Monday, July 15, 2013

Burglaries attributed to Bachmann aide -- updated

While everyone else remained focused on Zimmerman/Martin, a small, strange article popped up...
The U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) announced Monday it arrested a legislative director for Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) in connection with a string of burglaries at the Rayburn House Office Building.

Police charged Javier Sanchez, 37, with Theft II.
Bachmann's people are saying only that Sanchez was let go on the 12th. We are not told why. The thefts (plural) were not motivated by money, it seems: Politico reports that the value of the stolen items comes to less than $1000.

I may be wrong, but my gut tells me that Sanchez is a "burglar" only in the same sense that newspapers used that term to describe the Watergate burglars.

Sanchez has worked for Bachmann only since January of this year. Previously, Sanchez -- a retired Marine -- worked for North Carolina representative Virginia Foxx as the Military Legislative Assistant. He sounds like a serious guy -- not the sort likely to filch the towels.

Update (morning after): Or maybe he's not such a serious guy. Turns out he's accused (based on video evidence) of sneaking small amounts of money out of various petty cash drawers.

Damn. I thought this would be more of a story.

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