Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Here's how to do it

THIS is how to defeat Donald Trump. The Lincoln Project does it again.

Joe Biden is currently leading by anywhere from nine to twelve points, according to the polls I've seen. (Here's the latest, from USA Today.) He'd be ahead by twenty if every "progressive" would just STFU until November. You want to have a debate over John Wayne or Woodrow Wilson? Fine. Let's debate -- starting on November 4, 2020.

Biden himself should STFU as much as possible. These numbers are worrying.
About three-quarters of registered voters who support Trump (76%) say they view their presidential ballot primarily as a vote for the president. By comparison, only 33% of Biden voters view their vote more as an expression of support for him; about twice as many (67%) view it as vote against Trump.
These numbers tell me that Biden, if elected, will be generally despised by both right and left around March of 2021. If so, so be it. The only thing that matters is getting Trump out.


Anonymous said...

Outrage mob are incapable of debate or reason. And Brainrot is contagious and at pandemic levels.

b said...

"(Joe Biden would) be ahead by twenty if every 'progressive' would just STFU until November."

When I first read that observation, I thought it was highly astute. I still think it is.

But are we sure Dan Barkhuff means to encourage voters to back Biden? Or might he be happier if Trump were hoiked out of office some time before 3 November and replaced with say Tom Cotton, and if people then voted for Cotton?

Another question is why was "bounty" money paid to the Taliban - as is suggested in the NYT article shown in the Lincoln Group ad featuring Barkhuff - in US dollars? Shades of Iran-Contra??

Is someone trying to scupper the ongoing US-Taliban talks, the way they overturned the agreement between the US and Iran?

Anonymous said...

Slight modification of your last sentence, Joseph: "The only thing that matters is getting Trump out, keeping the House and taking the Senate." But if I had to choose one, I agree that voting Trump out is paramount.