People have prophesied the sudden and ignominious end of the Trump administration since...well, since the ignominious beginning of the Trump administration. I've countered with my own prophecy that Der Donald would serve out his full term. If you always predict the worst, all of your surprises will be happy ones.
But now...well, dare one hope? Indications of an imminent Trumpocalypse are piling up. Keith Olbermann, embedded above, lists several.
Trump has stupidly gone to war with Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Establishment Republicans, who now makes no secret of his doubts that this presidency can long survive.
Angry phone calls and private badmouthing have devolved into open conflict, with the president threatening to oppose Republican senators who cross him, and Mr. McConnell mobilizing to their defense.
But Mr. McConnell’s allies warn that the president should be wary of doing anything that could jeopardize the Senate Republican majority.If I recall the Constitution aright, it would take 67 senators to remove Trump. Are there a sufficient number of Republicans who have had enough? What if McConnell gave the directive: "Let him go"?
“The quickest way for him to get impeached is for Trump to knock off Jeff Flake and Dean Heller and be faced with a Democrat-led Senate,” said Billy Piper, a lobbyist and former McConnell chief of staff.
I've heard that Trump accuses McConnell of not offering sufficient protection from the Russiagate probes. The fact that Trump has focused on that is very telling. (I would not be surprised to learn that McConnell is the source behind this tweet from an NYT reporter. Rubio? Also possible.)
At the same time, Breitbart is attacking the administration with a surprising ferocity. The renewed commitment to the Afghan war is bound to anger the base. Even Ann Coulter is backing away.
Trump is losing both the Establishment right and the anti-Establishment right.
Democratic operative Jon Cooper tweets: "Source who's been accurate in past tells me there have been some preliminary talks in WH re POTUS resigning. Mostly hypothetical what-ifs."
In the video embedded above, Olbermann cites this tweet from a responsible journalist named John Harwood.
prediction just in from top R strategist: Trump resigns "once Mueller closes in on him and the family," Pence makes Rubio VP, "GOP recovers"In response to this scenario, Matthew Yglesias expressed skepticism, as have a number of others. Newsweek, however, seems to think that a resignation is increasingly possible:
Meanwhile, Tony Schwartz, who helped Trump write the 1987 book The Art of the Deal, said he “would be amazed if [Trump] survives till end of the year.”Ireland's major bookie is betting against Trump:
He added: “Trump is going to resign and declare victory before Mueller and Congress leave him no choice.”
Paddy Power is offering a 2/1 chance on Trump being impeached this year, an 11/2 chance for 2018, a 7/1 chance for 2019 and a 50/1 chance that Congress will wait till 2020 to end his Presidency.Representative Steve Cohen of TN is trying to get the impeachment ball rolling. Congressperson Jackie Speier has called for a 25th amendment solution.
What do you think? Are all of these people indulging in wishful thinking, wild speculation, or reasonable prediction?
Yesterday, the sun disappeared. And something eerily similar to Mothman, that infamous harbinger of doom, has been showing up in Chicago. The ominous signs are downright Shakespearean.
Trump's AZ rally. The following photo is making the rounds:

Guess what? The photo is fake. Or rather: It's a real photo of the 2016 Cavaliers parade in Cleveland.
Added note: I wasn't able to tolerate very much of the big Arizona "re-election" speech. In the bit that I did see, Trump had me wondering: When he attended Wharton, did he major in Tautology? He sure as hell seemed to be a Tautology major. I say that because he was very tautological. And when I say that he was tautological, I mean that he repeated himself -- often. Over and over. Redundantly. Kept saying the same thing in slightly different words. Repeatedly. He verbally jogged in place for long periods of time, reiterating his point over and over without proceeding to the next point, recapitulating the same basic idea like a broken record. Moreover, he was repetitious. Very repetitious, in the sense that he repeatedly repeated himself.
Can you blame me for turning my attention elsewhere?
Various left-wing sites have reported that the speech was a disaster -- and that Trump lost the crowd. Is this true? Did the Trumpers finally get sick of Donnie's shtick? Obviously, the assessment of an anti-Trump site is biased, but the reviews I've seen really have been brutal.
The black guy standing behind the Orange Oaf seemed to be having a marvelous time. Wonder what he was listening to via his secret earphone?
Sympathy for McConnell? "Please allow me to introduce myself ...".
The United States governs with the leaders it has, not the leaders it wants, according to King Rummy of Aspartame.
Trump is loving it. If impeachment looms, Trump will announce, "I'm more popular than The Beatles!"
Trump's amazing presidency is important for debunking the chauvinistic mythos that THE U.S. IS NUMBER ONE! Let's give credit to a bankruptcy where it's due.
(Mr. Cannon, this is not the first time that you wrote 'prophesy' when you mean 'prophecy'.)
After the news of Trump's war with McConnell, an early exit seems much more likely.
That despicable performance in Phoenix this evening will offer no hope to anyone with an interest in the future. All those people read polls and they can't rig everything.
Tony Schwartz is probably closest. Trump resigns to protect himself.
A few thoughts.
I believe we both agree (as in, complete agreement) that President 45 has narcissistic personality disorder. Sadly, he wouldn't be the first POTUS with that disorder. We see that in scumbags like President Nixon or President Jackson. But for President Trump, it's to such a degree that it makes him unstable and behave like a petulant child.
I'll support any attempt to remove President Trump from office, I would love it if he was removed. But if we don't change our ways and we keep doing the same thing over and over again, it won't matter if President Trump is removed. The Far-right isn't going anywhere, the obnoxious lunatics that control the online narrative and endlessly, ENDLESSLY gripe and bitch about 'cultural Marxism', 'feminism is cancer', 'trans people should die', 'fags should also die', 'LGBTQ+ should die too', 'SJWs and snowflakes should die', 'Hillary Clinton is a demon', 'Pedo Podesta, Pizza Pizza!', 'PizzaGate is real!', 'identity politics is the death of us', 'Death to all commies', 'Death to non-Christians', 'Islam is fascism' and on and on and on and on it goes. There will be someone worse than Trump, someone who is more of a faux-intellectual and a true ideologue.
Additionally, we are stuck in a Forever War and a government which is beholden, not to the electorate, but to the 'defense' industry. An industry that is actually about 'offense' and whose end result will be humanity hanging upon an iron cross. I am referring to the military-industrial complex. Take a look at TYT's new video on endless war and the revolving doors of industry and government in the Beltway:
If we don't abolish the Electoral College, what will we have learned from a President Trump? Nothing but bitching. Rather than bitching, let's get rid of the electoral college, as a consequence for having the Trump presidency.
And if Trump is a narcissist, how realistic is it to expect him to resign? I saw an YouTube comment, not from a Far-right fuckwit, but someone who said "If you think Trump is going to resign, you don't understand narcissism."
If republicans removed dump from office should democrats be happy about it?
What will happen to Russia investigation? I know some of the democrats and the left will be relieved, but what about America. Is that a good deal? Should the Resistance consider it a win for them?
"Perseveration" is useful clinical term, used to describe an inability to move past certain topics, persistent repetition. Trump seems to have a classic case of it. It's associated with dementia.
I agree the tea leaves are reading toward Trump going. But as one of those who has predicted Trump's demise since his inauguration, I am sick of the endless speculation and whispers. Until Republicans en masse go on the record with denouncing Trump, I am not getting my hopes up. Note that I think Russia will ultimately make them do this. I'm just not going to get excited until it actually happens. Enough with the furrowed brows and anonymous leaking about how bad Trump is. Alert me when something substantive happens.
Of course it's a huge win. Trump is both awful for being a typical Republican (repeal Obamacare, endless wars, destroy EPA, etc.) and for degrading the institution of the President. Getting rid of Trump at a minimum ameliorate this problem. And whatever path anyone thinks we need to take to get the country going in the right path, removing Trump is one of the those steps. So of course it's a win.
And it won't stop the Russia investigation. Except in the case where there is a handshake deal to end the investigation in exchange for Trump resigning. Not sure I would take that, but I could that being the endpoint.
Like you Joe, I could only tolerate about 10 minutes of the Phoenix rant/speech, a self-indulgent pity party for and by Trump because the fake news/media is out to 'get him,' even while the world loves him so, so much. He seems to have forgotten a young woman actually died in Charlottesville. You might think he'd been broadsided by that car the way he went on.
Deranged BS. Now today, I understand, he was much calmer, more restrained. His handlers must have shot him up with tranquilizers. I still strongly suspect the man is on something. These wild swings in mood, temperament and affect are not normal. I'm guessing his brain cells are scrambled and scorched. Along with that thing on his head.
As for the black man over Trump's right shoulder (on the left in the camera shot), the WP had an article on 'Michael the Black Man.' That appears to be a self-reference, btw. According to the article, Michael has a very checkered past including a decade+ membership in a cult, Yahweh Ben Yahweh. Interesting group! My question would be: why would the Secret Service allow a man with a dicey background get that close to Trump? Apparently, the man has been a 45 lurker since campaign days. So, it's not like the Secret Service hasn't had time to check him out. And yet, there he is big as day swooning at every Trumpian utterance.
This whole shit show is insane.
Amelie, you're right about my tendency to offer a "prophesy." The verb takes the S, the noun takes the C. I KNOW this. But some errors become ingrained behavior.
I've made the change in the text. But I can offer no assurances about the future...which remains unknown...
@Jay at 12:50AM
I agree with you.
My fear is that if Trump is forced to resign the mainslime media and political establishment will heave a sigh of relief and the criminal cabal known as The Republican Party will be free to continue its path of voter suppression, gutting of social programs including Obamacare, criminalizing poor and middle class pregnant women, etc. and mainslime pundits will be so relieved they will magnify the Rethugs' lies more than ever.
Trump is a symptom and his departure will not a damned thing. The Nazis and KKK members in the Rethuglican Party all have to be exposed for the Fascist bullies and bigots they are. All of them.
"The 'Blacks for Trump' Guy at Florida Rally Is Former Yahweh Ben Yahweh Cult Member" -
Yahweh ben Yahweh was a BLACK supremacist ( So either this guy behind Trump was a plant, or he's one of the people who can move from one extremist group to another easily, as described so well by the longshoreman philosopher Eric Hoffer, in "The True Believer" (
Another photo from Cleveland repurposed to make a fake pro-Trump point? Well, isn't that special. That happened with respect to the big counter-protest in Boston last Saturday. See, for example, Why Cleveland?
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