Monday, February 05, 2018


I don't think I'm going to write anything substantial until after the Democratic response is released.

I've never been so despondent about events. This is far worse than election night was -- yet some liberals continue to pretend that Trump's ploy has backfired.


Alessandro Machi said...

bah, it's a typical nothing burger for Trump. DailyPUMA refutes it lock stock and barrel in my newest article.

Tom said...

Despair felt by citizens is a feature of the system. So, Fuck 'em!

We're in a phase of political theater where the laws of reality are found to still have some validity, which worries Trump.

Anonymous said...

Mr Cannon, I know you are a person of the classical arts, but I hope you will still listen to this track, which can be classified as Melodic Death Metal. It speaks to me as a grad student but also as a liberal today.

Anonymous said...

Cheer up and watch this video by Navalny, in which he tracks (via escorts hired by pro-Putin efforts to prank his campaign) Deripaska bribing and owning the deputy PM who is likely involved in the Kremlin Trump effort. . Fun times ahead.