Thursday, November 16, 2017

Roger Stone and Matt Murdoch (ADDED NOTE)

From here:
Roger Stone says Senator Al Franken's time in the barrel is about to come #sexscandal
1:12 AM - Nov 16, 2017
The last panel of Daredevil #227 is one of the most famous panels in comics history:

As many of you will recall, I myself predicted that Franken would be framed on November 14. I chose Franken to illustrate my larger point: The "Believe Women" movement will be used to destroy Democrats. This is just the beginning.

I believe that Franken apologized not because he was actually guilty of doing anything wrong but because he was told that doing so would put the matter behind him quickly. Stupid, naive fool. Of course, there will be several more accusers before the week is out. He'll soon be out of the Senate and the seat will go to a Republican.

UPDATE: It's already started!

There will also be an avalanche of articles in "liberal" publications attesting to the credibility of Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey, with no mention of Julie Hiatt Steele or any of the counter-evidence. (The Steele story is key to understanding current events.) "Feminists" like Rebecca Traister will, of course, find some excuse to demonize Hillary, as occurred in 2008.

Watch it happen. I called the shot with Franken, didn't I? I was right when I said that Trump would win the election, a position I maintained even when Hillary seemed to be lightyears ahead of him. I was also the first blogger to state that Putin was aiding the Trump campaign, in a post that name-checked Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and Dmitri Firtash.

The "Believe Women" movement is predicated on the presupposition that women are too holy and pure ever to lie or to behave in a corrupt fashion. To which I say: Bullshit. James O'Keefe couldn't have ruined Acorn without the aide of a corrupt female accomplice. The only incorruptible person is St. Bernadette, and even she's not looking as good as she used to.

I knew something was amiss when people first started to use the term "movement." As I've been saying for years: All movements are bowel movements. These "movements" only seem to arise spontaneously. If you want to understand current events, you must comprehend that there is a group of James O'Keefian social manipulators operating with an unlimited budget.

And you can't accuse me of having different standards for Democrats. I also said that I did not believe Beverly Young Nelson's claim against Roy Moore (who is a sure bet to win in Alabama, no matter what you hear). Again: It's simply not physically possible to lock a passenger in a car that doesn't have electronic locks.

Moore will be in the Senate and Franken will be out. Watch it happen. Trump/Russia will go by the wayside and Hillary will go to jail after being framed for something she did not do. Watch it happen.

And "liberals" will help it happen.

I'll have to re-post my Salvator Mundi video on a later date. (See below.)

ADDED NOTE: The next "sin" to be exposed may well be Joe Biden's. I've known about this matter since 2008. Biden himself (whom I like) has recently hinted at the skeleton in his closet. The other person involved in this story has familial ties to a certain clan, and these ties will insure plenty of jokes from late-night comics. One of the most, er, noteworthy members of that clan is a big Trump fan -- so you can be sure that the Trumpers know all about this business already.


  1. Voz co founder Matt Iglesias has already started his assault on the Clintons. He mentions Monica Lewinsky without mentioning that besides being a consensual affair, it was Lewinsky that initiated the affair.

  2. MrMike7:24 PM

    The Believe Women Movement is a two edged sword unless we are to believe republicans are pure as driven snow. Franken has apologized for his sophomoric prank and says he welcomes an ethics investigation. Given the circumstances there wasn't much else he could do and his actions draw a clear line between Trump, Moore and Democrats. Given time this will go the way of the Hula Hoop as the fickle public latches on the next scandal du jore. The boy could cry wolf only a few times.

  3. It won't go away. This is an operation.

  4. nemdam7:45 PM

    Honestly, first thing I thought when I read the story was your prediction. You have powers more prophetic than Roger Stone!

    Still don't know how this is going to shake out, but I think Franken is going to keep his seat. Between his apology, the submission to an ethics review, and, most importantly, the victim saying she accepts his apology and doesn't want him to resign, I think he will be safe. But I must say, that I could easily see another woman "come forward", and if that happens, Franken will be toast. I put "come forward" in quotes because with Bill Clinton being in the news, we should all remember how zealous the GOP will be in finding any women to throw an accusation toward Franken even if the accusation is false. I fear there will be a false accusation, but the left will jump the gun before the facts come out, Franken will resign, and then the truth will come out that the accusation isn't credible.

    Democrats must tread very carefully on this matter. The GOP has no problem weaponizing sexual harassment/assault charges to destroy Democrats.

  5. nemdam7:50 PM

    (Double post. Sorry I keep doing this.)

    Also not sure if your take on feminists are correct. I've been reading a bunch of them, including Rebecca Traister, and very few want Franken to resign even though they are all disgusted by his behavior. It seems like it's mostly the preening left that wants him to resign. You know, the ones who think the Democrats haven't "had a reckoning" with Bill Clinton.

  6. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Did you see the photo? Pretty clear evidence that Franken DID do
    something wrong. That's why he apologized - he is admitting, rightfully,
    that his behavior was egregious. We all know that the worst predator
    is in the White House. His self-admitted behavior on video did not stop him from
    getting there. Don't worry -- it won't be liberal or conservative male politicians who will pay the '
    price here. It will be women who will suffer from a huge backlash for our truth-telling. The Patriarchy
    is alive and well and not going away anytime soon. Ask me - a 72 year old woman - or my daughters,
    or my mother, or my grandmother. Ask Hillary.

  7. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Well, the second accuser on Franken has already come forward, a woman by the name of Melanie Morgan. Morgan claims she and Franken had a heated argument on one of Bill Maher's shows, and then Franken followed the angry dispute off-stage, subsequently stalking her for several days with angry telephone calls.

    This feels too much like a hit job, particularly with Roger Stone in the mix. I'm hoping Franken holds fast. Let the ethics inquiry go forward and have everyone testify, under oath and in public. If we're going to have a witch trial, let everyone watch the shameful spectacle.

    As for Dems preemptively calling for Franken to resign? They need to grow a spine and shut the hell up.


  8. Anonymous1:45 AM

    How exactly does a guy accused of being a child raping, tax dodging Russian mole get away with telling Al Franken off for sexual harassment? Is it because Democrats are a bunch of pussies? Yeah. Sorry to those offended by the word "pussies".... just exchange with the more acceptable word "dicks" if offended.

    only in Amurikkka. Home of the PussyGrabber and Land of the GrabbedPussy.

  9. Anonymous1:57 AM

    If a Russian agent handed Democrats a 10 pound bag full of videos of Trump having sex with 13 year olds, you know what Democrats would do with it?

    Take the bag and beat themselves over the head with it.

  10. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Two guys get into a boxing ring...

    Dude A repeatedly punches the living shit out of Dude B.

    Dude B apologizes profusely for bleeding all over the fucking boxing ring.

    Guess who inevitably wins the match?

  11. Biden will definitely be next. The Huffington Post is already attacking him for "getting too close to women":

    We're on the verge of descending into a moment of mass hysteria. A year ago, Joe Biden was one of the most popular politicians in the country. People were sharing memes of him and Obama to cheer themselves up after the election. Now we're getting articles comparing him to Harvey Weinstein -- a serial rapist -- because he puts his arm around people. Note that not a single person is quoted as saying that Biden made them feel uncomfortable or unsafe -- it's all innuendo. If Biden does end up running, this stuff will certainly be used to undermine and sabotage his campaign. I can imagine that similar strategies will be used against pretty much anyone else who runs as a Democrat.

  12. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I think it's good for Franklin to get this thing out of the way if he is running. I myself hope he isn't, and it has nothing to do with the recent news. Some people are spreading the net wide enough to make sure the Clintons in it. They don't care about who or what suffers. As for Biden although I don't believe he has a chance, I welcome any effort to make sure it never happens.

  13. Joseph I agree with everything you said. I'm so fed up with people on "the left" who refuse to understand the dynamics of these psyops. I maintain that 2016 election wad culmination if coup that gained momentum during Obama's presidency when Republicans declared goal was total obstruction and media complied by normalizing the hatred and vitriol displayed. The Snowald op was another piece of that. Liberals do not connect dots out of denial.
    And while we're talking about inappropriate behavior by Franken, again St. Bernard's rape fantasy fan fic is never put under a microscope. The fact that media continue to sanctify him tells me that he is enabler of this coup. Most of broadcast media, NPR and NYT have been coopted.
    This is so obvious to me.

  14. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Leeann Tweeden's use of loaded terms shows that this is a hit job. At this point in his life, Al Franken was earning a living as a comedian. Franken didn't "grope" Tweeden through her flack jacket. He posed in a staged photograph that was a parody of him groping her. Really bad taste on his part hovering his hands over her breasts, but in no way was this an actual sexual assault. This attempt at a joke took place in the cargo bay of an aircraft full of people and was cooperatively documented by an official photographer. There was no assault.

    Tweeden is known to hang with Sean Hannity. Roger Stone showed that he had foreknowledge of this affair. Tweeden let it be known to the right people that she had this photograph. They helped her formulate her story. Now her leading part is over and she can sit back and play coy while others pile on... especially Democrats.

    Al Franken did not grope anybody. This is a hit.

  15. Anonymous12:21 PM

    With all that is going on right now, I wish people would start to be more mature and realistic about others. First, humans in general sucks. Second, if a person is great at something that doesn't mean he is a great guy all around. People tend to idealize people for things that have nothing to do with morals, ideals or principals. That's why we keep getting disappointed in others. We demand that an athlete, artist, politician or any other talented person to have qualities of a saint. which totally unfair both to them and us. Of course, they should be held accountable like the rest of us, not more not less.

  16. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Franken has supporting witnesses. Very interesting article by Rob Kall of Op Ed News;

    Three paragraph's from a comment on a Washington Post article;

    Olgo Novar
    8:20 AM PST
    In 2006, an SNL comedy writer posed for a prank photo with his hands hovering above the armor plated Kevlar flak jacket, (designed to protect the chest from anti-aircraft artillery, grenades, shotguns and land mines; strong enough to stop a 9 mm bullet), of a sleeping 2011 Playboy nude model / 1994 Hooters calendar girl (one of “The Top Hooters Girls of all time”) / Frederick’s of Hollywood model.

    In 2017, the dutiful, click-bait oriented press dutifully uses the word “grope” to describe this photo, without any evidence that the comedian was even touching, let alone groping, the ceramic inserts in the “Multithreat Body Armor System” jacket; and his far-right wing accuser, being asleep at the time, cannot know.

    And the Sean Hannity Show commentator, with her smart glasses on, is further claiming that at one point the comic put his tongue in her mouth, during a rehearsal of their stage kiss, for one of their comedy sketches on the USO Tour.

  17. This believe woman meme reminds me of the 1980s believe the children nonsense about sexual abuse in day care centers. It was nonsense then and it is nonsense now. What is worse now is that it is not that women are simply being manipulated, like the children back then, but some are not even aware what real sexual assault is. Maybe most of us aren't, the rules being so vague and the line of sexual assault being a continuum from asking a girl if she wants a drink while putting a hand on her shoulder to jumping out of an alley with a knife. Somebody has to tell me where the line is. And one critical thing about the Franken incident, if it happened, is that it certainly was not done for the purpose of sexual gratification.

  18. The believe women meme reminds me of the believe children meme of the 1980s. It was nonsense then and it is nonsense now. It may be worse now because women are not being manipulated the way children were in the 80s. It is the blurring of the line of sexual assault, which is a continuum from asking a girl if she wants a drink while putting a hand on her shoulder to jumping out of an alley with a knife and raping a girl. I don't know where the line is, and nobody else seems to be addressing the issue. The critical thing about Franken is that, if it did happen the way the playboy bunny says it did, it was not for the sexual gratification of Franken or anybody else.

  19. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Wow really? Someone has to tell you where the line is?
    I had a guy grab my breast last month. Do you think that is ok? Do you think it is ok that none of our mutual friends said anything (it was in a social situation) and no man told him to back off my chest?
    Do you think we as a society should continue to accept this behavior, because hey-all men are just "playing"?
    It is not acceptable to disrespect a woman this way - and then to say nothing. If you aren't going to take this opportunity to really learn what we have to deal with and what we are uncomfortable with or feel is threatening, while creating a whole conspiracy that simply mutes us (because most of you have done something inappropriate at one time or another), then please... learn to police yourselves. When you see a friend grab a woman-tell him NO!

    I don't think Franken should resign-it's only the Republicans saying that.It was a staged joke photo in terribly bad taste, like a lot of his comedy really (sorry -he didn't always make me laugh). If she was really grabbed-her eyes would be open (in theory -if he could feel anything-she could feel something)-it was just a tacky terribly insulting staged photograph. She was probably real easy to have issues with-she has been a tool for quite some time. He admitted to the photo, but not the kiss. He may also be a dick, when it comes to arguments, but I don't really see that as sexual harassment. Stop feeding these trolls (in the media) and focus on the real crimes.

    I am more concerned about the real pedophiles that have gotten away with it, and trust-there are many. I had that sad experience too-and I am silenced on that (still). You guys don't appear to want to believe #metoo and that is the saddest part of all. Nothing will change- you will tuck us back into our patriarchal little corner-bound and gagged, just as soon as you can find a way to make us all look like liars.

    Instead of working to change this in our society, you are going to cast a huge shadow of doubt over all women. I really hope you never have to comfort a woman who was raped or molested, and doesn't have the strength to deal with the legal system. It will break your heart-promise.

  20. anon 6:09 p.m.

    This is a smear campaign to inoculate Republicans who actually do what they accuse Dems of doing. Lots and lots of women will lie if they are paid to do it. This is what happened with the Clinton nonsense.

    You are extremely unsophisticated when it comes to politics. The "me-too" women were and are totally unsophisticated and haven't learned from the 1960s how movements can be co-opted and destroyed. People like Roger Stone and his ilk are totally ruthless, totally sociopathic. All they care about is power.

  21. Anonymous11:26 PM

    You think so, huh? So why do you think I haven't named the person who molested me as a child? You may know him. Just maybe, I am supporting reporting the incident without pointing fingers, because the fact is we all have had many sexual assaults on us. We have all had to deal with it for most of our lives. To me, it is not about the criminals, but the overall state of our society. Women have had far too many years of this to keep silent any longer.

    Most of the people I know using the #metoo hashtag are reporting incidents and not actual names and most of the people being reported, was a not so well kept secret. I knew about Weinstein over 10 years ago; I knew about Spacey 5 years ago; I knew about Simmons -more or less about the time he dated Kimora at 17; I knew about Ratner vaguely a few years ago; I assumed that about Trump back in the 80s-he has all the marking of a sexual predator and always has; Franken- I don't know that there is anything to know, so no can't claim anything on that. BUT Clinton -oh please....I never believed anything Paula Jones said, but come on- Clinton admitted Lewinsky. W
    AND this is where you all seem to be quite so naive about politics, to actually believe that after what they did to tear Bill's presidency down, that Hillary would have it any less difficult. I tried to explain this to a top donor once- said the hatred for her was irrational and dates back to the Clinton presidency and would make for a disaster-even if elected. She didn't want to believe me, but she does now. The hatred for the Clintons has been there long before this campaign-or the last.

    Deep down, the Repubs have real issues with the Clinton southern strategy working, as do I. It changed the face of the party from then on, and pushed people like me to the side like useless eaters. Don't get me wrong, Hillary has a good side to her, but somehow it just never wins out. I was watching an interview with her talking about how she almost did something that would have changed this whole country's economic state, but just couldn't quite figure out how to dumb it down enough to beat the Republicans on it. Such a tragedy; they just can't ever quite figure out how to deal with the electorate on a level that outsmarts the Repubs, because they assume it has to be dumbed down to win-- and then we all get sacrificed in the end.
    So yeah- they just aren't ruthless enough... oh and they kind of thought it would be a good idea to allow corporate monopolies of news media, shrinking down free press (Thanks to Bill Clinton for alot of that)

    Anyway-- There is a reason I do not have children, nor am married. It's a sad fact of the history I have had living with the sexual predators in our midst.
    I support women and men- coming forward, because I have been a victim many times, whether it be violent or social or just plain paedophilia. It happens to most women. You want us all to quiver in a corner and act like well behaved silent victims, so we can protect what little is left of the party?
    Times are going to change sooner or later, just as they have been for decades upon decades...sometimes quicker than others. There are new amazing people like Danica Roem coming into politics, and they will be the ones that do the hard work, fixing this country. The old will have to start making room for the new.
    As for who did what... here's a clue....the person who did it sings a song that will crush everyone's heart, if they knew what it means to me to hear it. I will never ruin the song for the world.
    How's that for social justice?


  22. Anon, just something that your post made me think of (you really should pick a fake name, as the anon's get confusing to address since there is no way to know if it's the same person posting or not). My significant other (we are not married, but think of ourselves as married) was abused for years as a child. She told me before we ever got together to never trust women. She felt the same about most, but not all, men. I already didn't trust men, even though I'm a man myself, but for many years I really didn't realize the extent of lies women would resort to to get what they wanted as well. Perhaps if you had ever been on the receiving end of a woman's lies (as I and my significant other both have) you might understand where some of us are coming from.

    Having said all that, I don't automatically assume women are lying about sexual assault or abuse. I tend to assume they are not. Unlike my significant other, who when I talked to her about the Roy Moore allegations and the allegations about Hollywood folks, she assumed they must be doing it for the money (she has come around on that though, because of her own experience when she was young).

    The problem is, as Joseph is pointing out, that Liberals in particular are not thinking clearly on this issue. Yes, the accusers should be taken seriously and their claims investigated. In Roy Moore's case there are a few of them, and there is other evidence to back up their claims. In Franken's case, as you point out, there is almost no evidence and other witnesses disagree with the accuser. These cases really need to be taken one at a time and dealt with on their merits. Again, not assuming either guilt or innocence.

    It IS a good thing that women are now feeling more safe in coming out with these allegations, and I applaud that. Let's just not get carried away assuming all men are bad and all women are good. It's just not that simple and never has been.
