Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Trump: Schlong, farewell, auf wiedersehen and goodnight

If you ask me, Hillary did get "schlonged" in 2008, although I would not use that word. ThinkProgress believes that this phrasing indicates a sexist attack on Hillary. No: It is, in fact, a racist insult direct against Barack Obama.

I did not like what the Obama campaign did in 2008. In fact, I derided the tactics of Obama's supporters on a daily basis. But no matter how passionately I felt, I always understood that referring to a black man as a rapist was out of bounds. Yes, it is just a metaphor, but some metaphors are best avoided.

Trump went on to say that Hillary Clinton's performance during the last debate was not presidential. Anyone who believes that Trumpish terminology is presidential must be the kind of person who thinks with his schlong.

Of course, none of this piffle will matter in the schlong run. Here's what does matter:
An Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan

Leonard E. Burman, Jim Nunns, Jeff Rohaly, Joseph Rosenberg

This paper analyzes presidential candidate Donald Trump’s tax proposal. His plan would significantly reduce marginal tax rates on individuals and businesses, increase standard deduction amounts to nearly four times current levels, and curtail many tax expenditures. His proposal would cut taxes at all income levels, although the largest benefits, in dollar and percentage terms, would go to the highest-income households. The plan would reduce federal revenues by $9.5 trillion over its first decade before accounting for added interest costs or considering macroeconomic feedback effects. The plan would improve incentives to work, save, and invest. However, unless it is accompanied by very large spending cuts, it could increase the national debt by nearly 80 percent of gross domestic product by 2036, offsetting some or all of the incentive effects of the tax cuts.


Anonymous said...

Trump's tax plan reduces the tax rate on corporations to the lowest of any nation in the world, which would lead to increased tax revenue.

Joseph Cannon said...

Bullshit. We already have one of the lowest EFFECTIVE (de facto, not de jure) effective tax rates in the world, as I outlined in one of my Romney-Obama videos back in 2012. Our overall revenue was higher when our effective tax corporate tax rate was higher.

The idea that lower taxes equals higher revenue is one of those standard bits of magical Republican thinking that I first heard, and laughed at, years before you were born, kid. This claim has been disproved many, many times. It is true only when tax rates reach truly confiscatory levels, as in the late Eisenhower era. We are nowhere near that.

Bob Harrison said...

I wish I could recall the details of the mystic meeting between Prescott Bush et. al. and FDR wherein they were complaining about a 90% (if I remember right) tax rate. FDR shut them down by explaining the old Willie Sutton to them--- you gotta get it from who's got it and if we lose the war, the tax rate will be 100%. But hell, you can't trickle that voodoo econ out of some people's brains even with a 9-ought drainage implant.

jo6pac said...

The truly sad thing is the dog and phony show runs on

Anonymous said...

When did you become so belligerent and abrasive, Joseph? What happened to the writer who found Obamabots so insufferably vulgar and ill-mannered? Shoe on the other foot now that you're hoping against hope for a Hillary presidency?

When will Hillary start calling for tariffs on Chinese goods by the way?

Joseph Cannon said...

So...what? I have a lot of Trump fans coming here now? How did THAT happen?

Anonymous said...

I remember in 2008 Sara Silverman was calling for young black men to gang rape Hillary into submission. Not a word from Obama's front then

Alessandro Machi said...

The Republicans don't understand Hillary Clinton supporters and both in 2012 and now in 2015 they are screwing up when they talk about Hillary Clinton.