Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Trump the saboteur

Don't presume that Trump is on his way out. He has a plan.

Trump has deliberately undermined this nation's cybersecurity, thereby making it easier for a foreign actor to hack our election system. Any congressperson who hopes to to keep his job will be made to understand that only those with Trump's seal of approval will win the vote.

See this story in The Hill:
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has outlined a reorganization plan that would involve closing the State Department office charged with promoting U.S. cybersecurity interests abroad, according to a letter obtained Tuesday.

In a letter to Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), Tillerson confirmed his proposal to eliminate the position of cybersecurity coordinator and fold the functions of the cyber office into a bureau in charge of business and economic affairs.
Now go here:
A quarter of the members of the National Infrastructure Advisory Council, whose purview includes national cybersecurity, have resigned. In a group resignation letter, they cited both specific shortfalls in the administration’s approach to cybersecurity, and broader concerns that Trump and his administration have undermined the “moral infrastructure” of the U.S.

The resignations came Monday and were acknowledged by the White House on Tuesday.
But the resigning advisors also said the Administration was not “adequately attentive to the pressing national security matters within the NIAC’s purview, or responsive to sound advice received from experts and advisors.” The letter also zeroed in on “insufficient attention to the growing threats to the cybersecurity of the critical systems upon which all Americans depend,” including election systems.
The actual resignation letter is here.
You have given insufficient attention to the growing threats to the cybersecurity of the critical systems upon which all Americans depend, including those impacting the systems supporting our democratic election process.
(Emphasis added.) I am convinced that Trump did not blunder. This is deliberate sabotage. 

Throughout much of the past year, we've all been arguing about the "Russia did it" theory -- a theory which I happen to consider proven beyond reasonable argument. But in a deeper sense, we need not argue whether Russia or some other malefic actor is behind the subversion of our democracy. The important point is this: Trump has deliberately unlocked the locks and unbolted the bolts. He has fired half the guards and paid off the others. He snipped the wires powering the alarm system and fed poisoned snacks to the German Shepherds. The house is unprotected; theft is inevitable.

Election rigging will soon become undetectable, if it is not so already. The fraudsters need only keep their dirty work within a certain degree of plausibility: Maybe they can't get away with having someone like Steve Bannon win a congressional seat representing Los Angeles, but they can insure that the House remains in Republican hands.

Of course, the subverters of democracy must cover their tracks with a certain amount of propaganda. Certain media figures will assure the public not to worry about any mismatches between the exit polls and the actual results. Other well-recompensed pundits will tell us to place all blame for the upcoming 2018 Democratic loss on the DNC or on "establishment" Democrats or on those awful, awful Clintons. Any of the usual boogeymen will do.


anynym said...


Anonymous said...


Amelie D'bunquerre said...

"All your base are belong to us."

Anonymous said...

How is someone so stupid do all that damage. Our democracy must not have been that strong to begin with

Tom said...

Joseph, great post.

Anon 1:41-
These are the latest developments which have been made possible by decades of hard work and tireless propaganda that have sought to weaken faith in government and to denigrate Democrats and liberals. The growing corruption of our politicians began in the 1980s, and that has made many bad developments possible.

So, we are discovering how fragile our democracy is. Lots of work to do.

Read Nancy MacLean's book_Democracy In Chains_, a book necessary to understanding how this situation has come into being.

Sheldon Wolin makes many thoughtful observations in his book _Democracy Incorporated _.

Anonymous said...

What is missing from your message is the role our side played in the latest tragedy. Blaming the Rs for backing their is just looser talking, it's what you're suppose to do. Our side didn't. So I go around the liberal places all I see is blaming the otheers for the traitors we are harbouring in our party. They are not doing it in secret or shy about, yet we allowed to happen. And continue to act as if our opponent were responsible for not letting us win. Identifying and learning what our enemies are doing is a one thing, cleaning house and winning is the challenge our party is not up to now.

Anonymous said...

"Throughout much of the past year, we've all been arguing about the "Russia did it" theory -- a theory which I happen to consider proven beyond reasonable argument."

I agree. The totality of the case has been apparent for some time now. And every day a new piece of the puzzle is added to fill in another detail of this recognizable picture. Putin owns Trump. Donald is completely entangled in the web of Russian money laundering operations that pulled him out of bankruptcy.

And on a 2001 Howard Stern show, A.J. Benza spilled the beans on Trump's Russian escapades; "He bangs Russian people," says Benza.

"Who are you talking about, A.J.?" asks Trump. "I don't know anything."

Benza persists over Trump's protests: "He used to call me when I was a columnist and say, 'I was just in Russia. The girls have no morals. You gotta get out there.' "

Is there really any doubt that Putin holds the tapes of Donald's Moscow frolics?

The persistent denial of this reality by many alternative media spokespersons, people who I once depended upon for information, leads me to ponder the extent to which they themselves could be compromised by the Kremlin. For the Russian operation did not end with Trump's elections. The ultimate goal is the breakup of the United States itself. Building upon the foundation laid by Limbaugh, the NRA, and Alex Jones among others, the Kremlin is pushing the United States towards civil war. And Donald Trump is Putin's tool in this project.

Putin has no respect for Trump. The Donald is his tool, but he's an expendable tool. Donald Trump will be destroyed in this Russian operation, but he's likely to take down this country with him. And Putin will play Trump the whole time for maximum impact. If Trump stays in office he will tear apart the United States. If Trump is removed from office, it will tear apart the United States. If the Russian operation is exposed, it will make the U.S. a laughingstock in the eyes of the world, as well as tearing the country apart. However this plays out it's a win-win situation for Putin.