Saturday, November 26, 2016

Remember this movie?

Remember how it ends?


John said...

Lots of Masonic references in the movie also. Great flick.

gavan said...

According to Digby, Donald Trump’s transition team has outsourced much of the lower level government staffing to the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, headed up Tea Party extremist and former Senator Jim DeMint. DeMint was the driving force behind the Oct 2014 GOP attempted shut down of the Obama administration. He made numerous enemies in mainstream Republican ranks in pursuit of his ideological purity (DeMint wrote legislation to shut down the Commerce Department's Economic Development Agency).

The Heritage Foundation previously got its hands on government under the Bush Jr administration. There ideological commitment to Paul Bremmer and the Iraq occupation was a benchmark for getting jobs with the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) and the Heritage Foundation applicants fitted the bill. Unfortunately they did their jobs abysmally.

Trump won a higher percentage of evangelical voters than GW and this likely explains his willingness to let them set his domestic administration agenda (that and his penchant for outsourcing everything). He'll likely get the same result as GW by way of incompetent performance from any DeMint choices. It also explains the Betsy DeVos choice. This is a Christofascist, Tea Party administration.