Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Reasons for hope

War with Iran: The Kyl-Lieberman bill is being rewritten...
REID: There are efforts being made before we vote on them to modify those two amendments, because people have issues with both of those amendments. So, until we finalize what they really want to do, I think it would be unwise for me to say that I support Kyl-Lieberman, or don’t support it. I think I have to wait until I see what they are finally going to come up with, because some people have some real substantive problems with what’s in that Kyl-Lieberman amendment.
Naturally, the towering intellects who read Think Progress interpret this as reason to pour on more Reid-hate and generalized Dem-hate. Reid is, quite properly, trying to achieve quiet change in a bill so deceptively-worded as to make opposition difficult. But quiet work isn't good enough for the firebrands. Let's dump the Dems and support a third party, they tell us -- because that trick always works.

Worked really well in 2000, dinnit? God, I cannot fucking STAND the Progressive Purists!

Hmm...I seem to have gotten away from my topic for today: Hope.

Burma: A much-needed rebellion seems to be underway, and Aung San Suu Kyi -- who just may be the finest human being alive today -- could prove to be the Nelson Mandela of her country. If she survives; at last report, she was moved to Burma's most notorious prison.

(Incidentally, you will often see her called "Daw." This term is an honorific given revered women in Burma; it literally means "Aunt.")

Those of us who tend to despise the admixture of religion and politics will have to face the paradox of Burma: The uprising is largely in the hands of Buddhist monks.

Another interesting thought: One of the catalysts for the current resistance movement is the rising price of fuel.


Anonymous said...

what in Hecaters Ghost will it take for you to stand up and fight for what is right? The two party system has not chasnged one iota..not one proton,,not one anti matter particle or anti particle from the Dem Bims after Kennedy got blown away..have they?
Wake fucking up you posier

Joseph Cannon said...

I was going to cancel this inane comment, but I have decided to let it stand, since the writer damns himself.

Anon: Your comment is so illiterate, I cannot help but be reminded of the average right-wing newsgroup user circa 2002. People like you brought us Bush. You have blood on your hands.

Anonymous said...


This was a great post, one that actually got to the meat of things...

...But although Reid is trying his best, it is not enough for the Purists. Already there is a move afoot to either vote him out of office...or to impeach him and Nancy Pelosi.

Great. You would think with everything that is going on...oh, forget it. Once again the Purists turn their guns on the wrong targets and let fly. Meanwhile, the real foes walk away untouched. Time after time this has happened--why the hell don't they see what they are doing?

Anonymous said...
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Joseph Cannon said...
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Anonymous said...

"War with Iran" is the subject of your post, isn't it?
So let's forget the petty arguments about "purists" or "realists" or "fundamentalists"or any other "lists".
We are talking war, not any war, but "nuclear" war.
Shall will engage in splitting hairs?
Shall we give Mr. Reid a wide window of opportunity?
Or shall we give Mr. Lieberman a narrow one?
Shall we contemplate the wider issues?
Or maybe we should ask for a special blue/red/black panel to investigate the situation (some two years after the fact).
For God's sake! We are talking "nuclear war"!
I don't give a fuck who and what any one of you like or dislike!
If we open Pandora's box, all hell is going to break loose.
This is not some intellectual exercise! This is what determines what happenes in this century.

mlr said...

The Liberman/Kyl admendment passed 76-22 with Reid voting yes.

mlr said...

According to Senator Murray's office (my senator who also voted yes) paragraphs 3 and 4 were changed. I haven't found a revised copy yet but from what Murray's office said I still see no reason for Democrats to have voted yes.

Charles D said...

Since we now see that the K-L bill passed, with some minor changes, but with a strong support of the lie-based Bush-Cheney agenda for war, and most Democrats voted for it.

These senators did not vote this way because they were afraid of looking soft on terrorism, most aren't facing election campaigns soon. They voted for this bill because they believe in and support the Bush-Cheney agenda. To believe otherwise is to say that they are incompetent, and that is not a defensible position.

We should not dump the Dems. That is not necessary as they have already dumped us. We now have to realize that supporting a Democrat because they are a Democrat is foolish in the extreme.

Joseph Cannon said...

"Minor changes" my ass.