Friday, August 23, 2019

To borrow a line from Bette Davis...

My mother taught me that you are not supposed to say anything bad about the dead. Only good. David Koch is dead. Good.

Elsewhere: Don't believe the poll numbers and the pundits. Trump is not dipping into "can't win" territory. In 2016, everyone said that Hillary had it locked up. She didn't. Cynicism is usually the safest bet.

Look, you either believe that election rigging is real, or you don't. I do, and so does anyone else who has studied the evidence.

Rigging can work in an undetected fashion only if it is applied surgically and subtly. Trump needs to get within three to five percent in key states; interference with the vote tabulators can take him the rest of the way. (The interference probably won't come from Russia this time.) The Big Smear -- whatever form it takes -- will bring him close to the 50 yard line. In this game, getting within five yards of the 50 yard line is the same as a touchdown.

I'm preparing a HUGE piece on Epstein's spook connections. There is so much new information, I can hardly structure it all as a coherent essay.

Finally, this personal note: I've not looked at any of my email (using any of my addresses) for a long, long time. Computer troubles played a huge role in that.

My ladyfriend just now told me that there were a couple of donations. I didn't know! I'm incredibly grateful and will be offering thanks personally.


Anonymous said...

Well, Whitney Webb went all-in on the Clinton connection in her latest installment on Epstein. Looking forward to your perspective.


melani said...

nice post btw...

Alessandro Machi said...

Trump, the Amazon Rain Forest Fires, Mining for Gold under the Amazon, and Trump designating Brazil MNNA status earlier this year (Major Non Nato Ally), are they all connected? Trump sure does love Gold.

Mr Mike said...

I forget where I read this but it boils down to a few voters in each precinct to stay home and a few more to vote Third Party is enough to change the outcome in Electoral College States. Hacking voter registration data bases to erase one or two names and convincing Burno Bros that Hillary cheated was enough.