Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The British VIP pedophile scandal

For many years, we've heard rumors that the UK establishment maintains and protects a pedophile network.

The latest allegations have resulted in a full-scale police inquiry, which has been underway for roughly three years. The primary focus is on the now-defunct Elms Guest House, often used by VIPs in the 1970s and 80s. This Daily Mail story from 2014 gives the gist:
A list of famous alleged attendees, including Cabinet ministers, MPs, churchmen, pop stars, spies, judges, tycoons and members of the royal household, has been widely circulated.

While supporting evidence for the presence of most of those named remains elusive, police accept that the late Liberal MP Cyril Smith, a known child abuser, was indeed a visitor to the guest house.

New claims, and a resurgence of interest in the historic allegations, culminated in the launch last year of Operation Fernbridge, a full police investigation into what is supposed to have happened at Rocks Lane. This summer, Home Secretary Theresa May announced a wide-ranging independent inquiry into historic child sex abuse by prominent individuals.

Last week, Mrs May suggested that the allegations aired so far — including a claim of three child murders by Westminster-linked paedophiles who frequented exclusive flats in the Thames-side Dolphin Square — amounted to the ‘tip of the iceberg’.
That was 2014. The story has changed.

Four months ago, BBC's Panorama aired a documentary which revealed that the primary accusers have -- to put it mildly -- serious credibility issues. One of them has admitted to lying.

The Daily Mail, quoted above, now sings a very different song. Two years ago, the paper criticized police for not revealing the name of an accused perpetrator. In 2016, the same journal (without offering any formal apology for its previous stance) seems incensed that an innocent had his name muddied in public.

A couple of weeks ago, the Daily Mail published a piece which demolished the credibility of "Nick," the primary Elm House accuser.
The stepbrother of a man who accused a string of Establishment figures of historical sex abuse says he is a serial liar who 'jumped on the bandwagon' and may have been motivated by money.
'Nick's' stepbrother has described claims he was taken from the family home to London in order to be sexually abused by senior Whitehall figures as 'bizarre' and 'absolute nonsense'.

He says the family only visited London once, on a trip to the Natural History Museum.
Some of you may now be wondering whether Nick was a ringer all along. I cannot discount the possibility. As I've noted on a couple of previous occasions, Margaret Thatcher's friend Alistair McAlpine (also accused of being a child abuser) once wrote a book about Machiavelli which includes this passage:
First, create a situation where you are wrongly accused. Then, at a convenient moment, arrange for the false accusation to be shown to be false beyond all doubt. Those who have made accusations against both the company and its management become discredited. Further accusations will then be treated with great suspicion.
Could the testimony of "Nick" be a trick? Possibly.

And possibly not.

Yes, child abuse in the UK is very real. Yes, the list of abusers no doubt includes some celebrated names. But the Elm House accusations now look "dodgy" (to use a Britishism), and the subculture which trumpets these charges has become really, really creepy. As I learned more about the UK pedophilia scandal, I became alarmed by the antics of that country's conspiracy community. Yes, my fellow Americans, the Brits have developed their own paranoid legions -- and they can be every bit as weird and disturbing as any conclave of bucktoothed Alex Jones addicts in Alabama.

In a previous post, we took a look at a video from the UK which bears the quaint title "Papa Kills Babies." You Tube keeps removing this presentation, yet it keeps popping up. Before clicking on the "play" button, I was disposed to take this presentation seriously -- but its fraudulent nature became apparent the moment the kids began to crib lines from Dune: "Fear is the mind-killer!"

Despite this probable hoax, a growing number of people in the UK believe that the elitists who run the country not only sexually abuse children, they murder them -- all in the name of His Satanic Majesty. The proponents of this view have found a home: David Icke's website.

In case you don't know, David Icke is the former sportscaster who went mad in the early 1990s, when he warned his countrymen that Queen Elizabeth is a lizard from outer space. (Or rather, she is descended from space lizards. I don't want to be accused of hyperbole.)

A group of David Icke-ians produced the charming video embedded below, titled Was Jimmy Saville a Wizard? Saville, of course, was the late British television personality who turned out to be a genuine abuser of the underaged. Icke's followers argue that Saville was not just a pervert but an extremely powerful black magician, born to that status by virtue of being a seventh son.

I strongly urge you to watch this presentation. You will seldom see a more intoxicating mixture of truths, half-truths, anti-truths, conclusion-hopping, and speculation-presented-as-fact.

The video "proves" that the Beatles (who had a professional relationship with Saville) were also black magicians. You can probably guess the chief piece of evidence: "The Sergeant Pepper album includes an image of Aleister Crowley on the cover! AIEEEEE!!!!"

Well. That settles that.

In the end, the Icke-sters cannot demonstrate that Jimmy Saville ever participated in any occult rituals. Evil he may have been, but I doubt that the man ever performed an Enochian call or could have told you who Paracelsus was. Given the anything-goes attitudes of the 1960s and 1970s, I have to ask: If Saville really did fancy himself a mage, why wouldn't he have done so openly, as Alan Moore does?

A brief occult digression: I delved into the history of occultism when this country experienced the Satanic Panic of the 1990s. Crowley, Waite, Spare, Mathers, Agrippa -- I've read 'em all, or at least skimmed 'em all. At no point did I ever encounter any published hint that ceremonial magicians of the western tradition have used children in sexual rituals. No text known to me makes even a guarded or disguised reference to such rites.

(Believe me, someone would have written down something. Despite their reputation for secrecy, devotees of the arcane arts are usually pretty blabby. That whole subculture runs on gossip.)

Moreover, we have no evidence of such practices from any former occultists. Many of Aleister Crowley's associates turned against him -- the examples of Victor Neuberg, Leah Hirsig, J.C. Fuller and John Symonds come to mind. Yet none of them ever said anything about abusive rituals involving children.

(I suspect that some of you will now say: "Obviously, those people stayed silent because they were threatened!" First: Anyone who makes that claim obviously knows nothing about the individuals I just mentioned; Symonds, for example, became Crowley's most hostile biographer. Second: A non-falsifiable argument is no argument at all.)

They're as bad as we are. Here in America -- where Fox News and Alex Jones broadcast nonstop conspira-noia -- we like to think, or hope, that sanity still reigns in the British isles. Alas, many in the UK have caught the American disease. The primary agent of infection is David Icke, the lizard-spotter who makes Alex Jones look level-headed.

One of the more interesting denizens of the UK's paranoid underground is a fellow named Thomas Sheridan, whom I first encountered here. He thinks that Peter Sutcliffe, the infamous Yorkshire Ripper, had a partner in murder: None other than Jimmy Saville.

Well...maybe. But where's the evidence? (I don't consider this -- suggestive as it is -- to be sufficient evidence, especially given the size of the claim.)

Fascinatingly, Sheridan himself has begun to denounce the madness of the UK's fringe subculture -- a subculture defined by its love for non-falsifiable argumentation, a subculture in which anyone who asks for a higher standard of evidence is automatically dismissed as part of the conspiracy. I rather enjoyed Sheridan's critique -- or mockery -- of the UK "truth" movement, here and here: Although he refers to people and events unfamiliar to most Americans, the psychology he describes should be very recognizable.

(You'll love the way Sheridan imitates his country's devil-hunters: "Satanic pee-dophiles! Satanic pee-dophiles!")

Although I question many claims that Sheridan might consider self-evident, listening to him has taught me much -- and left me feeling rather depressed. Learning the truth about "Nick" was also educational and sad.

Let's stop hallucinating that folks are more reasonable across the pond. As it turns out, the Brits are just as dumb as we are. God help the English-speaking world!


Stephen Morgan said...

I'm pretty sure that documentary is a joke.

I'm afraid I must accuse you of hyperbole. They're not space lizards, they are lizards from the lower fourth dimension. So says Icke.

Also, it's a seventh son of a seventh son, the traditional way in which one gains some sort of supernatural quality, sometimes saintliness, sometimes lycanthropy.

Also, Icke was not just a "sportscaster", he was the goalkeeper for Coventry City long before he became a snooker commentator and Green Party spokeman, and more recently reptoid hunter.

Also, there's hardly anything distinctive about those paedophile rumours. In your country you have the Franklin cover-up business, in Portugal Casa Pio, in Belgium a never-ending series of increasingly bizarre scandals, and in France much the same.

ben said...

22min in, I've had enough. Nothing that can't be explained by an abundance of ego. Most of humanity is so gullible, you can convince them of anything, if you believe it enough, and Jimmy did. No mystery here, attitude matters.

Stephen Morgan said...

Rewatched the documentary, which I've seen before. Very entertaining. The bit where they say the Sunday Sport is the only paper in the land with the guts to print the real stories, over a picture of a headline saying "statue of Elvis found on Mars", that's the giveaway. Joke. Satire. Wind-up. That and the silly Jimmy Saville voice. Very good comedy, but definitely not serious.

Propertius said...

At no point did I ever encounter any published hint that ceremonial magicians of the western tradition have used children in sexual rituals. No text known to me makes even a guarded or disguised reference to such rites.

Well,except for Crowley's famous assertion in Magick in Theory and Practice that he made a point of sacrificing "a male child of perfect innocence" at least 150 times/year. One assumes he did so even more often in adolescence. ;-)

Joseph Cannon said...

I know that Propertius is on the gag, but I should spell things out for those who so not share my interest in Crowliana, and who may get the wrong idea. That "male child" business was a reference to the spilling of seed during masturbation. Crowley often used "sacrifice" as a euphemism for sex.

Anonymous said...

An interesting post, Mr. C.

“Let's stop hallucinating that folks are more reasonable across the pond. As it turns out, the Brits are just as dumb as we are. God help the English-speaking world! “

Charles MacKay wrote a book in 1852, freely available: Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions

His book contains some interesting sections, such as:


Early modes of wearing the hair and beard--Excommunication and outlawry decreed against curls—Louis VII.'s submission thereto the cause of the long wars between England and France--Charles V. of Spain and his courtiers--Peter the Great--His tax upon beards--Revival of beards and moustaches after the French Revolution of 1830--The King of Bavaria (1838) orders all civilians wearing moustaches to be arrested and shaved--Examples from Bayeux tapestry

Another interesting read is this book also freely available:

The Private Diary of John Dee (Starting at year 1554) {John Dee (13 July 1527 – 1608 or 1609) … adviser to Queen Elizabeth I. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination and Hermetic philosophy.}

The Private Diary of John Dee

I have identified the following pages for a quick reference rather than expect someone to go through a lot of mundane and boring details chronicled in his diary:

Page 11 (year 1581), page 12 (Aug 1581), page 25 (1587 and 1588), page 35 (1590) and page 36 (1590) “ Mrs. Stackden was by. Sept. 29th, Nurse Anne Frank most miserably did cut her owne throte, afternone abowt four of the clok, pretending to be in prayer...”


As the old saying goes: “There’s nothing new under the sun.” Just different times, places and people from all walks of life.

Most people today, would never do what John Dee did, and that was to chronicle and publish his experiences with demonic (satanic) forces. I suspect that if David Icke were alive at the time John Dee was in his neighborhood, Icke would not be inclined to spend a night under John Dee’s roof, less a real demonic force stared him straight in the eye and not an imaginary shape-shifting reptile! ;) j