Saturday, June 13, 2009

Obama as Doctor DOMA (Or: Boy, is that worm turning!)

During the campaign, I mused that the day might come when all the progressive Obots would turn against their former Messiah -- while I, motivated by the imp of the perverse, would have to spring to his defense. The suggestion was facetious. But now I am beginning to think that such a situation may one day occur. Some of the harshest current critiques of our president come from people who had supported him with a vigor that crossed the line into fanaticism.

The prime example would be John Aravosis' AMERICAblog. Aravosis was shocked (as I was not) when the Obama administration filed a brief (in this case) in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act. The brief was not just a matter of legalistic hair-splitting; it used right-wing talking points, comparing homosexuality to incest and pedophilia.

The same issue has outraged Andrew Sullivan. When Sullivan announced his Obot status, the progs welcomed him as a liberal, even though he is actually a libertarian. (At the same time, they smeared Paul Krugman as a conservative, even though he is actually a liberal. 2008 was the Year of Wackiness.) Here's what Sullivan has to say nowadays:
But to file an actual brief re-stating some of the worst and most denigrating arguments against gay civil equality is just bizarre. They could have argued for a narrow ruling or kept the "reasonable" arguments to a minimum. What they did - without any heads up to any of their gay supporters and allies - is unconscionable. Citing incest precedents? Calling gay couples free-loaders? Arguing that our civil rights are not impinged because we can marry someone of the opposite sex? Who on earth decided that that was a great idea?
Uhh...Barack Obama?

Let's check in on Pam's House Blend:
Has your breath been taken away yet? I could not believe what I was reading.

The administration is trying to argue that it is "forced" to defend DOMA as the law of the land, but, as John and Joe explain, this looks like bullsh*t, since prior administrations have declined to defend fed cases of this sort.
And that's one of the nicer things Pam Spaulding has to say about Obama -- now. She sang a very different tune during the primary. Here, for example, she castigates Hillary as a racist:
From a new USA Today interview, she manages to top any dog-whistle race-baiting that her husband put out on the campaign trail with this naked appeal.
Of course, Pam was one of the primary promoters of the RFK smear, which the Obots continued to promulgate even after RFK's son knocked it down. Pam had also smeared Hillary as a gay hater, on the inane grounds that a warm, gay-friendly speech Hillary had given to the Human Rights Campaign ("I am proud to stand by your side") went unmentioned on the Clinton website. Turns out, it was mentioned. The speech was also reported all over the news.

Compare that non-existent "slight" to Obama's equation of gay marriage and incest. Ms. Spaulding, I don't despise you because you are gay. I despise you because you are a hypocrite and a dupe.

Of course, I've dealt with these nonsensical anti-Clinton accusations in the past -- see, for example, here. Neither Hillary nor her husband emitted any "dog whistles." There were none -- zippo, zero, NONE. We all know that the Clintons pay attention to the polls, and all polling data suggest that in the current political environment, any appeal to white racism, even in a Republican primary campaign, would do nothing but damage to a candidate's chances. (I've cited the evidence in past posts.) The Clintons had zero motive to alienate black voters, a bloc which had once far preferred Hillary to Obama. That situation changed only when Team Obama (not Team Hillary) used smear tactics to demonize the opposition.

The entire "dog whistle" accusation was a canard invented by the Obama campaign and seeded by his paid minions throughout the blogosphere. Those who care about objective history should be bold and un-cowed in proclaiming the innocence of the Clintons in this matter. History will vindicate us -- is vindicating, has vindicated. The Obots who still believe in this "dog whistle" nonsense are simply smug, arrogant, pretentious fucks who lack the humility to admit that they were gulled and that they displayed all the independence of thought associated with the torch-wielding mob seen at the end of Frankenstein.

Despite that inability to mutter eight essential words -- "We were wrong about Hillary and we apologize" -- the Obot worm continues to turn and turn.

As riverdaughter (what a writer!) says in her superb riposte to Atrios:
The reason why the 2008 primaries are still important is because the powers that rigged them emerged triumphant. Not only did they rig them and get away with it, they had the support of half of the people they were planning to screw with the continuation of Bush’s policies. Obama has capitulated to the bankers, he’s capitulated to the religious right on gays and women, he’s making no effort to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and he’s become a party to torture.
The left is suffering from a moral sickness. It wanted an outcome so badly that it was willing to sacrifice its own personality and principles to get it. That sickness happened through clever psychological manipulation and unethical behavior on the part of the Obama campaign and its backers. It is deeply rooted in the Democratic Party right now. That party no longer has a foundation built on the working class. It no longer stands for social justice. It serves a new master now.

The left has been torn in half. Our institutions have been bought off. Congress doesn’t have to be accountable to us anymore because they were able to keep their seats by undermining us. And the media, who Big Tent Democrat was content to let have its way, has become stronger than ever because the one candidate who was capable of neutralizing them by virtue of winning in spite of them, was stabbed in the back by her own party.


Anonymous said...

I really thought I'd get more enjoyment out of saying "I told you so!"

Ivory Bill Woodpecker said...

Off-topic: In Missouri, a dubiously guilty man is set to die June 17:

Joseph Cannon said...

That's actually a serious point, MYIQ. I honestly thought that I would enjoy the schadenfreude. Yet I'm not digging this at all.

Perhaps the reason is that on some level, I hoped that Obama would prove me wrong, once he clawed his way into office.

This is a situation where proving me wrong would render me a happier man.

dakinikat said...

I can only echo the sentiment. I never ever thought in a million years we would be SO right on. I will even admit to hyperbole that I thought might be over the top in the midst of the fray. I look back at the period where I said, why not just take Cheney for the VP and think, wow, that was a statement. Now, it looks like the rantings of Cassandra. However, that being said, I feel like that we now have much more powerful voices since we can proudly say:

I was NOT fooled.

And to date, the web has not be scrubbed of the evidence.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Joe. I would very much liked to have had to eat my hat on this. That everything is turning out as it has, and worse than I really could have imagined has left me beyond bereft.

I had such hopes for 2008 at the beginning of the primaries. I so sure that our long national nightmare would be over and that genuine people-first policies would be instituted and the abuses of the past 8 years would cease and be brought to light.

I really wanted to see things turned around. I hate that the people I love are going to have to continue to suffer.

But John, Andy and Pam? They can kiss my ass.

Marsha said...

You've said it all along...and I still agree!!

Sapphocrat said...

I take no satisfaction in saying "I told you so... I told you so... I told you so..." over and over to the Obots who ripped me as a racist, troll, etc., etc., throughout the primaries.

But I told them so.

Snowflake said...

I told you so.

Funny, didn't bother me at all.

The worm has not turned yet, but its rearing its head.

I think the population will wake up in a bell curve, with the most observant, if not intelligent, seeing what a scum bag he is first and then more and more catching on faster and faster.

You will know it has hit critical mass when Pelosi turns on him.

I guess in a way although I love being right-yet again-I'm almost always right-it is a bit dreary to see how abused our country is by these political hacks.

the quiet psychic said...

The question for me is--how much longer?

I fully expected Obama to be enmeshed in a major (probably Rezko-related) scandal by this point. Little did I know his FUBAR'ed policies would be his undoing.

kenoshamarge said...

I also thought that I would enjoy saying "see, I was right and you were wrong" much more. I did regard it as about the only place where I might find some satisfaction. Not so much.

Where's the joy when being right when we are in the same boat as the wrong. It isn't just their half of the ship that is hitting the ice berg.

Unknown said...

great diary!

Perry Logan said...

I'm getting a kick out of saying "What's PUMA for 'I told you so'?"

But I agree that Schadenfreude is not the finest dish on the menu of emotions.

Further dampening the fun is that the Obama Presidency is hurting and will go on hurting everyone--not just the people we're mad at.

Also, some Obama enthusiasts were guilty only of getting their hopes up and seeing what they wanted to see. I'm not going to throw the first stone.

Anonymous said...

I did enjoy the I told you so factor. But I've had so many opportunities to say so, it's kind of lost its kick.....Barry really doesn't have to be this hard ball about continuing Bush's work. He could have just done nothing to change the direction and solidify Bush's gains. But no , he's pushing Bush's inroads FORWARD and hard.
He's not just Bush 3, He's Bush 4.5
