First off, has anybody besides me complained about problems accessing your site? Last night I got a Blogger error message. Hard Left Feminists "speaking to me is rape" sounds like Bernie Bros. Think of the Pendulum Theory, push too hard one direction and it swings back instead of settling into a steady rhythm. #metoo drove out Al Franken but allows Trump, up to them to prove they aren't republican rat fuckers.
I'd guess that at least half of the "hard left" is nothing more than the St. Petersburg troll factory, working in parallel with the Cambridge Analytica bot army. The trolls and the bots make a lot of noise, which is then picked up and amplified by gullible BernieBros, JillSteiners, and BothSidesAreEquallyBad TV pundits into the real world. It's a pretty efficient noise amplifier which is designed to suppress and blank out rational discussion.
ColoradoGuy, I agree with you completely. One of my coworkers, a good guy whose been married to the same woman for 30+ years, commented a couple weeks ago that he'd "better be careful what I say, I guess" when he made some sort of joke to a female coworker (who laughed and seemed genuinely amused). I don't think it was even remotely "risque", either. I've heard this from other men as well. Frankly, whenever I hear, "be careful what you say", I instinctively think of Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany. I know that freedom of speech does have SOME limits, but this is getting ridiculous.
A war going on between Hard Left and Liberals? Are you kidding me? They are called MODERATES. It's hard left vs Moderates. Holy crap.
"Love her.
Am I still allowed to say that?"
yes, you nut!
we LOVE you.
First off, has anybody besides me complained about problems accessing your site?
Last night I got a Blogger error message.
Hard Left Feminists "speaking to me is rape" sounds like Bernie Bros. Think of the Pendulum Theory, push too hard one direction and it swings back instead of settling into a steady rhythm. #metoo drove out Al Franken but allows Trump, up to them to prove they aren't republican rat fuckers.
I'd guess that at least half of the "hard left" is nothing more than the St. Petersburg troll factory, working in parallel with the Cambridge Analytica bot army. The trolls and the bots make a lot of noise, which is then picked up and amplified by gullible BernieBros, JillSteiners, and BothSidesAreEquallyBad TV pundits into the real world. It's a pretty efficient noise amplifier which is designed to suppress and blank out rational discussion.
ColoradoGuy, I agree with you completely. One of my coworkers, a good guy whose been married to the same woman for 30+ years, commented a couple weeks ago that he'd "better be careful what I say, I guess" when he made some sort of joke to a female coworker (who laughed and seemed genuinely amused). I don't think it was even remotely "risque", either. I've heard this from other men as well. Frankly, whenever I hear, "be careful what you say", I instinctively think of Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany. I know that freedom of speech does have SOME limits, but this is getting ridiculous.
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