Monday, September 24, 2007

War with Iran

Some observers theorize that all talk of war with Iran is mere pretense and theatrical deception. I hope they are right. But if we are watching mere theater, the staging seems awfully damned persuasive.

First, read what Larry Johnson has to say about the six nukes "accidentally" shipped to Barksdale. Obviously, someone hoped to use the things in Iran. How could a behind-the-scenes struggle over a proposed nuclear strike have reached such a point? I am beginning to suspect that someone wanted to force Bush's hand with a fait accompli -- and the only "someone" who might dare would be Cheney.

Then take a look at what Joe Lieberman is trying to pull:
In case you thought it was just an aberrant moment of lunacy last week when Lieberman pressed General Petraeus for an attack on Iran, just before the weekend he introduced an amendment to the defense bill to authorize exactly that.

No, we are not kidding. He has drafted language that any impartial observer would interpret as a DECLARATION OF WAR against Iran, and he is pressing for a vote as fast as possible.
The People's Email Network is mounting an effort to stop Lieberman's legislation. Go here to send a quick email. And then do more:
We need every warm body we can muster to call and email their senators RIGHT NOW, before they pull another fast one and sneak this one through in the dead of the night. Call them toll free at 800 828-0498, 800 614 2803 or 866 340 9281, and the submit the action form below to make sure your message gets through.
Act now. From Laura Rozen:
A Hill veteran sends along the Kyl-Lieberman amendment on Iran (.pdf), saying it may come up for a vote as early as tomorrow. "In particular, take a look at Section (5) in the Operative portion." He adds, "This will be a hard amendment for Members to oppose ... because a no vote can be spun as 'You don’t care about Iranian munitions killing American troops.'”
War with Iran. The signs are all there. As you study them, do you get a sense of greasepaint, of papier-mâché, of Criss Angel, of Madame Tussaud, of Prince Potemkin? Or does the thing have the look and feel of real?

Added note: I can't help quoting the blog of Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert:
Ahmadinejad believes his role is to pave the way for the coming of the Twelfth Imam. That's a primitive apocalyptic belief! I thank Jesus I do not live in a country led by a man who believes in that sort of bullshit. Imagine how dangerous that would be, especially if that man had the launch codes for nuclear weapons.


Anonymous said...

So Joseph,

Is it too paranoid to imagine that Bush is going to use nukes against Iran and then say the "nuclear" explosion was because conventional weapons hit a nuclear target?

He and Cheney are both sociopathic enough to do it, thinking they can pull it off.

At that point, ignorance of the American population will not be enough protection against the rest of the world wanting justice for true, validly defined war criminals. If they go through with it, they will be looking over their shoulders for the rest of their lives.

Note to NSA - that's not a threat nor a promise. It's an observation based on human rules of accepted behavior. No caste system in the world protects against mass murder forever.

Joseph Cannon said...

You may be right. But some reports have it that Dubya's reluctance to go to war with Iran is the only reason why we have not done it yet. Cheney, I think most would agree, is mad to drop bombs.

Anonymous said...

Our Prez and Vice Prez scare me. They appear irrational and dangerous to self and others.Don't we usually " evaluate " humans fitting that criteria? Can someone get these men an evaluation please..........

Anonymous said...

->> "War with Iran"
Sorry, but I would have thought
war is AGAINST . (point)

Anonymous said...

Launch codes would not be with the Iranian President - who serves merely at the will of the supreme leader - Khomeini. Launch codes would be with him.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"launch codes"? I haven't seen any evidence that Iran is half way to any viable nuclear weapon, much less possess one, or have any nuclear missile delivery system. Why are people assuming this?