Monday, August 28, 2017

Wrath of God, redux

Scientist Michael Mann discusses the role played by man-made climate change in the disaster that hit Texas. Yet Texas knowingly voted for the candidate who announced his obstinate disbelief in the reality of climate change -- the candidate who pulled out of the Paris accords (which were themselves far too little, too late).

What hit Texas isn't a catastrophe. It's justice.

From The Hill:
Republican Texas Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz pressed President Trump in a letter on Friday to grant Gov. Greg Abbott's (R) request for a major disaster declaration for the state as Hurricane Harvey nears its coast.

“Given the potential catastrophic impact that the Hurricane may have on Texas communities, we strongly support this request and urge you to provide any and all emergency protective measures available by a major disaster declaration,” the senators said.

Harvey is expected to be the first Category 3 hurricane to make landfall in the United States since 2005 and the first to hit Texas since 1999.

The pair voted against a disaster relief package after Hurricane Sandy slammed the U.S. east coast in 2013, causing severe damage to the region.
They voted against relief for New Jersey but now they want relief for Texas? You have NO IDEA how angry I feel right now. It's not easy to type when you're shaking with fury.

Fuck them. Fuck Texas.

Not one dime for the Texans -- not until they apologize for Trump, for believing all of those inane lies about Hillary Clinton, and for the appalling hypocrisy demonstrated by Cornyn and Cruz. Until Texans swallow some humble pie, do not donate to any charity intended to aid them. Those conspiracy-addled Fox-watching Alex Jonesian right-wing MONSTERS may have doomed the world. Help them if and only if they admit that they were in the wrong.

Lose face, you arrogant red state ASSHOLES. You want our help? Give up your pride. Bend the fucking knee.


prowlerzee said...

Well can't type either hunched over this stupid little smart phone like a thumb less millennial. Lost my last comment but just wanted you to know Harvey is expected to head back out to sea, strengthen, then slam Texas again. Redux, indeed.

Jay said...

Texas is obstinate, defiant and insane. They frequently talk of secession and independence, yet if you mention that the Republic of Texas (ca. 1836-1846) was an abysmal failed state, Texans stare blankly and act as if you didn't say anything following awkward silence. Texans are not going to change, they don't change their opinions or thoughts based on new facts or information. They are a fundamentalist (hardcore) Baptist dystopia. Natural disaster won't even give them to cause to blink or reconsider their ways. Texas & Oklahoma are the personification of the American Taliban. Truly psychotic and sick civilizations.


Unknown said...

It makes me angry too Joseph but we can't be like them. Houston trends more liberal than rural Texas if I'm not mistaken. Consider those old folks up to their waists in water at their assisted living home - or the pets and kids in harm's way.

Remember Jim Bakker and how the eclipse was a sign from God rewarding the hinterland because they voted for tRump? Or Pat Robertson and his ridiculous ideas about weather being the wrath of gawd on libruls?

We are not like that, you and I. We are far better than they are.

prowlerzee said...

Well, reminding them of their reaction to Sandy is helping everyone to be better, right? Oh and in case anyone needs more reasons to fume, Trump just opened the police up to buy military gear again. Grenade launchers in the hands of the KKK infiltrated police force makes me feel safer, you betcha.

Anonymous said...

This is inappropriate. Harris Country, which is being devastated by this storm, voted for Hillary. She won this area! Houston is much more liberal than the rural areas of Texas.

Gus said...

Afraid I agree with Pax and Anonymous 1:16PM here.......we should, especially when it comes to natural disasters that don't care about political affiliations, take the high ground. I personally know a number of liberals who live in Texas (none of them actually in the danger zone, since they all live in Austin, of course) and I can imagine there are a good amount. Also, didn't know aobut Harris County having gone for Hillary, so that's probably reason enough to do the right thing and help them out.

Still, wouldn't hurt to remind the state as a whole (and particularly the lowlifes Cruz and Cornyn) how they reacted to Sandy.

Anonymous said...

I'm not willing to take my wrath out on ordinary American citizens, even when they vote stupidly or hold fast to their ignorance. Just can't take it out on kids and grannies. Or puppies. I reserve my wrath for the hypocrites like Cruz who had the nerve to say 'we shouldn't politicize natural disasters.' Except if they happen in Blue State NJ, of course. These men--Cruz, Cornyn and the majority of the GOP-- have no shame and obviously think everyone has advanced Alzheimer's.

Btw, I agree with Prowlerzee: we need to keep our eye on what's going on just beneath the noise, as in remilitarizing police departments. That could have huge ramifications. And curiously , North Korea decides to launch another long-distance missile just as bombs are dropping in the Russian probe--Trump Tower Moscow Edition, letter of intent, Michael Cohen/Felix Sater.

Oh, Happy Days!


Skywatcher said...

I understand the sentiment here that we can't be like them but goddammit this is how they continue to beat us. I'm an expat Texan and I say let them sweat for a while before we forgive their sins.

Anonymous said...

Hillary got 54% of the vote in Harris County, tRump got 41%......

Michael said...

In other news:

Lurid Trump allegations made by Louise Mensch and co-writer came from hoaxer

Ivory Bill Woodpecker said...

I would remind Cannon that there are some decent people--even some decent white people--trapped in the red states by economic and/or other circumstances.

b said...

"Scientist Michael Mann discusses the role played by man-made climate change in the disaster that hit Texas. Yet Texas knowingly voted for the candidate who announced his obstinate disbelief in the reality of climate change."

You are confusing what exists with what caused it. Trump has not denied climate change.

And the appeal to authority embodied in the use of the word "scientist" is fallacious.

Trump is a mouthpiece for the big business ideology that seeks to continue wrecking the planet for profit, and to generalise further the dog-eat-dog culture of "Hit by disaster? Then you're a loser!" There are numerous places where the actions of big business have caused massive pollution or otherwise hugely damaged the environment to the detriment of everyone who isn't rich enough to move away. Call the "You're a loser" ideology Big Business Ideology 1 (BBI1).

The reality is that human action has played only an insignificant role in causing global climate change. The climate has always changed and always will. It's natural for it to change, sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Humans can't dominate (the rest of) nature.

The idea that humans can stop climate change is psychotic. It is a continuation of the ideology that began after the "oil crisis" of the early 1970s. Now it's not only work and leisure that must be capitalist-controlled, according to what maximises profit, but practically everything else too, from taking out our rubbish to carrying home our shopping.

"Humans caused climate change, so let's stop it" is big business ideology on a second order. Call it Big Business Ideology 2 (BBI2).

Essentially there isn't a huge gulf between BBI1 and BBI2.

Since Trump's installation, the major country that has been crucial in waving the "stop climate change" flag has been China. That's the country that openly recycles the organs of executed prisoners. Tell me - is that BBI1 or BBI2?

When rulers start talking of "nature", be very scared. When the two ideologies come together, there will be a move for a huge cull of our own species.

Anyone who doesn't agree that that's the way the ideological wind is blowing should take a look at Inferno by Dan Brown. How the fuck did a novel that paints bio-terrorism in such a positive light ever get such a big market?

Joseph Cannon said...

Ivory Bill, please see the follow-up.

b, any of Dan Brown's Robert Langdon novel's is going to get a hefty audience. I think we've all learned not to take them too seriously. I read the novel only halfway and finished the story via the film version. In the film, the bio-terrorist is the heavy. Did they change the plot?