Monday, December 17, 2007

A Christmas plea

Heretofore, I have never emphasized the PayPal donation buttons on this site, since begging for dollars is the kind of squalid activity one associates with televangelists. Besides, the hate mail outnumbers the fan mail in these here parts. (Although for some reason the readership stats have risen.)

But right now, I am trying to put together a bit of Christmas cheer for a struggling student with no proper home. She is sleeping on someone else's couch. I'd love to help her, but the truth is, I'm late on all of my paying projects and am thus having an ultra-tight season myself. (In fact, I could not pay my internet bill and did much of the last two weeks' worth of blogging on library 'puters.)

I'm not asking for much -- just enough for me to treat someone in a depressing situation to a nice Christmas dinner. A handful of dollars would seem like a million.

In return, I'll perform any act of humiliation that my many enemies have been longing to see. If you've ever wanted to see me dance a jig in the street while shouting "Alex Jones is right about 911!" -- now is your chance.

By the way, there's a nice little update on the coke jet mystery coming up...


Anonymous said...

I don't get paid until Friday and I've only got $44 in my checking account until then. Once I have a little more juice in there, I'll donate a couple of bucks.

Jamie in Boston

Anonymous said...

its never easy to ask...consider it done...may what you've given over the years return to you three fold well..keep blogging. happy holidays

dqueue said...

It's a better year for me than in the past, but I'm sorry to not have donated before.

I second anonymous #2's sentiment... keep blogging. I enjoy and appreciate your and Dr. E's work.

Hopsicker returns with an update on the lack of US drug kingpins.

Tom Matlock said...

Love to see the dance, Joe. Glad to help, and appreciate what you do.
Tom in AZ

Anonymous said...

::tears in my eyes:: The generosity has been truly amazing. Thank you Everyone...

The Student on the Sofa... AKA
Ms. Vandal.