Monday, December 17, 2007


Would someone please explain to me the meaning of this editorial in the Nation? It's about Joe Lieberman's endorsement of John McCain.
By not even waiting to see who the Democrats nominate, now Lieberman is revealing that the issues aren't important to him, either.
Seems to me that one issue is of paramount importance to Lieberman: The war.
Last election, Democratic voters in Connecticut -- along with activists and bloggers across the country -- did something unusual in today's politics. They put issues above incumbency and prioritized leadership over the "strategic" imperative of holding a "safe seat."
Huh? The official Republican candidate had no chance of winning. Ned Lamont's successful primary challenge did not endanger a safe seat, which is why the Republicans supported Lieberman in the general. Lamont was the Democratic candidate. Lieberman would not be in the Senate today if more Democrats in Connecticut had demonstrated greater party loyalty.

1 comment:

Peter of Lone Tree said...

Over at the Big Brass Blog, one blogger wrote:

"The Dark Wraith will refrain from descriptions of what fates befell wanton traitors of earlier eras."