sometimes far goofier) world of political conspiracy investigation and theorizing -- a pitfall-and-snare-laden landscape you yourself tremulously trod in decades past.

Shortly before the world-changing and still-mysterious (to some of us, anyway) events of 9/11, Bill publicly repudiated a great deal of the very UFO/Aliens-have-landed dogma (supposedly "verified" by the MJ-12 Papers) that had made him (in)famous and financially (somewhat) comfortable. "It was mostly intelligence-agency and secret-society disinformation," he proclaimed, after obsessively digging (and cherry-picking) his way ever more deeply into a tremendous assortment of open-source Masonic/Rosicrucian/Mormon/Bilderberg/UNESCO/Rockefeller/Bohemian-Grove/Trilateralist/etc. documentation plus the intel-agency abuse exposes of a panoply of mostly leftie, credentialed scholars.

"A faked-but-widely publicized UFO-to-government contact and/or landing episode is soon on the way," he stridently warned, "And it will be used to justify martial law at home and confabulated, enormous debt-inducing "Wars in Space" against imaginary, extra-terrestrial enemies." (to be continued...)

Anonymous said...


These quotes are, of necessity, paraphrased re-creations of what I heard Bill exclaim on his nightly, world-wide shortwave broadcasts in the late 1990s -- up to the point that I could not bear to listen any longer, due to the over-the-top, Howard Beale-like, foaming-at-the-mouth manner of his delivery. (Although I must admit that Cooper was still easier on the ear-and-psyche than his intensely hated radio-rival, that execrable shill of the airwaves Alex Jones, even before Jonesie had permanently rant-ruined his larynx.)

My point is... that Milton William Cooper was ultimately a brilliant man, an uncredentialed, auto-didactian scholar of the covert and esoteric who, although his early motives were base, even despicable, rose to the occasion of of attempting to be a modern-day Diogenes or Jeremiah, searching for and proclaiming to the world the "truth" as he uncovered and (tried to) interpret it.

But at the same time he sunk deeper and deeper into mental illness, increasingly corrupted with the narcissism engendered by having an army of listener-toadies hanging on his every word and supporting him with their "membership" contributions -- and becoming positively debilitated by a death-wish, paranoid desire to "go out in a blaze of glory" as a martyred hero of truth-seeking.

In some (but only some) tragic respects, Cooper reminds me of the Claude Rains character in that old British horror movie THE CLAIRVOYANT, aka THE EVIL MIND. Check it out on YouTube.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, is but a semi-literate, spoiled-bratty, former rich kid who blew much of the (whorehouse-based) family fortune on high-profile bad investments and became hopelessly indebted to a cabal of Russian oligarchs. In essence he's a shameless, attention-deficit disordered, publicity-addicted fool, abjectly willing (at his campaign's start, anyway) to be an ultra-glorified cat's paw for an evil coterie of uber dark-hearted advisors and dual-loyalist close relatives -- in a wholly disgusting personal quest of the ultimate ego-boost, the U.S. Presidency. (And the next spot on...gasp! Mount Rushmore!)

I suspect (as do many others) that he now has immensely bitter regrets, and must be pinning what remains of his heretical, Norman Vincent Peale-style "Christian faith" in second-term victory on the "Big Smear" that you (seemingly alone, so far) keep prophesying.


Joseph Cannon said...
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Joseph Cannon said...

Andrew, I was hoping to receive a comment like yours, and I hope you read these words. That rather gratuitous reference to Cooper resulted from my recent mental revisits to the 1990s, a time when I was a frequent loiterer in and around America's various fringe subcultures. In many ways, that was the worst time of my life. However, those excursions into Weirdoland did provide insight into what is going on right now. QAnon is clearly an outgrowth of the conspiracy writers of that era -- the sleazo-paranoids who shaped the weltanschauung of Timothy McVeigh and his comrades-in-crazy.

I'm quite aware of the length and breadth of Uncle Miltie's career; I even considered writing a book about him in the days before I lost my files. If memory serves, I first spoke to him by phone in 1987 -- 88 at the latest. This was around the time his first public appearances. Our paths crossed on several occasions after that. There was the usual death threat, which I reported to the cops, who did precisely nothing.

At first he puzzled me, because there was no obvious monetary motivation behind his hoax. After he turned his shtick into a career, the hoax made more sense. I remain confounded by the little-remembered Bill English, who didn't make any serious money at that game, and who didn't seem particularly happy to be telling the fables he told.

My interest in Cooper stemmed in large part from my long-held fascination with L. Ron Hubbard and Joseph Smith. In a previous post, I've written about the impact that Fawn Brodie's Smith bio had on me.

Many people presume that Smith and Hubbard were simple con artists -- nothing more. But if you look closely at their careers, you'll see indications that they really BELIEVED much of what they said. Since the 1970s, I've been haunted by this question: Were these men sincere crazies, or were they utterly captious scamsters?

One could apply the same question to Madame Blavatsky and perhaps even to Walid Fard, the founder of the Nation of Islam. I wish we knew more about Fard. (I went through the FBI file, ages ago, but it left me wanting more.) One could also ask this question of Joe McCarthy and to some of his brethren. (Ken Goff comes to mind. He's largely forgotten now, but he was quite a character.)

I thought that I would be able to answer this riddle if I made a close study of Cooper. Solve "the Cooper problem" and you solve the Hubbard/Smith problem -- or so I presumed.

Yet here we are, decades after the man's death, and I still don't have an answer. I mean, Cooper certainly must have known that his lies were, in fact, lies. The contradictions and confabulations were incredibly obvious. Yet he died for his beliefs, and he attempted murder for his beliefs. So the question remains: Was he crazy, or was he a conster?


(This is part one of my response. Part 2 below.)

Joseph Cannon said...

Here is part 2.

Andrew, I remain puzzled by your characterization of Bill Cooper as "brilliant." You aren't the first to say this. Back in the early 1990s, even his enemies often described him as highly intelligent. I could not, and cannot, understand this view.

His vocabulary was impoverished, he was poorly-read, and his reasoning skills were minimal. It's impossible to imagine him attending a university or making an interesting contribution to any field outside of conspiratology. Even within that field, his "insights" were notoriously stolen from others. He was never original, just particularly brazen in his burglaries.

If he were truly bright, he would have told better lies. Repeatedly, he tripped himself up by getting his chronology skewed: He would "remember" reading about things that occurred AFTER his service. His pilferings were so bold that he ended up alienating fellow conspiracy-peddlers who could have been useful allies. Even his most ardent followers -- yes, I met a few -- privately confessed that Cooper stole material.

Cooper could easily have foreseen and avoided these problems. But he lacked impulse control.

Consider, for example, his resurrection of the "Protocols" hoax. I took a special interest in that affair, because the actual text of the "Protocols" had become very hard to find in the 1980s, at least in the US. Then Cooper republished the thing in his book, thereby placing a copy of the Protocols in every New Age bookstore.

You may not know that the "Protocols" section of Bill Cooper's book was directly photocopied from a volume called "The Truth About the Protocols of Zion," published in the 1930s by one Herman Bernstein. I first read the text when I found a copy of Bernstein's book in the UCLA library. Bernstein's goal, of course, was to expose the hoax. Cooper was so fucking stupid, he didn't even bother to use white-out to mask Bernstein's footnotes -- even though doing so would have taken, what, maybe twenty seconds. Bernstein's volume also contains the source materials which prove that the forgery was, in fact, a forgery. In other words, Cooper at one point provably held in his hands incontrovertible evidence that the Protocols is a hoax.

Absurdly, Cooper claimed that the Protocols were written by Adam Weishaupt! This, despite the fact that the text references many events (such as the Panama scandal) which occurred decades after Weishaupt's death.

If Cooper were an intelligent man, he would have covered his tracks better. I mean, how long would it have taken him to retype the text? Maybe a few days. He could have lightly rewritten sections to erase the chronological problems he created.

In short: Cooper had a mediocre mind.

However, he did have a shark-like instinct for self-preservation and for overcoming opposition through sheer ferocity. He was always on the attack. He knew that his audience had a phobic reaction to logical argument. When he encountered criticism, he simply repeated his absurdities with increasing vehemence, as though decibel levels and ad hominem attacks could substitute for the lack of evidence and hide the internal contradictions of his claims.

In many ways, Trump stole Cooper's act. Trump IS Cooper. Or rather: Trump = Cooper + money.

(I'm going to add a part 3.)

Joseph Cannon said...

Here's part 3.

Andrew, I was intrigued by this section:

"I once heard a tape of him "talking shop" with another professional "saucer huckster" of the late 20th Century, a guy much more successful than Bill at the time, with a long, long trail of publications. And boy was it revealing!

"The pair sounded like a couple of old-school carny men..."

I'd wager a donut -- several donuts -- that you're referring to dear old Timothy Green Beckley, the last disciple of Grey Barker and his merry band of myth-makers. TGB later came up with that "Commander X" hoax, which was a lightly-revised version of the basic Cooper riff.

You DO know that TGB was the original Commander X, don't you? It became a "house name" adopted by other writers in his stable.

You should also know that TGB was, almost certainly, the fellow calling himself "Terry R. Wriste," the mystery man who inspired those absurd "Hellier" documentaries? I'm not sure if the current "Wriste" is Beckley, but back in the 1990s, I figured out pretty quickly that Beckley was the fellow interviewed in Allen Greenfield's books. (If you want to know how I came to that conclusion, write to me privately.)

A final tidbit. Bill Cooper first came to prominence around the time that David Lynch concocted the pilot for "Twin Peaks." KPFK in Los Angeles broadcast a LOT of conspiracy material starting in 1987, and just about every screenwriter in town listened in and took inspiration. (Trust me on this. I got around back then.) Bottom line, I'd bet another donut that Dale Cooper was named after Bill Cooper.

Anonymous said...

Joseph, you occasionally refer to having “lost your files,” almost like a lapsed Catholic who at some point “lost his faith”. Indeed, it seems you really did (in a manner of speaking) “lose your faith” in ever finding, among the field of radical conspiracists of the late 20th Century, any worthwhile recondite truths about the world about you, its history and the plans of the powerful for the future.

Perhaps in some previous posting that I missed, you did actually explain in detail just what the incident or incidents were that brought about your so adamantly turning your back on virtually the whole field of what you now derisively call “conspiracy peddlers”. If so, please share it again or at supply a link to the text.

And if you do, I wonder if that explanation will also extend to your “conversion” to an alternate “faith,” namely in traditional, New Deal-style Democrat-party politics. Your unshakable devotion to the supposed purity of the “saintly” Clintons (and your warmly nostalgic reminiscences of the economic “good times” over which they once presided) shines through posting after posting on Cannonfire, and the intensity of feelings so eloquently and fervently expressed sometimes borders on the saccharine (to my jaundiced taste) – but I keep on reading you to savor your investigative skills and latest discoveries.

Yes, it appears to me that for all your trumpeted rejection of the conspiracism culture in which you “misspent” your middle years (if not your actual, chronological youth) you’re still a seasoned and skillful conspiracy researcher at heart – only now you’ve narrowed your targets down to just the hidden crimes and fascistic intentions of the traditional, ballot-box enemies of traditional Democrat candidates for public office, the Republicans!

Meanwhile, your oft-repeated, broad-brush denouncements of virtually the (sometimes scraggly, sometimes slick) entire field of “conspiracy theory” (and you well know where, how, why and by whom that pejorative term was coined and first promoted) as right-wing Nazi disinfo seems to me an autonomic, PTSD-induced (from some past wounding) cry of pain and a desperate grab for the “avoidance lever”.

Of course there have been, down through the uncountable ages to this very day, innumerable false claims of criminally conspiratorial behavior made (by the mean-spirited and outright evil) against both the innocent and the forces of good – sometimes with disastrous outcomes (when believed by the mob) and unspeakable carnage.

Anonymous said...

But there is also benevolent conspiracy research (and theorizing) prompted by perfectly reasonable doubt as to both the veracity and intentions of what the rich, powerful and influential want the rest of us to (Edward Bernays-style) believe in and act upon for their malevolent, sociopathic benefit – at the cost of our own ultimate harm, debasement, enslavement and even annihilation. Think scheduled wars, deliberate famines, planned plagues and other associated forms of engineered, deadly chaos.

Honest skepticism in the face of an ongoing barrage of manipulative, official pronouncements (re-packaged by the mainstream media and credentialed academia as “news” or “history”) can be a noble calling, and sometimes the “alternate truths” uncovered by the (conspiracist) skeptics, when they actually do genuine research or only just deduce, in the long run turn out to be both ghastly and accurate. Or they can be dead wrong. Or something in between.

IMHO Bill Cooper started out as a sleazy con man and ended up a sincere-but-demented, hidden-truth purveyor SOME of the time. He was perhaps the most egregiously flawed, high-profile “parapolitical prophet” of the end of the last century, but he did get some things terrifyingly right. And he certainly was no fascist. He vehemently despised and denounced the abuse of the weak by the mighty, sometimes sounding a lot like an un-funny George “It’s a big club and you’re not in it” Carlin. Bill could be a mean drunk and a sloppy plagiarist, but as he foresaw and warned of the imminence of the paradigm-changing 9/11 scam and his own violent death, he prudently sent his wife and child out of the country to escape the impending hail of bullets.

Was it suicide-by-cop? The local news reports and inquest were pretty persuasive. I guess crazy ol’ Bill said he would go out with a bang and he decided to make that particular prophecy come true himself. Other nefarious parties fulfilled (and are still fulfilling) his wider visions of collective doom.

And you’re a pessimist too, aren’t you Joseph?

But there’s still time to change your tune.


Joseph Cannon said...

Andrew, if I knew you were such an asshole, I would not have spent so much time on you. Get the fuck out and never come back. But before you go, this:

If you don't see the Cooper was a fucking Nazi, you're blind. For Chrissakes, he brought the fucking PROTOCOLS to new prominence. He invented a "good alien, bad alien" mythos, in which the "good aliens" were described as tall blonde "Nordics" and the bad aliens were "materialists" with big noses who controlled Hollywood and owned all the banks. The Rothschilds were an "alien" family. Don't you dare try to deny this: I heard him say this with my own ears. At one point, he even published a drawing of the "big nose" aliens (an alleged recovered memory, he claimed) -- and they turned out to be literal copies of anti-Semitic caricatures published in Der Sturmer.

Yeah, I had all of that in my files -- and a lot more. I lost those files and many other precious possessions (including my damned PAINTINGS!) in one of the great tragedies of my life. I don't appreciate having someone make light of that episode. It's a long story, but the bottom line is that I could have prevented that loss if my brother had communicated with me and told me about the danger, but he didn't. He and I did not speak for years after that.

I know you won't believe what i just said. You're a fucking conspiracy theorist -- the kind of clown who took COOPER seriously. Such people are unreachable. They believe only what they want to believe. I've learned THAT through hard experience.

The Clintons have been investigated endlessly. Aside from Monica -- big deal -- it has all proven to be nonsense. Propaganda.

Find another blog, Andrew. No futher commentary from you will be published here. I do not want you as a reader.