Monday, September 17, 2018

Don't fall for it, Dems! Don't trust Christine Blasey Ford!

Hey, it's me. Cynicism, angst, dark prophecy...that's what I do. That's what you come here for.

You may be wondering: How is Cannon going to argue that the Christine Blasey Ford revelation will become a disaster for the Democrats?

Most liberals believe that this controversy could deep-six the Kavanaugh nomination -- which was already in some trouble. He provably committed perjury. He's clearly a hard-right manipulator and conspirator, not an objective jurist. Frankly, I think he should be doing time, not sitting on the highest court in the land.

At first glance, the claim against him looks pretty solid. Blasey Ford is a woman of good reputation. Former students of her high school, Holton-Arms, have come to her defense.
“We believe Dr. Blasey Ford and are grateful that she came forward to tell her story,” says a draft letter from alumnae of Holton-Arms, a private girls school in Bethesda, Maryland. “It demands a thorough and independent investigation before the Senate can reasonably vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to a lifetime seat on the nation’s highest court.”

The women also say that what Ford is alleging “is all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves.”
The initial smears leveled against Blasey Ford were desperate and laughable.

The allegation itself is a serious one -- more serious, I would say, than were the claims made by Anita Hill against Clarence Thomas.

When we first heard about the Blasey Ford letter, I worried that we were dealing with a simple case of misread signals or a premature try for second base. Most guys, during their high school years, did something vaguely creepy while interacting with the opposite sex. (I didn't, but only because I was scared to death of guh-guh-guh-girls.) As longtime readers know, I was never a big fan of the "Me Too" movement -- certainly not after Al Franken, John Conyers, and Garrison Keillor were brought low on bullshit allegations.

But in this case, the claims aren't overblown nonsense. The woman isn't saying "He touched my waist in a way I didn't like." No: We're talking about attempted rape. Serious stuff. Neither youth nor the passage of years offers an excuse.

So far, Blasey Ford's story is not beset by any of the problems and contradictions that made Juanita Broaddrick's story so very toxic that neither Ken Starr nor the National Enquirer wanted to deal with it. Broaddrick once filed an affadavit claiming that she had not been raped; you can't say the same for Blasey Ford. Broaddrick described an unlikely injury to her cheek which her husband denied ever seeing; no such dubious details festoon the Blasey Ford narrative.

(Lying Juanita has now come to Kavanuagh's defense, which no actual rape victim would do.)

Kavanaugh's alleged co-assaulter, Mark Judge, is a disreputable figure whose testimony could not be more impeachable. The man literally wrote a book about what a falling-down drunk he was in high school -- a book which references Kavanaugh himself as a fellow hell-raiser. Mark Judge's own brother calls him "a solipsist: spoiled as a child, gazing always inward, unable to recognize any pain but his own" -- words which describe our current president.

All in all, the case against Kavanaugh looks pretty good -- so far.

So why am I predicting the worst? Here's why:
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said Monday that Christine Blasey Ford, who on Sunday publicly accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of assaulting her when they were in high school, should “absolutely” testify before the Senate and “should be heard.”

Ford is willing to speak under oath about the incident, her attorney, Debra Katz, said Monday.

“Let me be very clear on behalf of the president, with whom I’ve spoken at length about this,” Conway told reporters at the White House when asked if Ford should testify. “She should not be ignored or insulted. She should be heard.”
What more evidence do we need? This is a setup.

This is all a Republican plot to distract the country from a discussion of Kavanaugh's perjury and his stance on abortion. This is all a Roger Stonian scheme to make Trump look like the victim of Democratic perfidy. The Dems are about to get well-and-truly screwed, and the "blue wave" will turn red.

DiFi was right to keep that letter under wraps. (Who let it slip out?) After Blasey Ford testifies, the world will hear dramatic testimony that she was paid to lie about Kavanaugh. I cannot predict the nature of the evidence against her; I cannot tell you who will offer that evidence. But over the decades, my nose has become attuned to the smell of skullduggery, and that nose is now twitching and itching.

We are about to get screwed.

There is no other way to interpret Conway's statement. If Blasey Ford were legit, Kellyanne would have said something very different.

Come on. Admit it. You know I'm right. When a purebred propagandist like Kellyanne Conway -- one of the most devious, conscience-free individuals in the history of American politics -- says of Blasey Ford "She should be heard," our wisest response is to say: "Don't trust Christine Blasey Ford."

Remember the words of Admiral Ackbar.

By the way: I never understood why that mundane piece of expository dialogue became so famous. It's not as though everyone walked out of Return of the Jedi in 1983 repeating "It's a trap!" The line was neither witty nor well-put. Yet a couple of decades later, Star Wars fans inexplicably decided to enshrine those words as one of the great movie quotes.

But in this really IS a trap.

Yes, yes, yes: My little predictions are not always correct. For example, I insisted that Roy Moore would win. On the other hand, I obstinately predicted Trump's 2016 triumph at a time when everyone presumed that Hillary had it in the bag. I predicted that Al Franken would be hit with a sex-based smear well before the very first such story was published. My track record ain't too shabby.

I was wrong when I suggested, in an earlier post, that Kavanugh's accuser went to the Academy of the Holy Cross, the closest girls' school to Georgetown Prep. But that was supposition about a matter of mere geography. The words of Kellyanne Conway are far more serious.

Added note: Roger Stone came out against Kavanaugh some time ago, accusing him of being a Deep State operative and an accessory to murder and God knows what else. Does this fact invalidate my "It's a trap" theory? No. Self-protection is the foremost of Stone's rules. By writing that piece for Infowars last June, Stone effectively wiped his prints from the gun -- a gun which, I predict, is about to go off in the faces of all Dems.


nemdam said...

*You don't know who leaked the letter? You'll never guess. It was... The Intercept. But this is key. They didn't leak it to report of the Ford allegation. I kid you not, they reported it to attack DiFi for being secretive! I'm not making this up. Then again, if you know even a little about the Intercept, you know the rag is anti-Dem ratfucking operation.

*You're missing one piece of the Kellyanne Conway comment. The WH is completely incompetent. Now you may be right that this is a trap. But the WH is run by such morons that, in my mind, Trump probably sent Kellyanne out there to say that because Trump assumed the Republicans could rip her up in an open hearing. He also probably decided on this before understanding all the fact. Problem is it looks like this will backfire as Ford's story appears rock solid. And Kavanaugh is already lying about the allegation. (He says he wasn't at the party even though no one has identified which party it was. Hard to deny a fact which no one has raised.)

Joseph Cannon said...

Thanks for the revelation about the Intercept. That explains much.

Infuriatingly, the right-wing media refers to the letter as "Feinstein's smear" -- as though Feinstein wrote it. Yet DiFi is the one who covered it up!

And she was, in my estimation, wise to do so.

The rest of your comment only buttresses my position. Kavanaugh denied being at that party because he already knows the full scenario, including the details that have not yet been made public.

Republicans know that many Americans lack the patience to follow any story that isn't focused on below-the-waist issues. That's why their favorite smears are sex-based smears. That's why they've created the false narrative that all Dems are evil pedophile rapists.

I propose this rule: Be wary of all sex scandals, even when such a scandal seems to work against your enemies.

Aylmar said...

Would your calculus shift if it comes out that Conway's husband wrote that NYT Op Ed?

Joseph Cannon said...

No. Not even if Kellyanne Conway herself wrote it.

By the way, James o'Keefe claims that he has some big revelation in the bag regarding that op-ed. Apparently, his new video may be used as the excuse for a new purge.

Mr Mike said...

Interesting that the character reference letter signed by 65 of Koathanger Kavanaugh's peers attesting to his virtue appeared so quickly, almost as if republicans knew the existence of the Ford letter. Part of a setup or are they aware of other such accusations?

nemdam said...

"I propose this rule: Be wary of all sex scandals, even when such a scandal seems to work against your enemies."

This is a good rule!

Aylar said...

The SJC hearing announced for next Monday gives Kavanaugh plenty of time to concentrate his mind well enough. He will wonder which senator will be the first to ask him, "But, Judge Kavanaugh, could it have happened or something like it?"

Contemplate the betting pools!

Senator Harris: (Coughs) "To tell you the truth, (coughs) Judge Kavanaugh, I can't remember if I fired five times or six."

Do you think there will be a hearing next week?

margie said...

What if kavanaugh is dirtier than we know and some Republicans are weary of voting for him because of the upcoming elections and what could come out between now and the elections. Would this be a better reason to withdraw his nomination than not having enough Republican yes votes?
Trump could act surprised and earn browny points with me too movement.

Joseph Cannon said...

margie, sorry, but I don't think so. Your notion does not explain why Kellyanne said what she said. It does not explain why DiFi squelched the letter and why the (not-so-secretly pro-Trump) Intercept forced it out into the open. It doesn't explain why Roger Stone made those bizarre accusations against Kavanaugh months ago.

My theory explains all of that.

I'm predicting a red wave in November.

Michael said...

The letter wasn't given to Feinstein directly. Ford sent it to her Congressperson, who passed it along to the Senator. Furthermore, Ford herself has admitted that she gave the letter to several others, including media outlets, with the anonymity proviso.

Therefore it's not surprising that the GOP got its hands on the letter, and prepared a defense (eg the 65 signatories). Obviously, they did not want the letter released, but if it got out they wanted to be ready for it.

Trump is stupid. Kellyanne is not stupid. She knows that this nomination could be a double bad whammy isofar as the women vote is concerned: (1) a candidate that is provably anti-Roe, and (2) chewing Professor Ford up in a woodchipper.

margie said...

Joseph, I read your blog first everyday because you write differently than all others. So, I am not trying to discredit what you write, rather, I am trying to find alternative explanations.
I welcome the comments and enjoy the comments as much as the posts.
- if Trump wants to withdraw kavanaugh' s nomination, he would use Conway to pave the way
- the intercept was trying to embarrass DiFi
- Roger Stone may have credibility with the right, but he has none with the general public specially in light of his situation regarding the sandy Hook lies
If there is a Red wave this November, I may start entertaining the Evangelical GOD- how else can we explain the mess?
On further contemplation, I am better off listening to every episode of Hidden Brain

Joseph Cannon said...

margie, I hope I'm wrong and I hope you're right. The virtue of always predicting the worst is that all surprises are happy ones.

Stone's credibility is not really relevant to my theory. The point is that, by spreading nonsense about Kavanaugh early on, he can distance himself from anyone who claims that he engineered the coming debacle (presuming I'm right).

One thing makes me doubt this theory: The fact that the accuser passed a lie detector test. Then again, so did Clifford Irving.

margie said...

I hope I am right too.
I live in Texas,so I an working to defeat Cruz.
There are people worse than Trump as hard as that is to imagine. Cruze is one of them. He is not as clueless as Trump, but given the same platform, he would be more dangerous.
He should never go anywhere near the Presidency or God help us.
I work for a tech company in Texas full of white male Christian republicans. Guess what?
The trade wars are negativity impacting our industry and people are blaming Trump.
Texas is turning purple by the day.

Jonathan said...

There is another way to spin this--- I don't know if the DIFi has thought of this: As a high schooler, Kavanaugh was a spoiled brat with a silver spoon in his mouth when he wasn't chugging down the alcohol. This is the perfect kind of guy to hate. Then to top it all off, he becomes an elite Federal Judge. That shouldn't sit right with the average American. Spoiled brat rich drunken highschoolers go on to be more of the same in college. They shouldn't be the most successful, unless the game is rigged for them somehow. I'd argue that it was, and that Kavanaugh is somebody's lap dog. Can't the Dems show this??? It seems like a plausible narrative, but I think DiFi probably screwed up sandbagging so long in releasing the letter. Unless she had to wait. And if she had to for some unknown reason, then I agree with your analysis. This could certainly be a trap.

Michael said...

@Atrios posts:

They Knew

The thing about Kavanaugh is that it's 100% obvious that they knew he had some sort of questionable incident(s) involving women in his past. The "he's a girls' basketball coach" is such a conservative way of trying to "deal" with that problem, even though it's actually the creepiest possible way to try to deal.

Knowing doesn't mean they believed it, and certainly didn't mean they cared about it other than as a LIEBERAL obstacle to conservative Nirvana, but they knew.

a female Faust said...

thank you so very much sir. i feel silly for being befuddled by Kellyanne's sudden turn over of a new leaf. and embarrassed. and stupid.

but it vanisheth anon, for indeede she possesseth suffisyent wit & opportunity to searche the Interwebs, &, happily, a quaint machine fit to assess for herselfe if Mr. Cannon had glossed thereon, & indeede he hadde shewn hymselfe wyth his usuall perspickasity.

i tweeted the bejesus out of this post, your welcome if you get foot-traffic.

Anonymous said...

O.M.G., YOU ARE RIGHT, Joseph! at first I didn't get it but now it's clear that Kellyanne Conway thinks she's pulled a fast one. this article explains why the FBI investigation is so essential & why Trump is so confident of the outcome.

"Republicans will not refer this matter to the FBI for a background investigation into Kavanaugh. Instead, they are putting on a one day for show “hearing,” which is not the same thing as an investigation at all. They are pretending they can’t refer this to the FBI, but that is not true. They can. They just won’t. And people should be asking why."

Aymarl said...

"Fa loves Pa!"

Alessandro Machi said...

I was doing some googling recently and I saw an article credited to the Intercept that was Pro Republican. I can't recall the details as it was not why I was googling at the time. What is the Intercept perceived as being at this point in time? Which way does the Intercept actually lean?

Michael said...

Joseph, I think you need to listen to Chris Hayes' interview with David Brock tonight. Brock explains how the Republicans plan to save the nomination. Orrin Hatch gave a preview earlier today: "The woman is a little mixed up." They will argue that Ford invented the story in her therapy sessions. The segment should get posted to MSNBC's web site later.

Michael said...

Of course, if Dr. Ford doesn't show up on Monday, the Republicans win. They don't even have to smear the woman...much.

b said...

Kol Nidre has been chanted. "Storm Ali", triple witching day and the equinox all approach, the latter to be marked by an extremely powerful ritual.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Just to state the obvious: Anita Hill was heard by the Committee.

- Tom