Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Keep it up, progs!

Donald Trump just attained the best job approval ratings of his career. The Gallup numbers are very similar.

This, despite the clear evidence of his guilt in the Russia probe -- not to mention the inauguration scandal and other offenses against the emoluments clause.

Keep it up, progs!

Keep telling yourself that Trump lost the debate over the Wall, even though his numbers improved! Keep telling yourselves that Nancy Pelosi is now incredibly popular!

Keep talking about the need for SOCIALISM! Keep convincing yourself that everyone now loves that word! Keep telling yourselves that Americans no longer associate socialism with the gulags or with restrictions on individual freedom!

Kee telling yourself these bullshit fairy stories, progs! The Trumpers know that the result will be the exact opposite of what you say you want. Pretty soon, we we will have a country in which the Republicans can "privatize" Social Security.

In previous times, Democratic legislators understood that the only way to enact things like Social Security and Medicare is to follow one rule: Never, never use the word "Socialism." But this generation knows better.

Those Dems of yesteryear were impure. Compromised. Debased. Evil.

Only the young are pure. Sure, they won't get anything accomplished, and they will lose all of the accomplishments won by their elders. That doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is progressive purity.

So keep on using the S-word, progs! Take pride in your purity! Make sure that AOC and Bernie become the faces of the Democratic party!

More advice:

Keep focusing on race! Keep shouting "RACIST! RACIST!" at the slightest provocation! Examine every sentence uttered by every white person for any hint of the sin of racism. Make every single white person in the country feel as though he or she must constantly walk on eggshells. Because that's the way to win tight elections!

Remember, a strict adherence to Identity Politics is a proven winner at the voting booth. That's why race relations are so much better now than they were when Evil Clinton was in office!

Keep focusing on feminism! Whenever you see polls which tell you a clear majority of women don't like feminism, just tell yourselves that those polls must be rigged by the Great Male Pig Conspiracy! Keep pretending that the loudest feminists are not batshit crazy Dommes who demand their right to interrupt others constantly while never being interrupted themselves! Keep pretending that feminism -- a formerly noble cause -- has not been commandeered by ruthlessly manipulative nutcases who want to make males feel guilty for wanting to fuck!

Keep insisting on hardcore Ultra-Feminism in its purist form! Alienate EVERYONE -- even if doing so insures that, pretty soon, there will be no Planned Parenthood clinics left in the country!

Remember: Every male with a D next to his name must go through the Me Too wringer. Keep insisting that all females must be believed, no matter what they say or whom they accuse. After all, no woman in all of human history has ever taken a bribe or proven corrupt in any way. No female has ever shown herself to be a fantasist -- not even the ones who proclaimed themselves to be victims of UFO abductions or Satanic Ritual Abuse.

Females never lie. Females never go crazy. Never. That's why you can have total confidence in each and every accusation leveled against any male (if he's a Democrat). 

Keep telling yourselves that the ONLY males who deserve the benefit of the doubt are gay. Gays are the only males who deserve humanity or empathy or basic politeness. All other males are Evil Penismonsters who must be treated mercilessly.

Keep telling yourselves that people suffering from gender dysphoria -- generously estimated at about 0.05% of the population -- are the most important citizens of this country, far more important than (say) the deaf, who constitute about 5% of the population. Keep insisting that all non-transgendered people must identify themselves as "CIS." Keep insisting that those not within that 0.05% must always cite their preferred pronouns in every written communication -- because the most important thing in the world is making sure that 0.05% of the population never feels one second of emotional distress.

By all means, keep demonizing white males! Making white males feel like shit is a winning strategy! It's the surest way to win back those rural voters in Pennsylvania and Minnesota! And if you run into some white guy who feels suicidal because he can't earn what his father earned, always call him privileged! That's sure to cheer him up! In no time at all, he'll be voting for the candidates you favor!

Don't worry about the health of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. I'm sure she'll live forever.

And don't worry about global warming. It's important, sure, but it's not nearly as important as maintaining TOTAL PROGRESSIVE PURITY at all times.

Remember: Your smug sense of superiority is THE most important thing in the whole fucking universe. If the price you have to pay for your smugness is Irreversible World-Death, so be it!

Above all, progs, keep telling yourselves that people don't hate you. You're not unpopular! Heck, no. Everyone just loves you! Everyone in the country thinks the way your college friends think! If someone says something you don't want to hear, just toss it out. For example, if someone tells you "Polls prove that Americans hate political correctness,"  you should obstinately insist that the polls must be wrong.

Keep it up, progs! Soon, Donald Trump will finally break the 50 percent approval mark! And it's all thanks to YOU!

I have a heart condition. I will not be affected one way or the other if the world does not survive another fifty years, or forty years, or even twenty years. I won't be here. If there's an afterlife, I plan to spend it laughing my head off at the smug, arrogant, utterly idiotic progs who decided that alienating the majority of Americans was more important than keeping the world alive.

Keep it up, progs! Donald Trump, Roger Stone and Vladimir Putin will forever thank you.


OTE admin said...

For the record, real feminists do not support "transgenderism," which is the ruination of the left as far as I am concerned. Queer theory has completely hijacked the left to the point where it is all but ruined.

And yes, white males are privileged, whether you like it or not.

Aylmer said...

What did you like best about the Grammy TV program? How much of the winning music (sic?) do you listen to?

99% of all Americans under 60 have watched more TV than they've done anything else in their lives except breathe.

FOX got started in the early 1990's on the UHF band before it would or could pay cable carrier rates. People without cable watched FOX junkcoms. Remember the prog comics on those HBO and other cable comedy shows, and how they made fun of people who didn't have cable and shopped at K-Mart? Their audiences could afford cable, plus they loved condescending and couldn't applaud loud enough.

It seems the poor white trash vote is the only important vote.

Joseph Cannon said...

"And yes, white males are privileged, whether you like it or not."

And every time you SAY that, you're helping Trump. Like it or not.

Lotta white guys out there are hurting bad. Calling them "privileged" only pisses them off. FDR never would have done that, even though he himself truly WAS privileged. FDR-style lefties used to be able to appeal to working class voters of ANY race.

We don't need to use the word "privileged." Instead, speak of the Golden Rule. That's all we need; that's all we've ever needed. The Golden Rule is unassailable.

Joseph Cannon said...

Aylmer: I'm a classical fan, and thus never cared about the Grammys.

Aylmer said...

The thing about the Golden Rule, well, a lot of folks are masochists or sadists, so the masochist would have to be sadistic, and so forth. When Stephen Wright was yet a smile in his father's pants, Arthur Koestler pointed out that, because the masochist would take a cold shower in the morning, he therefore takes a hot one.

Marshall McLuhan suggested that we choose leaders who resemble ourselves. The current POTUS is white trash and has always been regarded that way.

Don't you think anyone like FDR, or even more so, would be perceived as being dull and boring?

Joseph Cannon said...

Aylmer, your point was made much earlier by Bernard Shaw: "Do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same." (From "Man and Superman," if I recall correctly.)

That said, I think dear old Shaw was simply being impish, as was his wont. When it comes to the basics -- the BASIC basics -- human beings have an innate understanding of fairness. It's instinctive. Even young children know that it is unfair for one child to get two cookies and another child to get only one.

The Golden Rule addresses that sense of inequality. And I maintain that it is the only term we need.

Calling white males "privileged" is precisely the wrong terminology, even if you can make an intellectually viable argument in favor of that word. Intellectual viability is NOT the same thing as electoral viability.

People on the left keep forgetting the single most important fact of political life: Elections are popularity contests. If you insist on saying "You're privileged" to a man who lost his job and can't repair his car and worries about feeding his kids, you won't be popular with that man, or with any man in a similar situation. In fact, you will be hated.

A while back, a ninny tried to dress me down by calling me "privileged." I told her I can't afford effing shoelaces right now (literally true) and I'll be damned if I let anyone call me "privileged" on the pages of my own damned blog.

If you insist on using that word when speaking to others, you'll run into the same reaction. Anger. Rage. They will feel rage even if you think they have no right to do so. And they will do ANYTHING to piss you off, including voting for Trump.

So the question is: Do you want to win intellectual arguments, or do you want to win elections?

Stephen Morgan said...

I find that shoes don't last long these days. The man with flimsy shoes is never short of laces.

Anonymous said...

From my point of view the Left never wanted to win elections. Never actually cared about the implementation of their agenda. It's all a game to them,and money. If you are ever in doubt just go back to the last two elections. Having said that all the social issues you mentioned are important.

nemdam said...

I think the race question is even easier to talk about than saying the Golden Rule (though that's a good one). Just don't talk about white privilege and only talk about improving minorities. If you're ever questioned on it, just explain that you're trying to bring people up, not tear them down which is the implication by calling anything a "privilege".

Anonymous said...

Yep. Those damn kids screwed everything up and NOW the demise of our democracy and global de-stabilization is squarely at their feet. All because they refuse to get on board with your plan to win the votes of whites who set aside time to watch Lou Dobbs by...chilling out. Stop stressing the hetero white (male, always male) voter out. So odd, I am 46 white guy and I have not once felt picked on or made to feel like a bad guy, racist, woman hating, blah blah. Doth protest too much my man. I don’t feel threatened by those labels because they don’t apply. I am a jerk ten times over, but not because I am a willfully ignorant bigot. White privelige? I experience it every not having to deal with all the bullshit so many non hetero white males have to deal with. And, poor non-whites probably don’t like being labeled and discounted addition to having to swallow in full life with a criminal, vulgar, racist “billionaire” President nurtured, elevated, empowered, enabled, emboldened and cheered by the wise, elder, rich white leaders of this great non-prog Nation as said President and wise white leaders betray our Nation. But, yep, all that could be fixed if the kids just shut up and let the adults lead.

Stephen Morgan said...

Liked the video.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker said...

This straight white male native-born citizen will turn 56 in May, but I don't feel picked on--just for the record.


The success of the Pearl Harbor raid obscures what a desperate roll of the dice it was. The Japanese went into it expecting to lose at least 2 of their big carriers. Its success was, in many ways, an incredible fluke. This flukiness of its success probably contributes to the dingbatty conspiracy myths surrounding the PH raid--"It couldn't have worked unless IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB!!!1!" (Partial success--the flying samurai didn't bomb the repair facilities, the fuel storage tanks, or the submarine pens. I don't include our carriers not being in PH because the Japanese could not help that.)

Likewise, the success of Putin's virtual PH in 2016 obscures what a fluke it was. The election of Benedict Donald was not a Black Swan Event; it was a Perfect Storm of multiple Black Swan Events. Putin and his gremlins are dangerously clever, but even they will be hard-pressed to duplicate their victory in 2020, after four years of the fence-sitters and voluntary non-voters of 2016 getting a daily dose of exactly how bad Benedict Donald is, assuming he lasts until then.

Besides, "Midway" happened in November 2018. ;)

Going off on a tangent, for anyone who shares my interest in WW2 naval battles, this is a fine site about the Imperial Japanese Navy: Click here